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Assistance Schemes

Development Study (Including Local Development Study)

(1) Program Description

The Development Study in the Philippines primarily comes in the form of the Master Plan Study (M/P), Feasibility Study (F/S), and Detailed Design Study (D/D). Under this program, JICA dispatches study teams to assist in the formulation of development plans in the public sector.

Study findings are compiled in a report and are presented to the Philippine Government. These reports are used as basic reference in the formulation of government policies and in the evaluation of the worthiness of such projects for capital funding. However, JICA does not guarantee that the Japanese Government could fund the capital or investment requirement identified in the M/P or F/S.

(2) Duration

Duration of the study: 1 to 2 years from preparation to submission of final reports.

(3) Magnitude of Assistance

The study team, composed of consultants under contract with JICA, conducts the study from the technical and financial viewpoints, in consideration of economic and social factors, organization and management, environmental impact, and other aspects.

(4) Additional Information

In addition to the conventional type of Development Study such as plans for infrastructure development, requests for "soft-type" Development Study, including planning for institutional building and policy advice, are also encouraged.

The conduct of the Feasibility Study / Master Plan should involve the transfer of technology in "areas outside the capacity of the Philippine Government". Thus, development studies similar to those undertaken in the past will be accorded relatively low priority.

Furthermore, the future utilization of the results of the development study should be given utmost consideration. Development Studies should be taken as pre-investment undertaking.

For locally based projects, beneficiaries and authorities in the area should be informed regarding the activity. It is also imperative that the proponent seeks endorsement from the Regional as well as the Provincial Development Councils.


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