Japan's Triangular Cooperation Mechanism: With a Focus on JICA's Activities

  • #Books and Reports

Japan's Triangular Cooperation Mechanism: With a Focus on JICA's Activities

“Triangular cooperation (TrC)” is attracting more global attention as one of the most promising approaches for development cooperation towards the realization of sustainable development. JICA, as a leading aid implementing agency in Japan, has been promoting this pioneering approach over the past 40 years.

This report focuses on JICA’s efforts. It outlines several key characteristics of patterns and operational mechanisms as well as the achievements of JICA’s TrC. TrC is positioned in one of the key aid approaches of the Japanese Government and JICA. Its implementation patterns range from the simple dissemination of knowledge among the limited communities and countries to more complex thematic networks for mutual learning among multiple stakeholders.

This paper, along with the one on a comparative study of TrC in major donors, was shared among the concerned parties including donors and the governments of developing countries during the first High-Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation held in Mexico in April 2014.

Shunichiro Honda
Date of issuance
April 2014
Number of pages
34 page
Research area
Development Cooperation Strategies