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Ex-post Evaluation

Middle East

1. Outline of the Project

  • Country: Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
  • Project title: Information Technology Upgrading Program (ITUP)
  • Issues/Sector: Information Technology
  • Cooperation scheme: Technical Cooperation Project
  • Section in charge:
  • Total cost: 3.618 billion yen
  • Period of Cooperation: Dec 1999 - Nov 2002
  • Partner Country's Related Organization(s) : Royal Scientific Society (RSS) / Information Technology Center (ITC)
  • Supporting Organization in Japan: International Information Cooperation Center
  • Related Cooperation: RSS / NIC / JCS / Keio University

1-1. Background of the Project

In 1991, RSS in cooperation with JICA established a regional training center at ITC to provide training courses in Senior Programming System Engineering using Mainframe systems for computer specialists in Jordan and the region. In August 1999, the RSS signed with JICA an agreement to start phase II of the project to execute the ITUP in order to convert the Mainframe into Client Server system, to enhance the capabilities of the computer personnel and to provide new long-term courses in IT. The ITUP aimed at conducting training courses in the field of Client Server System to Jordanian specialists in particular and to computer specialists from Arab countries at large, and providing technical services in the field of client server system.

1-2. Project Overview

ITUP is implemented by RSS/ITC in cooperation with JICA. JICA’s assistance included upgrading of technology transfer in the field of C/S System by the Japanese experts dispatched to Jordan, provision of equipment and machinery, and counterpart training in Japan.

1-3. Overall Goal

Assist in the development of IT in Jordan through a leading agency (ITC) to provide services that are promoted at public and private institutions in Jordan and the region. ITUP is an initiative that would trigger other activities aiming at development if qualified IT specialists and experts that satisfy market needs, and generate feasible employment opportunities in IT. This is a challenging goal that requires numerous interventions, based on a professional and capable organization such as ITC, which is supported by well-known and esteemed institution such as RSS.

1-4. Project Purpose

The purpose of the project is to upgrade the technical services provided by ITC in the field of C/S system in order to serve the IT needs of the Jordanian community and the region.

1-5. Outputs

1) Equipment, which are provided by JICA, are properly functioning and maintained.
2) Technical capability of the C/P and ITC personnel are developed.
3) Training programs in the field if C/S system are implemented, particularly long-term programs.
4) Software development services are upgraded qualitatively and quantitatively.

(4) Inputs (as of the Project’s termination)
Japanese side:
Long-term experts 3 persons
Short-term experts 19 persons
Trainees received8 persons
Equipment1.312 billion yen
Local cost5.724 million yen
Jordan's Side:
Counterpart 35 persons
Local Costs76.538 million yen

2. Evaluation Team

Members of Evaluation Team
Dajani Consulting:
Eng. Samer Ghannam
Eng. Nuha Al Habarneh
Period of evaluation
November 16, 2005 - February 9, 2006.
Type of Evaluation
Ex-Post Evaluation

3. Results of Evaluation

3-1. Summary of Evaluation Results

(1) Impact

The impact on the overall goal of the project was acceptable and adequate, due to promoting of ITC as a C/S long-term training programs provider in Jordan and the region. ITC conducted more than 30 long-term training programs in Jordan, with more than 340 participants. ITC conducted 4 long-term TCTPs, with 64 participants from different Arab countries. This impact was achieved during 2002 – 2005.

The project achieved the following positive impacts:

1. Socio-cultural aspects
ITUP contributed to the achievement numerous positive effects such as enhancing computer literacy through obtaining official authorization as a training institution for provision of International Computer Driving License (ICDL) certificate. ITC provided training and ICDL licenses for more than 400 participants from governmental and public institutions during 2001 – 2005. ITC established relations with more than 100 public institution and agency in Jordan during 2001 – 2005

2. Financial aspects
ITUP has a great effect on the financial situation of ITC, RSS, and beneficiaries. revenues of ITC covered expenses.

3. Technical aspects:
ITC has played a significant role in transferring the latest technologies to a wide number of trainees, which have impacted Jordan’s human resources development to a certain content.

(2) Sustainability

The overall project purpose is highly sustainable. RSS actively supports the Jordanian government by formulating opinions on issues involving research and technology policy to achieve these goals, which are still valid and apply on the ITC plans and strategies. Being under the umbrella of RSS, gives ITC the official support and credibility that supports the project sustainability, and the ITC attractiveness as outstanding and distinguished IT training facility. stability of its financial situation over the years, its revenues were higher than its expenses, and some profits are generated annually. Preventive and corrective maintenance procedures are followed at ITC premises to sustain the equipment as much as possible. Retention and application of transferred techniques and skills contributes to sustaining ITC.

3-2. Factors that have promoted project (Impact and Sustainability)

RSS possesses excellent reputation and credibility, in addition to the strong relationships with governmental and private sectors, which facilitated and promoted the entrance of ITC to market.

Presence of professional counterparts promoted the success and continuity of ITC, and enabled it to achieve the intended impacts.

Continuous training for ITC staff contributed in sustaining the project.

Commitment of top management in supporting the project, and bringing funds from different resources to develop ITC.

3-3. Factors that have inhibited project (Impact and Sustainability)

Rapid growth in IT sector requires similar development in ITC capacities, but its financial resources is not enough to achieve the desired development, which is important to maintain the presence of ITC in the market.

3-4. Conclusions

Based on the evaluation results, it is concluded that the overall goals of the project are largely sustainable, while project outputs are partially sustainable. The project had a significant positive impact on both the ITC and the community. These conclusions are supported by the fact that ITC’s financial status (Funding, Budget) is generally stable, but can be enhanced if the services (training and software development) are upgraded. Another fact is that ITUP has contributed to the sustainability of ITC during 2002 – 2005, but ITC needs a similar intervention to ensure sustainability in the coming years.

As concluded, ITUP has a significant direct positive impact on the ITC, and an indirect positive impact on its beneficiaries, but this impact is diminishing due to the rapid progress of IT in the market. Therefore, ITC needs a similar intervention to regenerate and sustain the positive impact. ITC is well-established, and its reputation is well-built in the community, but needs more support and development to maintain this reputation and position. The impact of the project can also be attributed to the fact that ITUP was carefully designed, prepared and carried out by both JICA and ITC, which lead to significant impact and sustainability, due to efficient utilization of equipment and training.

It is a fact that ITC still provides unique services such as the TCTP, and it is regarded as the source of exceptional IT training regionally, and the source of widely-recognized and reliable training and software systems locally, thus promoting its future sustainability.

3-5. Recommandations

It is recommended that ITC cooperates with private sector IT companies and academic institutions in order to share the experience and the latest in the field of C/S and programming. ITC should also allocate a fund or part of the budget for regular updating of software versions and packages, in addition to develop new products and services. very rapid and continuous updating of training packages and software is highly recommended through negotiating terms of updating when purchasing original software packages. It is advised that ITC should attracts sponsorships from IT firms, in which they provide up-to-date technology in return for advertising for them by ITC during training programs or software development projects. Another way is to partner with these companies when offering total solutions for clients. It is advised to nominate C/Ps to attend certain managerial programs in external institutes. The ITC should use any future assistance or support in developing its regional role as an IT pioneer and service provider.

3-6. Lessons learnt

After completion of ITUP, there was limited follow up on the progress of the ITC and C/Ps during 2002-2005. A sustainability or follow up plan should be set – including measurable targets and performance indicators- in order to collect and provide information to third party in case of evaluations.

ITC received pure technical assistance during ITUP. IT development projects may include a component for management, financial and marketing of the technical services developed as a result of technical assistance projects, to enhance the expected impact and sustainability.


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