On May 19, 2022, the opening ceremony of the JICA Chair (JICA Program for Japanese Studies) was held in a face-to-face and online hybrid format in collaboration with the University of Costa Rica (“UCR”).
The University of Costa Rica is the country's top university and has a long history of cooperation with JICA for about half a century. Since UCR plans to establish a new graduate school program for Asian studies including Japanese Studies in 2023 onwards, the implementation of this JICA Chair project is a timely initiative for UCR. This year’s JICA Chair consisting of 8 lectures was made possible thanks to the strong interest and the active initiative on the part of UCR.
The opening ceremony was attended by 182 students and faculty members of UCR, members of the JICA Alumni Association of Costa Rica (ACEAJA) and the general public.
On February 15, 2022, the first JICA Chair online lecture was held at the University of the West Indies (UWI) co-sponsored by the JICA Jamaica Office.
On this occasion, Dr. Nobuko Kayashima, Senior Research Adviser at Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development of JICA, gave a lecture of “Educational Development in Modernization in Japan” which is one module of the JICA chair program and presented Japanese educational cooperation in Jamaica.
This initiative attracted 45 participants including UWI students and faculty members, officers at ministry of education and participants from JICA Alumni Association of Jamaica (JAAJ), and contributed to the active and interactive discussion among all participants.
On February 7, 2022, JICA Chair online lecture was held for the first time, co-sponsored by the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College (SALCC) and JICA Saint Lucia Office.
On this occasion, Dr. Nobuko Kayashima, Senior Research Adviser of Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development in JICA, gave a lecture on Japan's experience and international cooperation on the topic of educational development in St. Lucia.
This initiative attracted more than 50 participants, including His Excellency Hirayama, the Ambassador of Embassy of Japan in Trinidad Tobago, SALCC students and teachers, educators and government officers, and also participants from alumni. The online lecture was well received by many participants and resulted in a very lively discussion.
As a JICA chair-related lecture series, an open seminar were held from October to December 2021, co-sponsored by Gabriel Rene Moreno Autonomous University (UAGRM), which promotes the JICA chair, with JICA office staff and experts as the lecturers. It was held 6 times and approximately 500 people participated. Since this seminar was well received, JICA Bolivia is considering holding it in the series in 2022 as well. The titles of each session were as follows.
1. "History of Tokyo City Planning"
2. "History of JICA's infrastructure development cooperation"
3. "History of Japanese emigration and contribution to Bolivian society"
4. "Environmental management of rivers and water"
5. "JICA's support for the energy and geothermal sector"
6. "Integrated cooperation to strengthen public health in Bolivia"
On December 22, 2021, Uruguay "JICA Chair" kick-off seminar was held in collaboration with the Alumni Association of technical training program of JICA, Uruguayan-Japanese Association for Technical Cooperation. This event is sponsored by the Executive Committee for the 100th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and the Uruguayan Agency for International Cooperation. A lecture was given by Dr. KAYASHIMA Nobuko, JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development, related to Chapter 5 "Educational Development in Modernization in Japan" from DVD leaning material "Japanese Modernization Lecture Series". In the question and answer session, there were questions about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to the education in Japan. Dr. KAYASHIMA pointed out that the online education has been greatly advanced due to the COVID-19 pandemic, on the other hand educational disparity is widening with it. Thanks to the cooperation of the Alumni Association Network in Latin America region, there were many participants related to the education field including neighboring countries. In the first quarter of 2022, the dispatch of the JICA Overseas Cooperation Volunteers will be resumed. Japanese language education Volunteer will be appointed to the University of the Republic in Uruguay. JICA Uruguay plans to prepare the implementation of the "JICA Chair" with the university.
On November 15, 2021, the first JICA-UAGRM(Gabriel Rene Moreno Autonomous University) Diploma Course "Corporate Management by Japanese Model" got started at Faculty of Economics and Graduate School of Business Administration, UAGRM. This course aims to develop next-generation human resources and leaders who will be responsible for corporate management in Bolivia. The course consists of 5 subjects such as "Japanese Culture and Development" and "Comprehensive Quality Control", and is carried out for about 5 months. There will be 88 participants, including many registrations from the industrial companies and they showed great interest.
On December 3, 2021, JICA Chair online lecture was held for the first time, co-sponsored by the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) and JICA Dominican Republic Office.
On this occasion, Dr. Nobuko Kayashima, Senior Research Adviser of Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development in JICA, gave a lecture on Japan's experience and international cooperation on the topic of educational development in the Latin America.
This initiative attracted more than 70 participants, including Mr. Takagi, the Ambassador of Embassy of Japan in Dominican Republic, UASD students and teachers, educators and government officers, and also participants from Nikkei community. The online lecture was well received by many participants and resulted in a very lively discussion.
