Projects classified as Category C

Southeast Asia

Following projects are classified as 'Category C' in accordance with the JICA's Guidelines for Environmental and Social Consideration. Sector, scale, site and other characteristics of each project indicate that adverse impact on environment and/or society is minimal.

Should you have inquiries or comments on projects listed below, please contact Environmental and Social Considerations Review Division, JICA.

  • TCP: Technical Cooperation Project
  • TCDP: Technical Cooperation for Development Planning
  • L: ODA Loans / Private Sector Investment Finance
  • GA: Grant Aid
  • SDGs-SS: SDGs Business Supporting Surveys
  • O: others
Country Project Name Scheme Applied
ASEAN Countries ASEAN-JICA Food Value Chain Development Project TCP 2022
ASEAN Countries Project for Enhancing ASEAN-Japan Capacity Building Programme for Cybersecurity and Trusted Digital Services TCP 2022
ASEAN Countries Japan ASEAN Women Empowerment Fund (Investment project under the Private Sector Investment Finance) L 2010
Cambodia The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2024) GA 2022
Cambodia The Project for Expanding Teacher Education Colleges GA 2022
Cambodia Project for Enhancing Industry-Academic-Community Networks for Strengthening Capacity of Engineering Research and Development TCP 2022
Cambodia The Project for Strengthening Organizational Functions of CMAC Phase 2 TCP 2022
Cambodia Project for Capacity Development on Electronic Nautical Chart Production, Update and Distribution for Navigation Safety Improvement TCP 2022
Cambodia Project for Developing Food Value Chain of Horticultural Crops for Small Scale Farmers TCP 2022
Cambodia Project for Development of Entrepreneurs and Business Networking Services at CJCC Phase 3 TCP 2022
Cambodia SDGs Business Validation Survey for Dissemination of Packaged Type Rapid Fiber Filtration System for High-Turbidity Water in Cambodia SDGs-SS 2022
Cambodia SDGs Business Validation Survey for the Introduction of Activated Carbon and Activated Carbon Production Technology in Cambodia SDGs-SS 2022
Cambodia Project on Capacity Development for Trade Facilitation in the Mekong Region TCP 2022
Cambodia Advisor to Marine Aquaculture Research and Development Center (MARDeC) TCP 2010
Cambodia ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) Project Phase 3 TCP 2010
Cambodia ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) Project Phase 4 TCP 2010
Cambodia ASEAN University Network/Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Cambodia Battambang Rural Area Nurturing and Development (BRAND) TCP 2010
Cambodia Cambodia -Japan Cooperation Center (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Cambodia Capacity building for the Quality Standard Control of Agricultural Materials TCP 2010
Cambodia Capacity Building for Water Supply System in Cambodia (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Cambodia Capacity Building Project for the Tax Department of Cambodia TCP 2010
Cambodia Capacity Building Project in Forestry Sector TCP 2010
Cambodia CJCC Industrial Human Resource Development Project TCP 2010
Cambodia Establishment of National Port Policy and Administration System TCP 2010
Cambodia Human Resources Development in the Northeastern Provinces TCP 2010
Cambodia ICT Development Management at the National ICT Development Authority (NiDA) TCP 2010
Cambodia The Improvement of Agricultural River Basin Management & Development Project TCP 2010
Cambodia Legal and Judicial Development (Phase IV) TCP 2010
Cambodia Legal and Judicial Development Project TCP 2010
Cambodia The Legal and Judicial Development Project (Phase 3) TCP 2010
Cambodia Legal and Judicial Development Project Phase 6 TCP 2010
Cambodia Non Communicable Disease Control Project TCP 2022
Cambodia Project for Capacity Building for Pesticide Residue Analysis in Agricultural Produce TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Capacity Building of MOE Staff to Improve the Implementation of EIA and Pollution Control Law and Regulations TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Capacity Development for Implementing the Organic Law at Capital & Provincial Level TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Capacity Development for Sewerage Management in Phnom Penh Capital City TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Capacity Development for Sewerage Management of Phnom Penh Capital Administration and Ministry of Public Works and Transport TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Capacity Development for Sewerage Management of Phnom Penh Capital Administration and Ministry of Public Works and Transport Phase2 TCP 2022
Cambodia Project for Capacity Development of General Department of Taxation(GDT) Under the Framework of PFM Reform of Cambodia, Phase 2 TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Capacity Development on Assisting Victims of Human Trafficking TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Capacity Development on Comprehensive Traffic Management Planning and Traffic Control Center in Phnom Penh Capital City TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Capacity Development on Comprehensive Traffic Management Planning and Traffic Control Center Operation and Maintenance in Phnom Penh Capital City TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Capacity Development on Container Terminal Management and Operation in Sihanoukville Port TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Capacity Development on Container Terminal Management and Operation in Sihanoukville Port Phase 3 TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Capacity Development on Integrated Management of Municipal Solid Waste TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Capacity Development on Training Management for Strengthening Sub-National Administrations TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Capacity Development on Urban Transport Planning and Formulation of Phnom Penh Transport Authority TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Capacity Development on Water Pollution Control TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Capacity Development to Improve Urban Issues in Siem Reap TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Capacity Enhancement of Environmental and Social Considerations in Implementing Agency TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Capacity Enhancement on Environmental and Social Considerations in Implementing Agency in Road Sector TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Management in Phnom Penh Capital City TCP 2022
