Educational Background

University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Ph.D.
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Interdisciplinary of Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Master of Engineering

Career Background

JICA Ogata Research Institute of Peace and Development, Senior Research Fellow
The Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Game Delivery Office, Senior Director
World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, Education Consultant/Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, Independent Researcher
National Institution for Academic Degree and University Evaluation, International Relationship Unit, Visiting Associate Professor
National Institution for Academic Degree and University Evaluation, International Relationship Unit, Visiting Associate Professor(Assistant Professor, Associate Professor)
Bunka Women University, Department of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Lecturer
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institution, Department of Health Physics, Post-Doctoral Fellow
Stanford University, Department of Psychology, Visiting Researcher

Major Publications

Paper in English

Kiyoko Saito, Tomohiro Uozumi (2024) Determinants of Regional Patterns in International Labor Migration from Indonesia, Full Paper of the International Political Economy of Labor Migration Conference

Makiko Komasawa, Miho Sato, Robert Ssekitoleko, Peter Waiswa, Sheba Gitta, Josephine Nabugoomu, Sumihisa Honda, Kiyoko Saito, Myo Nyein Aung,(2024) Study protocol for a type-II hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial to reach teenagers using mobile money shops to reduce unintended pregnancies in Uganda, BMJ Open 14(4)

Kiyoko Saito, Makiko Komasawa, Myo Nyein Aung, Robert ssekitoleko (2023) Enhancing community health system resilience: Lessons learnt during the COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda through the qualitative inquiry of the COVID Task Force, Frointiers in Public Health.

Makiko Komasawa, Myo Nyein Aung, Kiyoko Saito, Christopher Nsereko, Motoyuki Yuasa, Jessica Natntume, Shrestha Chandani (2023) Impact of hospital closure on patients with communicable and non-communicable diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda: A cross-sectional and mixed-methods study, Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, Dove Medical Press.

Kiyoko Saito, Makiko Komasawa, Myo Nyein Aung, Ei Thinzar Khin(2022) COVID-19 Vaccination Willingness in Four Asian Countries: A Comparative Study Including Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam,Journal of international environmental research and public health.

Makiko Komasawa, Myo Nyein Aung, Kiyoko Saito, Mitsuo Isono, Go Tanaka, Saeda Makimoto (2021) Overcoming Current and Preventing Future Nosocomial Outbreaks During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned at Three Hospitals in Japan,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(9) 1-21.

Kiyoko Saito & SoungHee Kim (2019) Internationalization of Higher Education in Japan: Effective Organization for a Sustainable Internationally Cooperative Higher Education Program, Hihger Learning Research Communications, 9(1), 47-63.

Kiyoko Saito (2018) Expert Qualification in Japan: The Role of Higher Education, International Journal of Higher Education, 7(3), 183-208

SoungHee Kim & Kiyoko Saito (2018) Development and Verifying a Checklist for Internal Quality Assurance of International Collaborative Programs in Asia, Full Paper of APQN Conference 2017.

Kiyoko Saito (2017) The Maturity Level of Quality Assurance for Cross Border Higher Education in Japan, Full Proceedings of CIES 2017.

Kiyoko Saito (2016) A New Role of Accreditation, Full Proceedings of International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics 2016.

Kiyoko Saito & Ayaka Noda, (2011) A Paradigm of Quality Assurance, Full Proceedings of INQAAHE Conference 2011.

Kiyoko Saito (2006) Impact of QA to the senior high school students, Proceedings of INQAAHE Conference

Kiyoko Saito, Shohei Kato (2000) A mode of Risk Perception, Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, 1-7

Kiyoko Saito, David E.Rummelhart, Kazuo Shigemasu (1998) Decision Making Under Time Pressure, Full Proceedings of Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 911-916


Japanese Psychological Association, Japan Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Society for Risk Analysis, Japan.


2009-2010 Architectural Institute of Japan, SRG subcommittee member
2010 Japan Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Head of Preparatory committee
2010-2014 Japan Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Councilor
2015 JAERI Project: Community Communication system for Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami, Advisor
2010-2016 Tokyo Metropolitan School Personnel In-Service Training Center, Advisory Board member
2021- The Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Advisor