In November 2021, the final lecture of the Program for Japanese Studies “JICA Chair” in collaboration with the National University of La Plata (hereinafter referred to as "UNLP") was held, and the JICA Chair for half a year was successfully completed. Dr. Akio Hosono, Senior Research Advisor, Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development, gave the final lecture entitled "Argentina and Japan: Development, Economic Relations and Cooperation" with the participation of various people such as Vice President Armengol of UNLP, UNLP students / faculty members, researchers from other universities, Ministry of Foreign Affairs staff, government officials, and experts from Japanese society. The final lecture will give a wide range of explanations on Japan's development, corporate activities, and international cooperation, centered on "modernization of Japan” and the KAIZEN technical cooperation project in Argentina is also introduced with academic commentary. The lecture was highly evaluated and UNLP made a strong expectation for further cooperation of JICA.
The first "JICA Chair" short-term continuous course was held at Asunción National University, Paraguay, two months from October to November 2021. The course is a "Comparative Study of Japan and Paraguay on Economic Development and Modernization" program consisted of 8 classes in total, including 12 hours of lectures, 20 hours of group work for students and graduates of the university.
On October 18, Dr. Itami, the president of the International University of Japan, as a special lecturer gave an online special lecture focusing on "economic growth and Japanese-style management". A great and clear presentation by Dr. Itami was highly appreciated and participant’s interest in "Japanese-style management" based on "humanism" has further increased.
It was a meaningful course from the perspective of increasing the number of future leaders with a great affinity toward or knowledge of Japan in Paraguay.
In September 2021, a special Japanese study course consisting of lectures based on "Seven Chapters on Japanese Modernization" has been started at the Asia-Africa Research Program (PUEAA) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), which is one of the oldest universities in Latin America and Caribbean region and is enrolled more than 400,000 students. In this course, professor from both Japan and Mexico participate in and interact with students jointly.
As the first lecture on 5th October, President of JICA, Dr.Kitaoka and Mexcan Researcher Víctor Manuel Hernández Vázquez gave a lecture to more than 200 participants. Throughout the lecture, Mexican students learned about the deep connection between Japan and Mexico across the Pacific-Ocean for more than 400 years, and understood the history of Japanese modernization and approach of international cooperation which is different from Europe and the United States.
As the six Central American countries (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama), which became independent from Spain in 1821, celebrate their 200th anniversary this year, the three Central American JICA offices and major universities in each country collaborate and held a commemorative event. The event was attended by professors of Honduras National Autonomous University, El Salvador University, Rafael Landívar University of Guatemala and Dr. Hosono Akio (former Japanese Ambassador to El Salvador), Senior Research Advisor of JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace Development. At the beginning of the event, Chapter 1 "Meiji Revolution: Start of Full-Scale Modernization" of the video teaching material "Seven Chapters on Japanese Modernization", was screened, and after looking back on the modernization of Japan after the Meiji Restoration, based on that experience, there was an interesting debate about the development since independence and future of Central America.
On August 4, 2021, the first "JICA Chair" in Ecuador was held online with the cooperation of Japan Training Center(AOTS; The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships), Faculty of International Studies, the University of Espiritu Santo (UEES). About 230 people from UESS participated. In this lecture, three panelists, Ecuadorian student studying in Japan, director of Japan Training Center, vice president of a Ecuadorian Japanese company, introduced the outline of Japanese industrial policy and the outline and practice of Japanese-style management, centering on the screening of DVD Chapter 4 "Economic Growth and Japanese-style Management" of the Seven Chapter to know the modernization of Japan. Since the presentations by the panelists were based on the historical and cultural backgrounds of both countries and their understanding and practice of the current situation and application to Ecuador, it was evaluated that the participants were able to understand the significance of introducing Japan's development experience.
On July 21, 2021, the online course "Japan's Development: The Process of Modernization" kicked off at the ISTMO University, and the JICA chair in Guatemala has been started. This course is the first JICA chair in the Caribbean and Central America that gives credit to students. This is an open course for all students of the University and the first 30 students are participating. In June, we donated 32 English books regarding Japan to the University, and the "Japan JICA Corner" was placed in its library. Mr. Manuel Angel Pérez Lara, President of the University, referred that JICA has been extending technical cooperation in Guatemala especially in the field of mathematics; therefore, the University has great interest and motivation to learn about education and modernization of Japan through the JICA Chair lectures. This course will be held 12 times until November 3rd.
