Research Project (Ongoing)
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted at the United Nations (UN) in 2015. It sets out the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are 17 goals that all member states should aim to meet by 2030. These are accompanied by 169 targets and 231 indicators (excluding overlaps) to measure how far they have been achieved. However, with so many indicators, no member state has been able to submit data on all of them to the UN. According to the Sustainable Development Goals Report 2022, which is a progress report by the UN on how far the SDGs have been achieved, more than half of the 193 member states have been unable to produce internationally comparable data for as much as eight of the 17 goals since 2015. With the current indicator framework, the burden of data collection is significant for developing countries, which have especially limited administrative resources. This is causing a serious shortage of data, making appropriate progress monitoring of the SDGs and subsequent planning and implementation of measures based on it difficult. Furthermore, although the SDGs originally expect each member state to define its own set of local targets and indicators based on the situations it faces, its policies, and priority issues, efforts have been limited in reality.
Such being the case, to consider new international development goals beyond 2030—the year the SDGs are expected to be met by—an indicator framework that takes into consideration the balance between the following needs to be devised and put in place: demand for better understanding of the progress toward goal attainment at the global level and at the level of cross-country comparison; and the burdens and constraints of data management in each member state. In addition, it is anticipated that efforts to set and monitor goals catered to the situation of each member state are promoted while maintaining the big goal of meeting the development goals globally across all member states.
Therefore, in this research project, we will undertake the following:
1) Proposal of an indicator framework that includes a small set of global indicators based on the current SDG targets and indicators, which allows for comparison across countries in simpler ways and better understanding on the progress of the SDGs globally, and recommends countries to set their own targets and indicators.
2) A study that analyzes existing cases of SDG-indicator localization to identify the challenges member states are facing in setting local targets and indicators, which will be used to produce methodological guidelines that member states may refer to.
- Research area
- Global Environment
- Research period
- 2023.08.01 ~ 2027.03.31
- Chief
- SATO Ichiro、 ENDO Kei
- Researchers belonging to JICA Ogata Research Institute
- RIMBA Andi Besse