Strengthening Support of Teachers for Students to Improve Learning Outcomes in Mathematics: Empirical Evidence on a Structured Pedagogy Program in El Salvador

  • #Other Publications and Papers

The learning crisis in lower secondary education is profound. Evidence suggests that a structured pedagogy program that combines the distribution of teaching and learning materials with different interventions is an effective approach. Given a variety of possible combinations of interventions in a program, this study conducted a two-year-long experiment on additional interventions in a program for mathematics in El Salvador. The distribution of mathematics tests and workbooks were included to a program to strengthen support of teachers for students. The average one-year impact on mathematics learning is estimated at 0.17 standard deviations. The impact remained positive but became not statistically significant in the second year of research when the difference of interventions between the treatment and control groups disappeared.

Date of issuance
June 2022
International Journal of Educational Research
Number of pages
28 page
Related areas
  • #Latin America
  • #Education