Cambodia Project for Developing International Network to Enhance Competency of Medical Doctors in the Field of Dermatology TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Development and Dissemination of Sustainable Production System Based on Invasive Pest Management of Cassava in the Greater Mekong Subregion TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Development and Dissemination of Sustainable Production System based on Invasive Pest Management of Cassava in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Development of Cost-effective Standards Design Documents for Irrigation and Drainage TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Development of Entrepreneurs and Business Networking Services at CJCC TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Development of Entrepreneurs and Business Networking Services at CJCC Phase 2 TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Development of National Standard Design Documents for Irrigation and Drainage TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Development of SNA Training Management Capacity(PILAC3) TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Development of Social Health Insurance for Informal Sector Population in Cambodia TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Development of Sustainable Marine Aquaculture Production Technologies TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Educational Capacity Development of Institute of Technology of Cambodia TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Educational Resource Development in Science and Mathematics at the Lower Secondary Level TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Effective Implementation of EIA and Pollution Control through the Capacity Development of MoE TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Enhancement of Operation and Management of Cambodian Transmission System TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Enhancement of Operation and Management of Power Network TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Enhancing Capacity of Economic Analysis, Research and Operations for Monetary Policy TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Enhancing the Container Terminal Management and Operation in Sihanoukville Port (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Establishing Business Oriented Agricultural Cooperative Model TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Establishing Foundation for Teacher Education College (E-TEC) TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Establishing Foundation for Teacher Education Reform TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Human Resource Development (HRD) and Capacity Building for the General Department of Taxation (GDT) under the framework of PFM reform TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Improvement of Cyber Resilience TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Improvement of Public Bus Operation in Phnom Penh TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Improvement of Transmission System Operation and Maintenance TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for improving continuum of care with focus on intrapartum and neonatal care TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for improving hospital management on maternal and newborn health services at provincial hospitals TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Improving Implementation of CC and CCP TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Improving Maternal and Newborn Care through Midwifery Capacity Development TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Improving the Capacity of the National TB Control Program through Implementation of the 2nd National Prevalence Survey TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Improving TVET Quality to Meet the Needs of Industries TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Institutional Capacity Development of CJCC for a Center of Development and Networking for Business Human Resources TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Modernization of Vehicles Registration and Inspection Administration System (MVRI) TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for National and Sub-national Capacity Development for Sustainable Natural Resource Management TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Pilot Business Performance Support to Small and Medium Enterprises with Focus on Productivity Improvement TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Productions of Integrated Digital Terrain Model and ENC in the Kingdom of Cambodia TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Rice Seed Production and Distribution TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Rice Seed Production and Promotion TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for Strategic Strengthening of Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Support System TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Strengthening Administrative Capacity of Urban Water Supply in Cambodia TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Strengthening Capacity for Maintenance of Roads and Bridges TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Strengthening CMAC functions TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Strengthening Engineering Education and Research for Industrial Development in Cambodia TCP 2010
Cambodia The project for Strengthening Facilitation Capacity for Logistics improvement TCP 2022
Cambodia Project for Strengthening Human Resources Development System of Co-medicals TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Strengthening In-Service Training for Health Human Resources TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Strengthening Organizational Functions of CMAC TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Strengthening Teacher Education Colleges for Basic Education Quality TCP 2022
Cambodia The Project for Sub-national Capacity Development for Sustainable Natural Resource Management TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for the Improvement of the Training on Civil Matters at the Royal School for Judges and Prosecutors of the Royal Academy for Judicial Professions (Phase2) TCP 2010
Cambodia Project for the Strengthening the Business Development Service (BDS) Function for Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Water and Sanitation Improvement Preventing COVID-19 TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project of Operation and Maintenance of the Rural Electrification on Micro-hydropower in Mondul Kiri Province TCP 2010
Cambodia Project on Capacity Building for Urban Water Supply System in Cambodia Phase 3 - Sustainable and Sound Management TCP 2010
Cambodia Project on Capacity Development for Mining Administration in Cambodia TCP 2010
Cambodia Project on Capacity Enhancement of Environmental and Social Considerations for Resettlement TCP 2010
Cambodia Project on Establishment of Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) for Land Management and Infrastructure Development TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project on Establishment of Environmental Conservation Platform of Tonle Sap Lake TCP 2010
Cambodia Project on Gender Mainstreaming for Women's Economic Empowerment TCP 2010
Cambodia Project on Gender Mainstreaming Phase 2 TCP 2010
Cambodia The Project on Strengthening of Medical Equipment Management in Referral Hospitals TCP 2010
Cambodia Project to Strengthen Capacity of COVID-19 Response in Cambodia TCP 2010
Cambodia Regional Cooperation Project for Animal Disease Control among Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam (ADC Project Phase 2) TCP 2010
Cambodia Regional Cooperation Project on Capacity Building of Drug Analysis for Improvement of Drug Law Enforcement Phase 2 TCP 2010
Cambodia Science and Mathematics Teacher Education Project TCP 2010
Cambodia Strengthening of CMAC Function for Human Security Realization TCP 2010
Cambodia The Strengthening of Construction Quality Control TCP 2010
Cambodia Strengthening the Department of Electrical Engineering TCP 2010
