- Special Feature - JICA's Climate Actions: For the Future of the Planet
- Cooling a Megacity: Bangkok
- Stop the Land Subsidence!
- Harnessing the Power of the Westerlies
- A Sampling of JICA's Climate Actions - [India] Metro System Contributing to CO2 Emission Reduction
- A Sampling of JICA's Climate Actions - [Costa Rica] Developing Clean Energy
- A Sampling of JICA's Climate Actions - [Republic of South Africa] Protecting People from Infectious Disease
Climate Actions: For the Future of the Planet
- Special Feature - JICA's Climate Actions: For the Future of the Planet (PDF/3.18MB)
- Cooling a Megacity: Bangkok (PDF/4.08MB)
- Stop the Land Subsidence! (PDF/2.90MB)
- Harnessing the Power of the Westerlies (PDF/2.79MB)
- A Sampling of JICA’s Climate Actions (PDF/3.64MB)
- Trends (PDF/2.37MB)
- Voices from the Field (PDF/2.43MB)