Signing of Grant Agreement with Palau:strengthening the bridge and stabilize transportation capacity by re-constructing the Minato Bridge
On August 19, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a grant agreement with the Government of Palau in Koror, to provide grant aid for the Project for the Reconstruction of Minato Bridge.
Outlines on the project are provided as below.
Signing ceremony
Project Title
The Project for the Reconstruction of Minato Bridge
Country (Target Areas)
The Republic of Palau (Between Koror island and Malakal island)
Project Objective
The objective of the Project is to strengthen the bridge and stabilize transportation capacity, by re-constructing the Minato Bridge, thereby contributing to strengthening Palau's industrial base and connectivity.
Specific Project Details
(a) re-construction of Minato Bridge
(b) consulting services
Maximum Grant Amount
2,793 million Japanese Yen
Implementation Period
45 Months(including detailed design work and procurement)
Executing Agency
Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Industries, Bureau of Public Works(BPW)
Contribution to SDGs
Goal 8 (Decent work and economic growth)
Goal 9(Industry, innovation and infrastructure)