Cambodia Urgent Rehabilitation and Improvement of Civil Aviation Meteorology TCP 2010
Cambodia The Master Plan Study on the Communication, Navigation and Surveillance/Air Traffic Management Systems TCDP 2010
Cambodia Project for Comprehensive Development Plan for Regional Water Supply TCDP 2010
Cambodia The Project for Development of Social Health Insurance for the Informal Sector TCDP 2010
Cambodia Project for Productions of Integrated Digital Terrain Model and Electronic Navigational Chart in the Kingdom of Cambodia TCDP 2010
Cambodia Project for Study on the Improvement of Existing Bridges along National Roads TCDP 2010
Cambodia Study on the Institutional Strengthening of Investment Promotion TCDP 2010
Cambodia the COVID-19 Crisis Response Emergency Support Loan L 2010
Cambodia the COVID-19 Crisis Response Emergency Support Loan (Phase 2) L 2010
Cambodia Emergency Life Saving Center Development Project L 2010
Cambodia Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Project L 2010
Cambodia Rural Area Agricultural Sector Supporting Project L 2010
Cambodia Sihanoukville Port Development Project L 2010
Cambodia Acquisition of Japanese TV Programs for the National Television of Cambodia (TVK) GA 2010
Cambodia The Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers GA 2010
Cambodia The Project for Construction of Training Complex of Cambodian Mine Action Centre GA 2010
Cambodia The Project for Establishment of Nationwide CORS (Continuously Operating Reference Station) Network GA 2022
Cambodia The Project for Improvement of Battambang Provincial Referral Hospital GA 2010
Cambodia The Project for Improvement of Facility and Laboratory Equipment in the Institute of Technology of Cambodia GA 2010
Cambodia Preparatory Survey for Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship GA 2010
Cambodia Preparatory Survey for Rehabilitation of Provincial Hospital GA 2010
Cambodia The Project for Customs Modernization by Introducing Electronic Customs Clearance System GA 2010
Cambodia The Project for Development of Traffic Management System in Phnom Penh GA 2010
Cambodia The Project for Expansion of Lower Secondary Schools in Phnom Penh GA 2010
Cambodia The Project for Expansion of National Maternal and Child Health Center GA 2010
Cambodia The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2013) GA 2010
Cambodia The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2014) GA 2010
Cambodia The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2020) GA 2010
Cambodia Project for Improvement of Equipment for Demining Activities (Phase VI) GA 2010
Cambodia The Project for Improvement of Equipment for Demining Activities (Phase VII) GA 2010
Cambodia The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment in National, Municipal and Provincial Referral Hospitals GA 2010
Cambodia The Project for Improvement of Referral Hospitals in Siem Reap Province GA 2010
Cambodia The Project for Improvement of Sihanouk Province Referral Hospital GA 2010
Cambodia The Project for Improvement of Svay Rieng Provincial Referral Hospital GA 2010
Cambodia The Project for Improvement of Transportation Capacity of Public Bus in Phnom GA 2010
Cambodia The Project for the Construction of Teacher Education Colleges GA 2010
Cambodia The Project on Port EDI for Port Modernization GA 2010
Cambodia Regional Hospital Development Project GA 2022
Cambodia Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technology for In-place Base Course Stabilization System for Solid Pavement SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia Commercialization demonstration project by dissemination of geosynthetics technology SDGs-SS 2022
Cambodia Feasibility survey for improvement of food safety by advanced hygienic control and value-added processing system SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia Feasibility Survey for Quallty Seed and Grafting Method for High Value-Added Vagetable Farming in Cambodia SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia Feasibility Survey for Silk Farming and Processing Support Project SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia Feasibility Survey for the Establishment and Implementation of Food Safety Standards, and the Development of Inspection Business through the Public-Private Partnership in Cambodia SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia Feasibility Survey for the Introduction of the Development of Thinking Ability Education Using App Material " Think!Think!" SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia Feasibility Survey for the system to ensure safety of traffic dangerous areas by blinking type solar LED light in Cambodia SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia Feasibility Survey with the Private Sector for Utilizing Japanese Technologies in ODA projects: The Widespread use of High Grade Asphalt Repairing Material (a series of Excel) and Establishment of Pavement Management System in Cambodia SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia Pilot Survey for Disseminating SME's Technologies for Mini Rice Center in Cooperation with Agriculture Cooperatives SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia Pilot Survey for Disseminating SME's Technologies for Tsubame-Sanjo Brand Tools SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia Preparatory Survey on BOP business on cotton farming by Cambodia Cotton Club SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia Preparatory Survey on BOP business on water supply system for daily life in rural area SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia Preparatory Survey on Social investment for the development of BOP business SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia Program for Capacity Development for Training of Automotive Mechanics in Cambodia SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia Program for individual identification technology with biometrics of Social Security in Cambodia SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia Program for X-ray digital system and radiation management in Cambodia SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Distributed Water Supply Business for Water resources including High turbidity in Cambodia SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Distribution and Utilization of Japanese Used Small Construction Machinery in Cambodia SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Drainage sheet with a function to eliminate rainfall infiltration water causing existing road collaspe in Cambodia road network SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Establishing a Value Chain and Adding High Value for Cashew Nutsin Cambodia SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Improving the quality and productivity of agricultural products by introducing virus-free technology SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Introducing Infrastructure Measurement Survey with Remote Sensing Technology Using Drones in Cambodia SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Quality Improvement of Rice and Cashew-nuts through Utilizing the High-Precision Moisture Tester SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Reduced-Chemical Farming Method for High-Value Added Mung Bean Production in Cambodia SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for the Construction of VCs for High Value-added Products and the Return of Foreign Human Resources to Demined Areas and Crop-incompatible Areas in Cambodia SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Small Scale Package type Water Supply System in Cambodia SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Dissemnating Japanese Technologies for High Added Value of Cambodia Golden Silk for Promotion of Sericulture Industry SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Establishment and Implemention of Food Safety Stndards, and the Development of Private Food Tasting Services through the Public-Private Partnership in Cambodia SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Food Value Chain Construction in Cambodia to establish a new industry utilizing Crickets SDGs-SS 2022
