No.7 Understanding the Progress of Bangladesh

  • #Policy Notes

Despite its start as one of the poorest countries in the world, Bangladesh has been observing a continuously strong economic growth and social improvement. JICA Ogata RI research project “Empirical Study on the Risk and Poverty in Bangladesh” investigated key factors of its impressive socio-economic development. A few country specific driving forces, such as non-farm industries, especially ready-made garment (RMG), microfinance institutions (MFIs), and the development of infrastructures, can be considered to have constituted the mechanism of progress of Bangladesh. Understanding why these changes happened may give useful insights for sustaining its great progress in Bangladesh, and for replicating it in other countries.

YAMADA Eiji, Yasuo Fujita
Date of issuance
March 2021
Number of pages
6 page
Related areas
  • #Asia
  • #Poverty Reduction
Research area
Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction
Research project