Asia (ASEAN)/Pacific

J-SEAM (Japan-Southeast Asian Meeting for South-South Cooperation)


JICA has provided support to the formulation of need-oriented South-South cooperation in the ASEAN region through the JICA-ASEAN Regional Cooperation Meeting (JARCOM). In 2009, JARCOM was redirected to a new mechanism, the Japan-Southeast Asian Meeting for South-South Cooperation or J-SEAM, whose purposes include the formulation and implementation of well-prepared South-South technical cooperation, South-South cooperation quality improvement, and the maintenance and enhancement of the network between JICA and member agencies in Southeast Asian countries. J-SEAM also attaches more importance to the development of policies and planning in member countries as well as JICA's cooperation priorities for each country.

JICA Cooperation

Under the J-SEAM scheme, JICA promotes the formulation of South-South cooperation projects such as Third-Country Training and Third-Country Expert over its yearly cycle. Activities include their Annual Meeting for discussion on needs and needs-resource matching among member countries, Project Formulation Activities (fact-finding missions, study missions, workshops and seminars) and quarterly monitoring of project formulation activities.


  • JARCOM (JICA-ASEAN Regional Cooperation Meeting)


Annual Meeting in 2009