On July 8, 2021, the first "JICA Chair" in Colombia was held online, co-sponsored by the Japan Center of the Center for Culture, Economy and Science, University of Los Andes and the JICA Colombia. With Senior Vice President Kayashima as a special lecturer, she gave an overview of the mechanism and characteristics of human resources that supported Japan's postwar politics, economy, and society based on "modernization and education in Japan," and became a developed country from the non-Western world. After the lecture, there was actively comments, questions and answers session regarding with the history of Japanese women's colleges by professors familiar with Japanese studies at the University of Los Andes. The number of attendees reached about 90.
On July 14, 2021, the opening event of JICA Chair was held under collaboration between Universidad Centroamericana (UCA) and JICA Nicaragua Office. After the short video session of “7 Chapters on Japanese Modernization”, Dr. Jorge Huete-Perez, Dean of the Faculty of Science, Technology and Environment, presented UCA’s implementation plan of JICA Chair. Ambassador Mr. Yasuhisa Suzuki from Embassy of Japan in Nicaragua lectured on “Economic Development in Japan”. At the end of the event, Mr. Hajime Takasago, Representative of JICA Nicaragua, handed over 32 books related to Japan to UCA, as JICA Chair activity. There were approximately 50 participants on site and 75 viewers online on the event.
On the 24th of June, 2021, the online lecture of JICA Chair was held under collaboration between the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Social Sciences of the University of El Salvador (UES) and JICA El Salvador Office. For this occasion, Dr. Akio Hosono, Senior Research Advisor at JICA Ogata Research Institute, gave a Keynote Speech entitled "The Path of Change from the Perspective of Development Experience in Japan". Following the speech, it went on to panel discussion on the theme of "Characteristics of Salvadorian Economic Growth and its Challenges" with the participation of 4 panelists: Dr. Trigueros, Director of the Salvadoran Foundation for Economic and Social Development (FUSADES), Mr. Hernández, Secretary and Professor of International Relations of UES, Mr. Granados, General Director of the Department of Education and Curriculum of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MINEDUCYT) and Dr. Hosono.
Approximately 50 UES professors and students, including Dr. Mata, Dean of the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Social Sciences of UES, were present at this kick-off event, and 200 government officials of El Salvador and students from various universities participated online. During the Q&A session, the participants both on site and on line exchanged their opinions very actively.
On May 18, 2021, a JICA Chair online lecture was held for the first time in Panama, co-sponsored by the Faculty of Public Administration of the University of Panama (UP) and JICA Panama Office.
On this occasion, Dr. Nobuko Kayashima, Senior Vice President of JICA, gave a lecture on Japan's experience and international cooperation on the topic of educational development in Latin America. In addition, Professor Gonzalez, who has been a counterpart to Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) for many years, gave an overview of the JOCV activities in Panama and the differences in the educational systems of the two countries.
This initiative got the largest number of participants (423 people) ever among JICA chairs lecture held in this region, including H.E. Mr. Pere, the Ambassador of Panama in Japan, Dr. Flores, President of the UP, and Mr. Nakajima, Chargé d'Affaires, a.i. at the Embassy of Japan in Panama, UP students and teachers, educators and government officers, and also officials from Imabari City, Panama City’s sister city. The conference was well received by many participants and some interest in JICA chair collaborated with other universities are heard from participants.
On May 17, 2021, the opening seminar and the first lecture of JICA Chair were held at the National University of La Plata. At the beginning of the seminar, Vice Dean of Armengol, University of La Plata, and Mr. Takahiro Nakamae, Ambassador of Japan to Argentina, gave a speech. Mr. Hiroyuki Takeda, Resident Representative of JICA Argentina, gave a presentation on JICA Chair, and the Prologue of the "Seven Chapters to Know Japanese Modernization"(Spanish version) was screened. Finally Japanese-related academic books (English version) were donated from JICA Argentina.
In the first lecture, Professor Cecilia Onaha, Director of the Center for Japanese Studies, Department of Asia Pacific Studies, Institute for International Relations, a leading Japanese researcher in Argentina (history), gave a lecture on "History of Japan's Development". The "JICA Chair" will be as the basis of the Japanese Studies Course, which is planed establishment in the future as a graduate school at the university. The 16 module will be held, including today's lectures, by lecturers from Japan and overseas on politics on economics, management, education, legal systems, etc., centered on "Seven Chapters to Know Japanese Modernization".
In April 2021, Haiti's first JICA Chair Online Lecture was held for students of Haiti National University, Centre of Planning Techniques and Applied Economics (CTPEA).
Dr. Akio Hosono, senior research advisor at the JICA Sadako Ogata Research Institute for Peace and Development gave an online lecture about Japan's experience and international cooperation under the theme of "Development of Latin America and the Caribbean".