Cambodia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Improving STEM ability in Primary Education by Utilizing "Think!Think!"APP. SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Introducing DX Infrastructure Measurement Survey and Management with Remote Sensing Technology Using Drones in Cambodia SDGs-SS 2022
Cambodia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Securing Water Resources for Dry Seasons and Droughts in Areas Dependent on Rainwater SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for sustainable water supply by introducing water supply facility ledger system in Kingdom of Cambodia SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for the advancement of medical technology and teleradiology by utilizing picture archiving and communication system (PACS) SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for the System to Ensure Traffic Safety by Blinking Type LED Solar Light SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Production of Cold Mix Asphalt (EXCEL) and Routine Maintenance Project SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Sorghum Silage Production SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Training and Introducing High-Skilled Certified Automotive Mechanics SDGs-SS 2010
Cambodia The Project for development and social implementation of greenhouse gas emission reduction technologies in paddy fields of West Tonle Sap Lake by establishing a large paddy area water management system TCP 2022
Indonesia Research Project for Development of End-to-End Earthquake Early
Warning and Response System
TCP 2022
Indonesia Project of Enhancement of Caregiver Competency TCP 2022
Indonesia The Project for Strengthening Capacity on Vehicle Testing and Certification TCP 2022
Indonesia Project for Capacity Development for Land Development Policy Making and Land Bank Management Improvement TCP 2022
Indonesia Project for Indonesia-Japan Circulation of Human Resources in Blue Economy TCP 2022
Indonesia Project for Capacity Development of Sewerage Business Management TCP 2022
Indonesia SDGs Business Validation Survey for Medical Equipment Dissemination to Improve NCPR in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2022
Indonesia SDGs Business Validation Survey for Introduction of Remote Infrastructure Monitoring System for Railway Disaster Prevention in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2022
Indonesia SDGs Business Validation Survey for Improving Cacao Quality in Sulawesi to High-Value-Added Products in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2022
Indonesia SDGs Business Validation Survey for the Effective Utilization of Natural Gas Using Prepaid Smart Gas Meters in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2022
Indonesia Aircraft Accident Investigation Project TCP 2010
Indonesia ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) Project Phase 3 TCP 2010
Indonesia ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) Project Phase 4 TCP 2010
Indonesia ASEAN University Network/Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Indonesia Capacity Building for Poverty Reduction TCP 2010
Indonesia Capacity Building of the Geothermal Development TCP 2010
Indonesia Capacity Development Assistance for Low Carbon Development TCP 2010
Indonesia Capacity Development for Regional Development and Community Empowerment in Eastern Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia Capacity Development for Supporting Industry Development: Credit Guarantee System TCP 2010
Indonesia Capacity Development Project for South-South and Triangular Cooperation TCP 2010
Indonesia Capacity Development Project for South-South Cooperation (CADEP-SSC) TCP 2010
Indonesia Climate Variability Study and Societal Application through Indonesia-Japan "Maritime Continent COE"- Radar-Buoy Network Optimization for Rainfall Prediction TCP 2010
Indonesia Coal Mining Technology Enhancement Project (Flow Up) TCP 2010
Indonesia Contingency Exercise on Airport Security TCP 2010
Indonesia Development Country Training Course of Artificial Insemination on Dairy Cattle TCP 2010
Indonesia Development of Indonesian Ecolabel Program, Policy and Supporting tools TCP 2010
Indonesia Development of Lead Optimization and Pre-clinical Evaluation System for Development of Anti-infection Drug Candidate from Tropical Biological Resources TCP 2010
Indonesia Development of Power Wheeling Scheme Project TCP 2010
Indonesia Energy Efficiency Promotion Project in Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia Enhancement of Financial Accessibility for SMEs TCP 2010
Indonesia Enhancement of Marine and Fisheries Administration Under the Decentralization TCP 2010
Indonesia Enhancement of Urban Development Management in the Mamminasata Metropolitan Area TCP 2010
Indonesia Fisheries Policy Advisor TCP 2010
Indonesia Forest Fire Prevention Project by Initiative of people in Buffer Zone TCP 2010
Indonesia Human Resources Development for Cyber Security Profesionals in Private and Public Sectors TCP 2010
Indonesia ICT Capability Strengthening for e-Local Government TCP 2010
Indonesia Identification of Anti-Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Substances and Development of HCV and Dengue Vaccines TCP 2010
Indonesia Implementation of Low-Emission Affordable Apartments in the Hot-Humid Climate of Indonesia towards Paris Agreement 2030 TCP 2010
Indonesia Improvement of Railway Safety Management - Phase 2 TCP 2010
Indonesia Indonesia-Japan Project for Development of REDD+ Implementation Mechanism (IJ-REDD+) TCP 2010
Indonesia Indonesia-JICA Climate Change Mitigation Project in LULUCF sector TCP 2010
Indonesia Industrial Property Rights Administration (extension) TCP 2010
Indonesia Integrated Disaster Mitigation Management for "Banjir Bandang" TCP 2010
Indonesia The Integrated Program for Junior Secondary Education Improvement TCP 2010
Indonesia International Training Course on Information Technology based Electric Engineering Education TCP 2010
Indonesia International Training on Strengthening District Health Planning in the era of decentralization for improvement of the health status of children and mothers TCP 2010
Indonesia JABODETABEK Urban Transportation Policy Integration Project Phase 2 TCP 2010
Indonesia Japan - Indonesia Project for Development of REDD+ Implementation Mechanism (JI-REDD+) TCP 2010
Indonesia KPPIP Support Facility TCP 2010
Indonesia Legislative Drafting Capacity Development Project TCP 2010
Indonesia Maximizing State Asset Management through Strengthening Institutional Capacity TCP 2010
Indonesia Micro Finance for African Region: Establishing Micro Finance Institution (MFI) TCP 2010
