Public Finance and Financial Systems

We support the proper management of public finance, monetary and financial sector policies, and customs administrations to stabilize economies in developing countries and promote growth.
To develop policies and systems related to public finance and financial services, and to foster human resources to carry out such policies and systems, in order to build a society in which the lives of the people are stable and improved, and resources are allocated efficiently. In addition, trade facilitation and expansion of connectivity will be promoted through the improvement of customs administration.
JICA focuses on the following two areas as clusters.
In addition, JICA supports projects on proper management of monetary policies and development of the financial system.
JICA supports partner countries to strengthen the national fiscal foundation at both revenue and expenditure sides. For revenue side, JICA supports improvement of capacity of tax administration. For expenditure side, JICA supports public investment management to ensure consistency between budget and development plans to maximize the impact of limited resources. In addition, JICA provides advice on debt management.
JICA supports partner countries to modernize customs' three functions of trade facilitation, proper revenue collection, and border control, thereby contributing to regional connectivity and sound development of regional economy. In Africa, JICA has also promoted the development of One-Stop Border Posts (OSBP) for smooth implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AFCFTA).