In addition, Mr. Helph Monod Honorat, Ambassador of Haiti to Japan, who graduated from the CTPEA , talked about his experience in Japan.
Through this online lecture, we will continue to cooperate with Haiti's university so that will contribute to promote understanding of Japan's development experience and cooperation to develop leaders who will be responsible for the development of Haiti.
On April 21, 2021, the memorandum of cooperation (MOC) was signed between the JICA Bolivia office and The Gabriel René Moreno Autonomous University (hereinafter referred to as "UAGRM") for the purpose of promoting the JICA chair, launching a graduate-level diploma course regarding with Experience of Japan, such as philosophy of corporate activities and modernization of education within the university, and developing human resources who will lead the next generation. At the same day, Professor Sakaguchi, Deputy Director of the Faculty of Economics of UAGRM, gave a special lecture entitled "Economic Development in Japan and Corporate Management in Japan". In the future, the UAGRM Graduate School of Economics is aiming to establish a diploma course based on "Japanese development experience" by the end of 2021.
On April 2021, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Embassy of Mexico in Japan and the Embassy of Japan in Mexico, online briefing session for JICA chair was held with over 200 participants, including Director General of Technical and Scientific Cooperation of the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation, Ambassador of Mexico to Japan, Ambassador of Japan to Mexico, Director General of Latin America and the Caribbean Department of JICA, and personnel from about 50 universities including The National Autonomous University of Mexico, etc. JICA will proceed preparations with each university for holding Short Intensive Lectures on September and launching JICA Chair of Japanese Studies in Mexico.
You can watch the session from the link below (Spanish).
On March 25, 2021, the first Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) was signed between the JICA Chile Office and the National University of Santiago regarding JICA Chair ( JICA Program for Japanese Studies).
At the same time, an online special lecture, " Development Research " and Economic Relations and International Cooperation between Japan and Chile, was held by Akio Hosono, Senior Research Advisor of Sadako Ogata Research Institute for Peace and Development, co-sponsored by the National University of Santiago and JICA. A total of 400 people, including students, university officials, researchers in Chile and other latin American countries, watched via online. Through this lecture, it was evaluated that the participants deepened their understanding of the ideal way of corporate activities in the process of modernization of Japan, the Japanese-style management that is the basis of 5S and KAIZEN and its background, and related Japanese cooperation.
In the National University of Santiago, following the trial course in 2021, it is planned to be held the regular course that can award a formal certificate from 2022. It is expected that Chile will be one of the bases on the Program for Japanese Studies with the establishment of the JICA chair.
JICA is striving to build friendly relations with countries in Central America and the Caribbean Region and enhancing their sustainable development. On March 19th, 2021, an Online Lecture Session was conducted as a memorable first activity of JICA Chair (JICA Program for Japanese Studies) in Belize and also in the region. The lecture entitled “Educational Development in Modernization in Japan and Ideas on the Future Cooperation with Belize” was given by Dr. Nobuko KAYASHIMA, Senior Vice President of JICA. The lecture was consisted of the video "Modernization and Education of Japan" (Chapter 5 of "Seven Chapters on Japanese Modernization" co-produced by JICA and Open University of Japan) and special lecture on JICA cooperation activities in education sector. Over 120 people including Mrs. Rosanna Briceño, Special Envoy for families and children; and wife of the Prime Minister of Belize, Board of Trustees, President, faculty members and students of University of Belize, and the Japanese Ambassador to Belize H.E. Mr. Kazuhiro IRYU, JICA Headquarters and JICA offices across Latin America participated in this session via Zoom.
In October 2020, at the Center for Asian Studies, National University of San Marcos, online seminar based on the video "Economic Growth and Japanese Management" (Chapter 4 of "Seven Chapters on Japanese Modernization" co-produced by JICA and Open University of Japan) was held. More than 1,500 people participated and exchanged opinions through online.
In the Q&A session, there were lively discussions regarding with the role of the Japanese labor union, the current private sector efforts to improve quality services and materials, anti-corruption measures in Japan, Japan's tax system / tax rate, and the use of tax revenue by government.
In December 2018, JICA concluded a memorandum with University of Sao Paolo (USP) and established the “Fujita-Ninomiya Chair” that conducts research on Japan’s development experiences, which includes providing a historical overview of Japanese emigration. It aims to cultivate leaders in Brazil by expanding students’ knowledge of Japan’s development history. The program includes lectures at the International and Comparative Law Department, lectures by visiting Japanese lecturers, as well as trainings in Japan for young researchers from USP. Using this as a model, JICA has launched “JICA Program for Japanese studies (JICA Chair)” and is expanding it around the world.