Recruitment of Part-time Research Assistant (Research of Politics and Governance Cluster)

Number of positions

1 (one)

Job type

Research Assistant

Content of work

Through policy-oriented academic research, JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development (JICA Ogata Research Institute) intends to enhance the effectiveness of development cooperation in developing countries and contribute to formulation of the international development cooperation trend. Applicants to this post are expected to contribute to the promotion of JICA Ogata Research Institute research projects in collaboration with other researchers and practitioners.

About Us
Research Project | The New Dynamics of Peace and Development in the Indo-Pacific: How Countries in the Region Proactively Interact with China

Research Assistant is expected to conduct the following activities under the research projects "The New Dynamics of Peace and Development in the Indo-Pacific: How Countries in the Region Proactively Interact with China”;
1. Assist researchers in collecting relevant data, conducting extensive literature review, indexing and contributing to writing outputs relevant to the implementation of the research project.
2. Assist in copyediting research outputs (journal articles, books, working papers, policy notes, etc.).
3. Develop data visualization documents for the dissemination of research findings (flyers, brochures, research reports, web articles, social networks, etc.).
4. Take notes and minutes during interviews, meetings, workshops, etc. if required.
5. Support coordinating and providing logistical assistance to implement international workshops, meetings, and conferences related to the research.
6. Support correspondence with internal and external researchers and resource persons as delegated by the lead researchers.
7. Assist in a series of preparations and operations related to the formation of a successor to this project.
8. Assist with other research projects as required

Work status

In principle 3 days in a week
(There will be some flexibility in the number of working days and working hours per week depending on the applicant's schedule. )
Working hour at the Institute: 9:30-17:45 including 45minutes lunch break.
※As remote work is permitted, the modality of work will be discussed once recruited. During the
contract period, attendance at office may be required depending on the situation.

Location/ Address

JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development (Tokyo), and other places.
10-5, Ichigaya Honmura-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8433, JAPAN


Required qualifications include:
(1) Master's degree (or equivalent degree including work experience) in International Relations or related areas.
(2) Has relevant research background in the field of International Relations, Political Science, Law, Public Administration, and Area Studies.
(3) English language skills sufficient to successfully complete the tasks mentioned above (TOEIC score of 800 or above, TOEFL (PBT) score of 574 or above, TOEFL (CBT) score of 230 or above, TOEFL (iBT) score of 89 or above, or equivalent).
(4) This position is open to all nationalities. Applicants of foreign nationalities are required to have appropriate visa/permission to work in Japan.


1. Position: Part-time Research Assistant
2. Contract Period: 01/July/2024~31/March/2025(tentative)
※The contract can be extended if both parties agree.
3. Remuneration: To be determined based on the research assistant's qualifications and in accordance with provisions of JICA.
4. Commuting expenses: To be paid.
5. Social Insurance: None.

Deadline for applications

Noon on May 13, 2024

Starting date

July 1, 2024
Please indicate in your e-mail when you send the application documents if it is difficult to start the contract from July 1, 2024.

Application materials

1. CV
※Please use the attached CV format (include photo) and provide contact information of two referees.
※Please submit language certificate, if available. Otherwise, indicate a self-evaluation of your language skill in the CV.

2. Reason for Applying to the Position (including relations to your academic activities)
3. Photocopy of Degree Certificate(s) and Academic Transcript(s)

【How to Send】
Application documents must be sent by e-mail to
※Please indicate in the e-mail subject line: “Application for RA (Politics and Governance Cluster)”. Make sure to put your name and application document number in all your attached files.
※Please note that we cannot receive e-mail attachements exceeding 5MB. If application documents exceed 5MB, please send them in several e-mails. If a single file exceeds 5MB, please contact us.
※Please note that we cannot receive applications in compressed file format (ZIP, LHA, CAB, TGZ, TAR and ARA etc.)

※We can also accept the application documents via PARTNER system.

※Application Deadline: 13/May/2024 noon

※Application documents will not be returned.
※All personal information submitted will be used solely for the purpose of selection and contract administration.
※Please contact us if you DO NOT receive confirmation message from us within 2 working days after you submit your application by e-mail.

Selection process

・Result of the first selection will be informed by e-mail.
・The second selection (interview) will be held on the dates and times listed below. Please be sure to clearly indicate in your application email the multiple dates and times you would like to be interviewed. Applicants who passed the first selection will be notified of the designated interview date and time by e-mail notification of the results of the first selection.
1. 4/June/2024 10:00a.m.~12:30 noon
2. 4/June/2024 1:30 p.m.~4:30p.m
3. 5/June/2024 10:00a.m.~12:30 noon
※We cannot respond to inquiries about selection results.
※Other inquiries can be accepted at We cannot respond to inquiries via phone.

Where to make contact

JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development, Administration Division
10-5, Ichigaya Honmura-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8433, JAPAN