Educational Background
M.A. in Peace Studies, Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, December 2013
B.A. in International Studies, Faculty of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University, March 2012
Career Background
Research Fellow, JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development
Research Officer, JICA Research Institute (current JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development)
Deputy Secretary General, Japan NGO Network for Education
International Emergency / Planning and Research officer, Shanti Volunteer Association
Research and Advocacy Assistant, Japan NGO Centre for International Cooperation
Staff, International Peace Research Institute Meiji Gakuin University
Major Publications
Hata, T., and Takeuchi, K. (2024). “Protecting Forced Migrant Workers: A Case Study of Rescue Operations for Fishermen Trafficked from Thailand to Indonesia.” In Guadagno, L., and Robles, L. R., eds,. Forced Migration and Humanitarian Action: Operational Challenges and Solutions for Supporting People on the Move (1st ed.). Routledge. 2024. pp.129-150.
Guadagno、L., Robles, L, R., Schöfberger, I., Nooh, S., Bate, A., Herwanger, A., Neuschaefer, O., Yasukawa, L., Carandang, R, R, Z., Hata, T., Takeuchi, K., Goto-Spletzer, S., (2024). Guidance Note: Humanitarian Action for Different At-Risk Groups in Displacement. JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development.
Sugitani, K., Takeuchi, K., and Muto, A. (2024). “Human Security and Gender: Insights from the Conflict and Gender-Based Violence Research Project by JICA Ogata Research Institute,” in Human Security Today, JICA Ogata Research Institute, Vol.2, pp.120-135.
Muto, A., Sugitani, K., Takeuchi, K., and Oyama, N. (2022). “The History of Human Security Research with a Focus on the Work of the JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development,” in Human Security Today, JICA Ogata Research Institute, Vol.1, pp. 22-43.
Robles, L. R., Toya, C., and Takeuchi, K. (2021). “A Human Security Perspective on Information Access and Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Short Study Report”. JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development.
Peace Studies Association, Japan
International Humanitarian Studies Association
Japan Society for Humanitarian Action Studies
Certified Professional Evaluator (Japan Evaluation Society)
External Committee Member, Japan NGO Initiative for Safety and Security