A History of Japan’s International Cooperation in Education: Principles, Policies, and Practices Crossing Borders (Reconsidering the History of Japan’s Development Cooperation Series, Vol. 4)

  • #Books and Reports

Education in modern times has been provided in the form of national education by nation-states. How, then, can international education cooperation practiced by nation-states—which transcends national borders—be situated within the history of global educational development, in contrast to national education?

In order to elucidate on that matter, the author examines what international education cooperation is, what purposes it has served up to this point, and what values and principles it has pursued, using the historical development of international education cooperation in Japan as the object of study.

Part I of the book tracks the development and history of international education cooperation and the global governance of education which surrounds it, with a focus on three approaches: peace, development, and human rights/equity. In Part II, the author reviews the historical development of Japan's principles and policy of international education cooperation, period by period, from the late Meiji era (around 1890-1900) up until the present. Furthermore, the final chapter provides a cross-sectional analysis of the historical development of Japan's international education cooperation—situated in a global context—which examines the significance and value of peace, development, and human rights/equity, as presented in Part I, from the international community perspective.

Finally, as the global governance of education progresses, the author discusses the direction that Japan's international education cooperation should take going forward. The book concludes that Japan should contribute to the global governance of education, offering new educational ideas and perspectives in line with the needs of the international community and constructing global and regional platforms for education cooperation and collaboration, as well as presenting Japanese and Asian educational experiences, to the world as “international public goods.”

This is the fourth volume of the seven-volume series, “Nihon no Kaihatsukyoryokushi wo Toinaosu (Reconsidering the History of Japan's Development Cooperation),” which is published in Japanese as one of the deliverables of “Japan's Development Cooperation: A Historical Perspective,” a research project by JICA Ogata Research Institute.

Date of issuance
March 2023
University of Tokyo Press
Number of pages
288 page
  • #Japan's Development Cooperation
Research area
Development Cooperation Strategies
Research project