Indonesia Multi-disciplinary Hazard Reduction from Earthquakes and Volcanoes in Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia The Multiple Approaches to Manage Pestalotiopsis Leaf Fall Disease Attacking Rubber Plantation in Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia Pilot study for Carbon Sequestration and Monitoring in the Gundih Area, Central Java Province, Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia Planning and Budgeting Reform TCP 2010
Indonesia Port Security Management Project TCP 2010
Indonesia Port Security Management Project Phase 2 TCP 2010
Indonesia Program for Enhancing Quality of Junior Secondary Education TCP 2010
Indonesia Program of Community Development of Fires Control in Peat Land Area TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Agricultural Insurance Expansion for Food Security TCP 2022
Indonesia Project for Assistance to the Establishment of an Independent Accreditation Agency for Engineering Education TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project for Breeding Innovation in Chili Pepper and Tomato to Accelerate Sustainable Vegetable Production in Tropical Regions TCP 2022
Indonesia Project for Capacity Building for Partnership Supervision and Competition Law Enforcement TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Capacity Building in Engineering, Science and Technology (C-BEST) at Hasanuddin University in the Eastern Part of Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Capacity Building in Engineering, Science, and Technology (C-BEST) in the Eastern Indonesia Region TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Capacity Development for Land Appropriation System Improvement in Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Capacity Development for the National Focal Point on Climate Change to Enhance the Implementation of Climate Change Policies in Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Capacity Development of ICU Using Telemedicine under COVID-19 Pandemic TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Capacity Development of Municipal Solid Waste Management TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Capacity Development on Debt Management in the Ministry of Finance to Support Fiscal Sustainability TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for capacity development on operation of earthquake and Tsunami Analysis and warning dissemination TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Capacity Development on Port Management Organization in Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Community Movement Program on Forest and Land Fire Prevention TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Competition Policy Phase 2 TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project for Comprehensive Assessment and Conservation of Blue Carbon Ecosystems and Their Services in the Coral Triangle (Blue CARES) TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project for Cordillera-wide Strengthening of the Local Health System for Effective and Efficient Delivery of Maternal and Child Health Services TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project for Developing Capacity of Employment Service Center TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Developing Electronic Testing Laboratories and LED Industry in Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project for Development and Implementation of New Damage Assessment Process in Agricultural Insurance as Adaptation to Climate Change for Food Security TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Development of a Model System for Fluidized Bed Catalytic Gasification of Biomass Wastes and Following Liquid Fuel Production in Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project for Development of Industry based on Local Resources in South Sulawesi Province TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Ecological Studies on Flying Foxes and Their Involvement In Rabies-related and Other Viral Infectious Diseases TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Efficient and Fair Disputes Resolution Mechanism and Legislative Drafting Capacity Development for Improving Business Environment TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project for Enhancement of Disaster Risk Reduction through Improvement of the Disaster Risk Information and Communication Framework in Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Enhancement of Nursing Competency through In-Service Training TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project for enhancement of satellite utilization for monitoring illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing activity TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Enhancing Tax Monitoring and Enforcement in the Directorate General of Taxes through the Prevention of Tax Dispute and Improvement in the Management of Human Resources and Organization TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Enhancing the Capacity of BNPB for Providing Recommendations against Disasters and Managing Area - BCM TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Enhancing the Early Warning and Response System of Infectious Disease TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Enhancing the Quality of Maternal and Child Health Program and the Implementation of Maternal and Child Health Handbook in the Era of Decentralization TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Enhancing U-IG-C approach through Promotion of Open Innovation by Creating Enabling Environment at FRC-UGM TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Ensuring Drug and Food Safety TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Establishing Efficient and Fair Disputes Resolution Mechanism for Business Transactions TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for establishment of the INSW Portal Management Body TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Facilitating Development of Wood Industry in Small Diameter Logs Processing TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for High Throughput Analysis of Rabies-related Viruses and Protection from Them, in the Globally Migrating Flying Fox TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Human Resources Development for Cyber Security Professionals TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project for Improvement of Aviation Safety and Efficiency TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project for Improvement of Maritime Transport Safety TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Improvement of Mercury Management TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Improvement of Public Transport in Jakarta Metropolitan Area TCP 2022
Indonesia The Project for Improvement on Aviation Safety Policy TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Improvement on the Vacctination Program for Avian Influenza Control in Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Improving Planning Capacity for Sewerage System in DKI Jakarta TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Indonesian Tax Reform Program TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Industrial Property Rights Administration TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Integrated study on mitigation of multimodal disasters caused by ejection of volcanic products TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project For Integrated Sustainable Energy And Food Production From Microalgae-Based Carbon Capture and Utilization TCP 2022
