March 10, 2023
Group photo of participants at the event
March 10, 2023, JICA Pakistan office organized a consultative seminar on Pakistan pre-flood season at Hotel Hillview in Islamabad with coordination of JICA HQ Global Environmental Department and Federal Flood Commission (FFC), Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) under the new technical cooperation project., namely "Project for Capacity Development of Effective River Dikes Management Response to 2022 Flood." Federal Secretary Water Resources and Chief Representative JICA Pakistan office chaired the seminar. The participants from FFC, Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), and other departments attended the seminar.
This seminar aimed to discuss and exchange views on climate change and river dike systems with Japan and Pakistan sides and to identify critical issues in Pakistan regarding river dike management. In the seminar, Professor Tomohito Yamada, Hokkaido University, presented the general situation of the flood events in 2010 and 2022 and risk-based flood protection policy of Hokkaido. Following his presentation, provincial irrigation departments made presentations and discussed with participants on challenges of river dike management with the discussant of Associate Professor Hirotoshi Mori, Yamaguchi University. The seminar provided a momentous occasion for all stakeholders to review the current river dikes and contemplate the desired river dike management.
Starting with this seminar, JICA continues to enhance the managing capacity of Pakistani counterparts to manage river dikes along the Indus River, thereby contributing to disaster risk reduction in Pakistan through the Project for Capacity Development of Effective River Dikes Management Response to 2022 Flood.