- Japan and the Developing World: JICA-RI Holds an Open Symposium for the 60th Anniversary of Japan's ODA
- Investing in Education for Persons with Disabilities: JICARI Research Fellow Kamal Lamichhane Presents his Book on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities
- Improving Quality of Aid through Competition and Cooperation: JICA-RI Deputy Director Naohiro Kitano Delivers Speech at Seminar on China’s Foreign Aid
- Working Papers Released
- JICA-RI Researchers Participate in the Conference of the Asian Society of Agricultural Economics in Dhaka
- JICA-RI Deputy Director Naohiro Kitano participated in the North-East Asia Development Cooperation Forum
- The World Bank Lead Economist Assumes the Position of Visiting Scholar at JICA-RI
- Pursuing Human-Centered Development: A Video Interview with Dr. Surin Pitsuwan on His Visit to Pakistan
- Working Papers on Aid Strategies Released
- Interview with Director Ichiro Tambo
- JICA-RI Holds a Book Launch for Confronting Land and Property Problems for Peace
- Towards Good Governance and Effective Institutions:JICA-RI Director Delivers Speech at International Conference in South Korea
- What is the Future of Aid in the Post-2015 Era?
- JICA-RI Releases Working Paper on the Impact of Training in Rice Production
- Towards Post-2015 Agenda: JICA-RI Holds Workshop on Re-evaluating 60-years of Japan’s Foreign Aid
- Accurate and Disaggregated Disability Data and Statistics are Crucial for SDGs
- JICA-RI Deputy Director Attends Public Dialogue at the Global Launch of the 2014 Human Development Report
- What is the Most Effective Approach in Improving Child Nutrition?
- JICA-RI Hosts Parallel Sessions at the GDN Annual Conference
- An International Comparison of Overseas Volunteer Programs:Peace Corps, VSO and JOCV:JICA-RI Holds a Public Seminar
- JICA-RI Senior Research Fellow Contributes to a Report focused on "Best Practices for Achieving Green Growth"
- JICA-RI Releases Working Paper on the Interdependent Happiness in East Asia
- How to Tackle the Land and Property Issues: A Book “Confronting Land and Property Problems for Peace” Released
- A Book “Africa 2050” Launched at Side Event of the African Development Bank Annual Meeting
- Discussion on Monetary Policy in Cambodia: Historical Factors of Dollarization and Promotion of National Currency
- JICA-RI’s Report “Perspectives on the Post-2015 Development Agenda” Released
- JICA-RI Releases a Report on China’s Foreign Aid: Working Paper “Estimating China’s Foreign Aid 2001-2013”
- Pioneering “Triangular Cooperation”: JICA - RI Reports Filling the Knowledge Gap on Triangular Cooperation are Released
- UN University Rector David Malone Talks on International Development: Ideas, Experience, and Prospects
- Reaching the Last5% of Children out of School: JICA-RI Launches a Research Project Focused on Education for Children with Disabilities
- “Aid Fragmentation" is Discussed at Joint Workshop between JICA-RI and DIE
- Launch of a Book "Preventing Violent Conflict in Africa: Inequalities, Perceptions and Institutions" was Held in the US
- JICA-RI Representative Lectures Based on New Structural Economics at Peking University
- JICA-RI Releases Working Papers: its latest Research Results
- JICA - RI Director Attends Two Authors' Workshops in Washington, DC and Paris
- JICA-RI Researcher Gives a Speech on “Disability and Labor Markets in Developing Countries"
- JICA-RI Releases the Latest Research Results
- JICA-RI Researcher Releases a Working Paper Entitled“Ex-post Risk Management among Rural Filipino Farm Households”
- Former ASEAN Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan Assumes the Position of Distinguished Fellow of JICA-RI
- JICA and GRIPS Co-Host the Commemorative Forum of the 40th Year of ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation
- JICA-RI Co-Hosts a Seminar on World Bank’s Agricultural Project in Post-war Japan
- JICA-RI Holds a Public Seminar on the Determinants of the Behavioral Patterns of China’s Local Governments
- JICA-RI and the Asia Foundation Host a Joint Seminar on “Subnational Conflicts in Asia”
- Book Based on JICA-RI Project on Governance of Natural Resources is Released
- JICA Project “School for All” in Burkina-Faso is Introduced at Asian Meeting of Econometric Society
- JICA-RI Researchers Attend “Asian Approach to Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Resilience” Conference
- JICA-RI Hosts a Plenary Session at the Annual GDN Conference in the Philippines
- African Leaders Discuss Prospects and Challenges for African Development
- JICA-RI Representative Joins the Seminar on Getting to Scale at the Brookings Institution
- JICA-RI Deputy Director Attends Three Conferences in Beijing, China
- JICA-RI Researchers Give Presentations at the 2013 UNU-WIDER Development Conference
- JICA-RI Representatives Attend ADBI-TTCSP Asia Think Tank Summit
- JICA-RI Releases Four Reports on African Development towards TICAD V
- JICA-RI Representative Speaks at the World Economic Forum in Peru
- JICA-RI Deputy Director Speaks at International Development Seminar Held in Beijing
- Collaborative Work on Scaling Up between JICA-RI and Brookings Institution Released as a Book
- JICA-RI Held a Public Seminar on Economy in Myanmar and the Role of JICA
- JICA-RI Held a Seminar on "Industrial Policy towards African Development"
- A Publication from Brookings Institution and JICA-RI Working Papers Newly Released
- GDN Hosted Post-2015 MDG Consultatin in India
- JICA-RI and UNDP Held a Joint Consultation for the UNDP Human Development Report 2014
- Prof. Stiglitz-led IPD of Columbia University and JICA-RI Organized the Conference on the Future Development in Africa
- JICA-RI Launches Joint Research on “Quality of Growth” with IDS and AFD
- JICA-RI Hosted Three Special Seminars on Asian Donors’ Aid in Education, Capacity Development and Japanese ODA
- JICA-RI representative attended an International Workshop on Inclusive Growth in Seoul, Korea
- Working Paper No. 48 Released
- The World Bank and JICA Co-Hosted a Seminar at the IMF/WB Annual Meetings
- JICA-RI Hosted Two Special Seminars with Brookings Institution and European Union on October 4 and October 11.
- JICA-RI, the World Bank, and the University of Tokyo Rethink “Evaluation of Development Assistance”
- In-Depth Research on Economy in Myanmar Available in a Book
- Public Symposium Held to Introduce a New BookEthnic Diversity and Economic Instability in Africa
- JICA-RI Hosted Public Symposium on Preventing Violent Conflicts in Africa
- Working Papers on "Rationale for RegionalIntegration in East Africa," and "Impact Assessment of Infrastructure Project on Poverty Reduction" Released