Indonesia The Project for Marine Techno Park Computing System for Food Security and Sustainabilities (MARITEP-COMSYSS) TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Planning and Budgeting Reform TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project for producing biomass energy and material through revegetation of alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica) fields TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Promoting Preventive Measures against Crimes TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Promoting Sustainable Fisheries Development in Outer Islands of Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project for Revegetation of Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica) Field Combined with Sustainable Production and Utilization of Biomass for Food and Energy Solution TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Searching Lead Compounds of Anti-malarial and Anti-amebic Agents by Utilizing Diversity of Indonesian Bio-resources TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project for Shipping and Sea Transportation Improvement Phase 2 TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Strengthening BAKAMLA's Capacity TCP 2022
Indonesia The Project for Strengthening Capacity Building Management of Vaccination and Laboratory for COVID-19 and Other Infectious Diseases TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Strengthening Capacity for Early Warning and Response to Infectious Diseases TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project for Strengthening Capacity of JABODETABEK Transportation Authority TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project for Strengthening Capacity on Ensuring Safe and Efficient Aircraft Operations TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Strengthening Coordination Capacity on Effective Trade-Related Administration TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Strengthening Framework of Implementation of SDGs of the Subnational Government TCP 2022
Indonesia Project for Strengthening Framework of Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) TCP 2022
Indonesia Project for Strengthening Function of Toll Road Agency TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Strengthening Implementation of Early Warning Alert and Response System of Infectious Diseases TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Strengthening Intellectual Property Rights Protection TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Strengthening Social Security System TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Strengthening the Capacity for Social Insurance Operation TCP 2010
Indonesia Project fot Supporting the Implementation of Irrigation Asset Management TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Sustainable Indonesian Fisheries Product Competitiveness TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project for Sustainable Marine Resources Management and Fisheries Promotion TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Technical Cooperation for Improvement of Regency/Municipality Roads Governance TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Technology and Human Resources Development for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) / Carbon, Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Technology Development of Steam-spot Detection and Sustainable Resource Use for Large Enhancement of Geothermal Power Generation in Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for the capacity laws development for the legal certainty TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for the Development of Metalworking Technology to Support the Indonesia Heavy Equipment Industry TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for the Establishment of Indonesia Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (IABEE) TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for the Improvement of Countermeasure on the Productive Diseases of Dairy Cattle TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project for the Support on Forest Resources Management through Leveraging Satellite Image Information TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Tourism Product Development TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Utilization of Indonesian Bioresource for Anti-mararial and Anti-amebic Drug Development TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Water-related issues in Jakarta Metropolitan Area TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project for Water Supply Service Improvement in the Mamminasata Metropolitan Area TCP 2010
Indonesia Project for Welding Technique Improvement TCP 2010
Indonesia Project of Capacity Development for Green Economy Policy TCP 2010
Indonesia Project of Capacity Development for the Implementation of Agricultural Insurance TCP 2010
Indonesia Project of Capacity Development for the Implementation of Climate Change Strategies (2nd Phase) TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project on BAKORKAMLA (Indonesian Maritime Security Coordination Body) Structural Enhancement TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project on BAKROKAMLA Structural Enhancement Project (Phase II) TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project on Building Administration and Enforcement Capacity Development for Seismic Resilience TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on "Building a Society with a Sense of Safety in Bali" TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on Capacity Building for Asset Management of Road and Bridges TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on Capacity Building for Information Security TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on Capacity Building for Public Private Partnership (PPP) Operation TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on Capacity Building for Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Operation (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on Capacity Building for Restoration of Ecosystems in Conservation Areas TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on Capacity Development for RBOs in Practical Water Resources Management and Technology TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on Capacity Development for RBOs in Practical Water Resources Management and Technology (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on Capacity Development for River Basin Organizations in Integrated Water Resources Managementin the Republic of Indonesia (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on Capacity Development for Trade-related Administration TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on Enhancemnt of Civilian Police Activities (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on Enhancement of Metalworking Capacity for Supporting Industries of Construction Machinery TCP 2010
