Senior Research Advisor
Research field / main research area
Contemporary Chinese Politics, International Relations in East Asia
Related research projects
Research field / main research area
Contemporary Chinese Politics, International Relations in East Asia
Related research projects

Educational Background

1981 Bachelor of Laws, The University of Tokyo
1983 Master of Philosophy (Development Studies), University of Sussex
1988 Doctor of Philosophy, University of Sussex

Career Background

Programme Officer, Sasakawa Peace Foundation
Visiting Researcher, Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong
Assistant Professor, School of International Studies, Obirin University
Associate Professor, School of International Studies, Obirin University
Associate Professor, Faculty of Law and Politics, Rikkyo University
Professor, Faculty of Law and Politics, Rikkyo University
Professor, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, The University of Tokyo
Distinguished Visiting Professor, Tokyo Woman’s Christian University

Guest Lecturer, School of International Studies, Obirin University
Visiting Scholar, Embassy of Japan in the People’s Republic of China
Head of Department of Politics, Faculty of Law and Politics, Rikkyo University
Visiting Fellow, Asahi Shimbun Asia Network
Member of Governing Body, Institute of Development Studies, United Kingdom
2001-2002, 2003-2004
Guest Lecturer, Faculty of Laws, University of Tokyo
Guest Lecturer, Graduate School of Political Science, Waseda University
Adjunct Fellow, Japan Institute of International Affairs
Member of the Advisory Committee of the Universities Service Centre for China Studies, Hong Kong Chinese University
Visiting Scholar, Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, Harvard University
Policy Advisor to the Japan Coast Guard
Member of the Steering Committee, The Sasakawa Japan-China Friendship Fund
President, Japan Association of Asian Studies
Member and Secretary-General, New Japan-China Friendship 21st Centrury Committee
Senior Researcher, Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research (previously Tokyo Foundation)
Senior Adjunct Fellow, Japan Institute of International Affairs
Distinguished Research Fellow, The Japan Forum on International Relations
Vice-Dean, Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo
Dean, Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo
Executive Director, JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development

Major Publications

Publications in English

・The Politics of Wage Policy in Post-Revolutionary China, The Macmillan Press, London and Basingstoke.

・‘Enterprise Reform and Fiscal Reform in China: Overlapping Webs of Interests’, Asian Economic Journal, Vol.7, No.2, July 1993, pp.147-162.

・‘Is There a “Chinese Threat”?’, Japan Views Special Issue Defense: Threats and Options, The Asian Foundation, Spring.

・‘Hard and Soft Policies and the Future of Hong Kong’, The World Today,Vol. 52, No. 6,June,pp.152-154.

・‘The Outlook for Political Reform in China’, Japan Review of International Affairs, Vol. 12, No.1, Spring, pp.3-18.

・’Managing Central-Local Relations During Socialist Marketisation: A Changing Role for the Chinese Communist Party’, IDS Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp.23-30.

・‘The Present and Future of Japan-China Relations’, Gaiko Forum (English Edition), Summer, 2000, pp.40-49.

・(with Robert Benewick) ‘Eight Grannies with Nine Teeth Between Them: Community Construction in China’, Journal of Chinese Political Science, Volume 7, Numbers 1&2, 2002, pp.1-18.
・‘Research Note: The Shift in China’s Regional Policy in the Latter Half of the 1990s’, Rikkyo Hogaku, No.61, pp.30-37.

・‘Japan and China: New Regionalism and the Emerging East Asian Order’, in Glenn Hook and Hugo Dobson (eds), Japan and Britain in the Contemporary World: Global, regional and local perspectives, RoutledgeCurzon, London and New York, pp.96-112.
・‘Managing Central-local Relations During Socialist Marketisation: A Changing Role for the Chinese Communist Party’, in Marc Blecher, Sarah Cook and Robert Benewick (eds), Asian Politics in Development, Frank Cass, pp.50-64.

