Signing of Japanese ODA Loan Agreement with Jordan: Contributing to a sustainable and stable power supply and improvement of the country’s financial situation through budget support

[Goal 7] Affordable and Clean Energy
[Goal 13] Climate Action


On September 5, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a loan agreement with the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Amman to provide a Japanese ODA loan of up to 15,000 million yen for the Electricity Sector Reform and Resilience Enhancement Program Loan (Phase 2).

This loan aims to promote renewable energy and strengthen energy resilience—meaning a strong and sustainable capacity for energy supply—in Jordan by providing the government with financial assistance that will be used to support reforms in the country’s energy sector. The loan will thereby contribute to the realization of a sustainable and stable electricity supply and to the improvement of Jordan’s financial situation.

signing ceremony

signing ceremony

Co-financed by the World Bank’s “Electricity Sector Efficiency and Supply Reliability Program-for-Results" (loan amount: US$250 million)—which links expenditures directly to clear results—to promote the country's electricity sector reform program, this loan will also contribute to the achievement of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Goals 7 (Affordable and clean energy) and 13 (Climate action).

Details for the loan are provided below.

1. Terms and Amount of Loan

Project title Amount
(million yen)
Annual interest rate (%) Repayment
Project Consulting
the Electricity Sector Reform and Resilience Enhancement Program Loan (Phase 2) 15,000 1.75 - 20 6 General untied

2. Executing Agency

Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation
Address: 3rd Circle, Tawfiq Abu Al Huda St, Building No.4, P.O.Box 555, Amman, 11118, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

3. Planned Implementation Schedule

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