Video for the First Issue of the JICA Ogata Research Institute Report ‘Human Security Today’ Is Now Available


“Revisiting Human Security”—the first issue of the JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development report “Human Security Today” is now available on video.

The protection of lives, livelihoods, and the dignity of each and every individual, and thinking not only of ourselves but also of others—this concept of “human security” was born approximately 30 years ago. After all these years, the international community is still facing various threats, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. In the belief that the human security perspective will be effective in correctly grasping and appropriately responding to these issues, the institute has launched “Human Security Today” as a flagship report to be published periodically. Researchers from the institute have outlined the main content of the report in this video in an easy-to-understand manner.

Director General Makino Koji explains the concept of human security in the video

Please click on the link below to view!


‘Revisiting Human Security’—the First Issue of the JICA Ogata Research Institute Report ‘Human Security Today’

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