・‘Japan’s Policy Toward China in the 1990s’, in Ezra F. Vogel, Yuan Ming and Akihiko Tanaka (eds), Age of Uncertainty: The U.S.-China-Japan Triangle from Tiananmen (1989) to 9/11 (2001), Harvard East Asian Monographs Online, Harvard University Asia Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp.254-69.
・‘Japan’s Political Response to the Rise of China’, in Kokubun Ryosei and Wang Jisi (eds), The Rise of China and a Changing East Asian Order, Japan Center for International Exchange, Tokyo and New York, pp.157-74.

・‘Party Work in the Urban Communities’ (with Robert Benewick), Kjeld Erik Broedesgaard and Zheng Yongnian (eds), The Chinese Communist Party in Reform, Routledge, Abingdon and New York, pp.157-72.
・‘Japanese NGOs in China’, in Peng Er Lam (ed.), Japan's Relations with China: Facing a Rising Power, Routledge, Abingdon and New York, pp.166-79.
・‘The Chinese Communist Party and Ownership Reforms: The Redefinition of Socialism’, in Katsuji Nakagane and Tomoyuki Kojima (eds), Restructuring China: Party, State and Society after the Reform and Open Door, Toyo Bunko, Tokyo, pp.153-75.
・‘The Rise of China and Security in East Asia: China's New Concept of Security and Multilateral Diplomacy’, in Glenn D. Hook and Harukiyo Hasegawa (eds), Japanese Responses to Globalization: Politics, Security, Economics and Business , Basingstoke, PalgraveMacmillan, pp. 69-87.

・“Resilience and Fragility in Japan-China Relations”, in Niklas Swanström and Ryosei Kokubun (eds), Sino-Japanese Relations: The Need for Conflict Prevention and Management, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp.35-46.
・“A Japanese Perspective on China’s Rise and the East Asian Order”, in Robert S. Ross and Zhu Feng (eds), China’s Ascent: Power, Security, and the Future of International Politics, Ithaca, New York, Cornell University Press, pp. 218-37.

・“The Rise of China and Its Neighborhood Diplomacy: Implications for Japanese Foreign Policy”, The Journal of Contemporary China Studies, Vol.1, No.1, pp.47-71.

・“Putting the Senkaku Dispute Into Pandora’s Box: Toward a ‘2013 Consensus’”, in Tatsushi Arai, Shihoko Goto, and Zheng Wang (eds), Clash of National Identities: China, Japan, and the East China Sea Territorial Dispute, The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, pp.65-76.
・“The Senkaku Trawler Collision Incident, September 2010”, collected in Akikazu Hashimoto, Mike Mochizuki and Kurayoshi Takara (eds), The Okinawa Question: Futenma, the US-Japan Alliance, and Regional Security (Sigur Center for Asian Studies and Nansei Shoto Industrial Advancement Center), pp. 91-102.

・“The Development of Japan-China Relations in the Period of Stability in Cross-Strait Relations”, The Journal of Contemporary China Studies, Vol.4, No.2, pp.119-43.

・Japan-China Relations in the Modern Era, co-authored, Routledge, (co-authors: Ryosei Kokubun, Yoshihide Soeya, Shin Kawashima).
・“The CCP’s Meritocratic Cadre System”, in Lam, Willy Wo Lap (ed.), Routledge Handbook of the Chinese Communist Party, Routledge, 2017, pp.153-64.
・“Forty-four Years of Sino-Japanese Diplomatic Relations Since Normalization”, collected in Lam, Peng Er (ed.), China-Japan Relations in the 21st Century: Antagonism Despite Interdependency, The Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, pp.25-65.

・“China's Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy after the 19th Party Congress”, paper presented to Japanese Views on China and Taiwan: Implications for U.S.-Japan Alliance, Center for Strategic & International Studies, Washington, D.C., 1 March 2018.

“Introduction to the special issue on the comparative study of Asian countries’ bilateral relations with China”, Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies, Volume 10, Issue 2 (2021), pp.157-161.

University Dissertations

・‘China’s Technology Acquisition Policies: Post-Mao’, M.Phil. thesis, Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex.

・‘The Politics of Wage Reform in Post-Revolutionary China’, D.Phil. dissertation, Institute of Development Studies  at  the University of Sussex.

Publications in Japanese

There are five co-authored books, eight co-edited books, and ninety-five articles in books and journals (of which eight are in Chinese and one is in Korean).

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