No.9 What Are the Important Factors Promoting Connection to Municipal Water Supplies? People’s Preferences for Water Services in Dagon South Township, Yangon City, Myanmar, Assessed Using a Randomized Conjoint Experiment
Yangon City, the largest city in Myanmar, does not have enough municipal water services so many people have to make do with their own water sources including private wells. To remedy this situation, Yangon City proposes to expand the existing municipal water services to people who do not currently have connection to them. This research project examines the preferences relating to the new policy scenario for municipal water services and seeks to identify the factors that will attract consumers to connect to these services and move away from their own water sources. This is carried out using a randomized conjoint experiment in the Dagon South Township area of Yangon City. This township has the second largest population in Yangon City. Our results show that reductions in connection fees and improvements in water quality largely increase people’s acceptance of new policies, while better wastewater treatment has little impact. The results also imply that people are satisfied with the present water sources to some extent but show the necessity for further measures to promote connection. In addition, we found significant differences in peoples’preferences when considering their level of education, whether or not they live in a block with partial municipal water services, and their gender. These results show the necessity to communicate with people considering the above situation and take effective measures to promote their connection to municipal water services in the future. At the same time, the sustainability of water services should be considered, including increases in water tariffs, since people may accept improved but more costly water services.
Keywords: Urban water supplies, randomized conjoint experiment, Myanmar.