The Quality of Growth in Africa
JICA Research Institute (JICA-RI) has been partnering with the Initiative for Policy Dialogue (IPD) at Columbia University on joint research projects since 2008 as part of efforts to expand its international research network and strengthen its voice.
Professor Joseph E. Stiglitz, president of IPD, noted that GDP alone is inadequate for understanding economic growth in Africa because countries sometimes show high GDP growth while actually suffering from greater domestic inequality. This led to JICA-RI's fourth joint project with IPD, "The Quality of Growth in Africa (IPD)," in 2016.
This book is the fourth book from joint research projects by JICA-RI and IPD, and was published in time for the Seventh Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD7). The book considers a range of interrelated concerns over “the quality of growth" in Africa, including the measurement of growth, issues around equity and well-being, and the structural transformation of the economy.
JICA-RI Senior Research Advisor Akio Hosono and Visiting Scholar Go Shimada contribute papers in Part III and Part IV of the book, respectively.
[Table of Contents]
Introduction. Quality of Growth in Africa: An Overview, by Ravi Kanbur, Akbar Noman, and Joseph E. Stiglitz
Part I. Gross Domestic Product, Equity, and Employment
1. Beyond GDP: Measuring the Quality of Growth in Africa, by Lorenzo Fioramonti
2. Recent African Growth Experience: Poverty, Equity, and Political Stability, by Andy McKay
3. The Quality of Jobs and Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa, by Moazam Mahmood
Part II. Structural Transformation for Quality Growth
4. New Global Rules, Policy Space, and Quality of Growth in Africa, by Antonio Andreoni, Ha-Joon Chang, and Isabel Estevez
5. What Should Africa Learn from East Asian Development?, by Jomo Kwame Sundaram
6. Economic Transformation for High-Quality Growth: Insights from International Cooperation, by Akio Hosono
Part III. Economic Transformation: Industrializing Agriculture, Complexity, and Global Value Chains
7. Oranges Are Not Only Fruit: The Industrialization of Freshness and the Quality of Growth, by Christopher Cramer and John Sender
8. Sub-Saharan Africa’s Manufacturing Sector: Building Complexity, by Haroon Bhorat, Ravi Kanbur, Christopher Rooney, and François Steenkamp
9. A Generalized Linkage Approach to Local Production Systems Development in the Era of Global Value Chains, with Special Reference to Africa, by Antonio Andreoni
10. (Re)shaping Markets for Inclusive Economic Activity: Competition and Industrial Policies Relating to Food Production in Southern Africa, by Simon Roberts
Part IV. Environment
11. Climate Change and the Quality of Growth in Africa, by Ben Orlove
12. Does Environmental Policy Make African Industry Less Competitive? The Possibilities in Green Industrial Policy, by Go Shimada
Part V. Urbanization
13. Urbanization and the Quality of Growth in Africa, by Takyiwaa Manuh and Edlam Abera Yemeru
14. Migrants, Towns, Poverty, and Jobs: Insights from Tanzania, by Luc Christiaensen, Joachim De Weerdt, Bert Ingelaere, and Ravi Kanbur
15. Distributing Benefits from Africa’s Urban Growth, by Gabriella Y. Carolini