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40th years anniversary JICA Volunteer Program in Thailand - Sharing for the best and Growing Together -

Greeting from Director General, Secretariat of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)


Towards the 40th anniversary of JICA Overseas Cooperation Volunteers in Thailand

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic around the world, all JICA volunteers were requested to return to Japan from March to April 2020, and subsequently it became difficult for those members to return to their assigned countries. As for Thailand, JICA volunteers have finally been able to start returning to Thailand and continue their activities from the end of 2020. However, even under these circumstances, JICA volunteer programs in all recipient countries are continuing their operations and reaching the 25th, 30th, and 40th anniversaries of the dispatch of their program volunteers. As one of such countries, in July 2021, the JICA volunteer program in Thailand will mark the 40th anniversary of the dispatch of volunteers.

On July 28th, 1981, the first volunteer was dispatched to Hat Yai Technical College as a volunteer in the field of electronic instruments. Up until now, 1,077 volunteers have been dispatched to Thailand in these past 40 years. Among those volunteers, some of them continue working for a school as a science teacher after finishing the volunteer program, while some who are volunteers in the field of tourism are continuing to develop products that connect Thai and Japanese traditional culture via online activities even after returning to Japan. As well as, some members are continuing other activities to serve as a bridge between Thailand and Japan. In particular, those members who worked in the human trafficking protection shelter program have been sharing their experiences in Thailand with many people, for instance, by conducting special sessions about human trafficking issues in Thailand for many students in Japanese schools. As a result, people have become interested in international issues and international cooperation. I believe that these experiences with, and memories of, people in Thailand have produced many life stories for both Japanese volunteers and Thai people which will enhance their fruitful future life.

Under the difficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic and also after this situation is resolved, the importance of connections between people remains unchanged. I hope the JICA volunteer program, which has sent out many wonderful people to Thailand, will be loved by everyone and create wonderful stories for both Thailand and Japan that will encourage further friendship between our two countries.

Director General,
Secretariat of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers
Japan International Cooperation Agency


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