Indonesia The project on Enhancing of Vessel Traffic Service System Management Capacity Phase 2 TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on Improvement of Collection Management and Biodiversity Research Capacity of the Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences in Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on In-house Capacity Development for Police Officers TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on Innovative Bio-Production in Indonesia: Integrated Bio-Refinery Strategy to Promote Biomass Utilization using Super-microbes for Fuels and chemicals TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on Innovative Bio-Production in Indonesia : Integrated Bio-Refinery Strategy to Promote Biomass Utilization using Super-microbes for Fuels and chemicals Production TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Legal Consistency for Improving Business Environment TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project on Mangrove Ecosystem Conservation and Sustainable Use in the ASEAN Region TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on Nationwide Capacity Development of Police Officers for POLMAS - Indonesian Civilian Police Activities TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on Nationwide Capacity Development of Police Officers for POLMAS - Indonesian Civilian Police Activities Phase 2 TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project on Public Works Quality Improvement through Capacity Building and Construction Management TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on Service Improvement of NAFED TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project on Strengthening COE(Center of Excellence) Program for PDAMs in the Republic of Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia Project on Strengthening the Framework of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project to Deliver Safe Drugs to People in Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project to develop medium and long term geothermal development policy in Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project to Develop Medium and Long Term Geothermal Policy in Indonesia Phase 2 TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project to Develop the Capacity of the State Owned Enterprise for Geothermal Development in Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia The Project to Enhance Surveillance System for Avian Influenza TCP 2010
Indonesia Public-Private Partnerships Project for the Improvement of the Agriculture Product Marketing and Distribution System Phase 2 TCP 2010
Indonesia Small & Medium Enterprise Human Resource Development under Economic Crisis TCP 2010
Indonesia Standardization and Quality Control for Horticulture Products of Indonesia (Improvement of Thermal Treatment Technique against Fruit Flies on Fresh Mango) TCP 2010
Indonesia Strategy for Strengthening Biodiversity Conservation through Appropriate National Park Management and Human Resources Development TCP 2010
Indonesia The Strengthening of Environment Management Capacity of Local Governments in Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia Strengthening Spatial Utilization Monitoring System TCP 2010
Indonesia The Study on Formulation of Self-reliance Community Development in Coastal and Non-coastal Tsunami and Earthquake Affected Areas in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province TCP 2010
Indonesia Sub Sectoral Program on Mangrove TCP 2010
Indonesia Technical Assistance to Small and Medium Enterprises in Indonesian Fish and Shrimp Industry TCP 2010
Indonesia Technical Cooperation Project for Modernization of Tax Administration TCP 2010
Indonesia Technical Cooperation Project for the Development of the Engineering Faculty of the Hasanudin University (UNHAS) TCP 2010
Indonesia Technical Cooperation Project for the Indonesian shipbuilding industry modernization TCP 2010
Indonesia Technical Cooperation Project on Enhancing of Vessel Traffic Service System Management Capacity TCP 2010
Indonesia Technical Support for Strengthening the Regional Based Education Management (Maluku) TCP 2010
Indonesia Technology and Management Improvement for SMEs in Industrial Sector TCP 2010
Indonesia Training of Trainers for Participatory Training Program on Agricultural Extension Methodology TCP 2010
Indonesia The trilateral collaboration project for anti-infectious disease drug development: from lead optimization to preclinical testing TCP 2010
Indonesia Wild Fire and Carbon Management in Peat-forest in Indonesia TCP 2010
Indonesia Cooperation for Strengthening Clusters (SENTRA) of Small and Medium Industries TCDP 2010
Indonesia Distribution Mechanism Reform through Development of Wholesale Market (Improving of Post-Harvest Handling and Marketing Facilities) TCDP 2010
Indonesia Project for Automotive Industry Development TCDP 2010
Indonesia The Project for Review the Study for Maritime Traffic Safety System Development Plan TCDP 2010
Indonesia Project for Study on Promoting Practical Demand Side Management Program TCDP 2010
Indonesia Project for Support for JKT's Response to Land Subsidence through Strengthening Capacity for Sustainable Groundwater and Surface Water Management TCDP 2010
Indonesia Reconstruction of Schools Considering Quake-resistant and Community Based Disaster Reduction TCDP 2010
Indonesia Strengthening for Export Promotion Organization TCDP 2010
Indonesia The Study on Development of Technical Standards and Competency Standards in Electrical Power Sector in the Republic of Indonesia TCDP 2010
Indonesia Study on Disaster Management Communications (Warning and Reporting) Network Development TCDP 2010
Indonesia Technical Cooperation Project on Port EDI Enhancement Strategy in the Republic of Indonesia TCDP 2010
Indonesia Connectivity Development Policy Loan L 2010
Indonesia COVID-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support Program L 2010
Indonesia COVID-19 Crisis Response Emergency Support Loan (Competitiveness, Industrial Modernization and Trade Acceleration Program) L 2010
Indonesia Development Policy Loan (VII) L 2010
Indonesia Development Policy Loan (VIII) L 2010
Indonesia Disaster Resilience Enhancement and Management Program Loan L 2010
Indonesia Disaster Resilience Enhancement and Management Program Loan 2 L 2010
Indonesia Disaster Resilience Enhancement and Management Program Loan (III) L 2010
Indonesia Domestic Shipping and Sea Transportation Improvement Project L 2010
Indonesia Housing loan support project for low and middle income persons L 2010
Indonesia Preparatory Survey on Domestic Shipping and Sea Transportation Improvement Project L 2010
Indonesia The Industrial Human Resource Development Project L 2010
Indonesia Professional Human Resource Development Project (IV) L 2010
Indonesia The Student Loan Fund for Supporting Human Resource Development in Indonesia L 2010
Indonesia University of Gadjah Mada Achieving World Class University with Socio-Entrepreneurial Spirit Project L 2010
Indonesia West Java Hydropower Plants Rehabilitation, Operation and Maintenance Project L 2010
Indonesia Preparatory Survey on Tonsealama Hydropower Plant Rehabilitation Project GA 2010
Indonesia The Project for Improvement of Equipment for Disaster Risk Managemen GA 2010
Indonesia The Project for Strengthening the National Laboratory for Controlling the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza and other Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases GA 2010
Indonesia The Project for the Construction of Patrol Vessels for Enhancing the Ability to Secure Maritime Safety GA 2010
Indonesia Business Verification Survey for Development of Fluorocarbons Recovery Network System that Contributes to Ozone Layer Protection and Climate Change Mitigation SDGs-SS 2022
Indonesia Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technology for Energy Management System for Micro grid in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technology for Remote Work Assisting Service SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for Acceleration of Pathological Diagnosis by Ultrasonic Microscope that can be Quantified and Observation of Bio-tissue SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility survey for aquatic plant removal management business in dam lake projects in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for Cleaning of Urban Water Supply Pipes to Improve Water Quality and Supply Capacity in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for: Community Disaster Management to apply Early Quake Warning Detected by Sensor Network SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for Creating Supply Chain of Organic Wastes Recycling in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for establishment of a manufactuaring and sales business for crushing separators in Jakarta, Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for: Human resource development of the CAD/CAM technology for Support industry in the national and public vocational school SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for Improvement of Agricultural Productivity by adapting "Sheet-pipe System" SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for improving water environment in Bali with Holistic Maintenance System for Septic Tank of Wastewater Treatment SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for Increasing Smallholder Farmers’ Income through Improving Agricultural Supply Chain System of Valued Added Products toward Consumers in Jakarta Areas SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for Introduced of Geological Survey Technology (Hybrid Boring Method) Capable of Collecting High-quality Cores SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for Introduction of Aerial Firefighting System Using a Gel Pack Fire Extinguishing Agent to the Forest and Peat Fires in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for Introduction of High Efficiency Small-scale Rice Hulling and Milling Machine for Farmers SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for Introduction of Precast Stormwater Infiltration Curb and Storage Facilities SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for Introducing Remote Networking and Maintenance Conserving Water Quality Monitoring System SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for Non-Revenue Water Reduction Technology Using TS Leak Checker in Water Supply Sector SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for: Optimizing the utilization of Oil Palm Waste(Empty Fruits Bunch)and making of solid fuel valuable as biomass energy by SNYG's Extruder SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for SDGs Business on Mosquito Repellent Clothing Production and Sales to Prevent Dengue Fever SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for the Development of Integrated Supply Chain of Agro-product in Batu city by introducing joint labeling and branding scheme with Fukushima SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for the Pavement Recycling Technology that utilizes Asphalt Wastes SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for the Private Sector for Utilizing Japanese Technologies in ODA Projects for Flooding Mitigation and Water Supply Utilizing the "Tametotto" Underground Rainwater Harvesting Tank SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for the Sixth Industrialization on the Growing Districts through Developing High-Qualified Strawberrie's Virus-Free Plants SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for Treatment System of Highly Concentrated Effluent SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey for Water Supply Management Improvement through the Introduction of Water Infrastructure Management System SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey with the Private Sector for Utilizing Japanese Technologies in ODA projects : Introduction of efficient water environmental improvement system SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Feasibility Survey with the Private Sector for Utilizing Japanese Technologies in ODA projects : Small Scale Rice Post-harvest Processing Facilities for Farmers Group of Kelompok-tani & Gapoktan in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Pilot Survey for Disseminating SME's Technologies for Building the Rainwater Drainage System with Runoff Control using Plastic Rainwater Infiltration and Storage Facilities SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Pilot Survey for Disseminating SME's Technologies for Operation and Maintenance of Distribution Pipe Lines, Utilizing Water Leakage Detectors Focused on Resin Pipe SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Pilot Survey for Disseminating SME's Technologies for Pipe Jacking for Sewage Works SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Pilot Survey for Disseminating SME’s Technologies for Recycling, Processing and Composting of Waste in Surabaya SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Pilot Survey for Disseminating SME's Technologies for Retort Food Manufacturing SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Pilot Survey for Disseminating SME's Technologies on Disaster Prevention and Environmental Regeneration SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Pre-Feasibility survey on the improvement of freshness and fishes distribution system using the slurry ice device SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Preparatory Survey on BOP Business for Audio-Visual Educational Materials SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Preparatory Survey on BOP Business on hybrid education business in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Preparatory Survey on BOP Business on Portable Water Supply with Solar Power System and Small Water Desalination Units SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Preparatory Survey on BOP business on slag fertilizer in peat bog areas in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Program for Air Purification by Activated Carbon Fibers in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Program for Construction Safety Improvement applying OSV monitoring at Jakarta MRT Project in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Program for deisseminating the synthesized sensing technologies for enhancing the agricultural productivity SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Program for diagnostic technique of trachea, bronchus, lung cancer by endoscopy SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Program for Distribution of Intelligent Forest Fire Management Service in Republic of Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Program for high value-added rice production in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Program for promotion of Disease Management System for tuberculosis patients in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Program for Standardization of Medical Information Network in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Program for Stop TB Support SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Program for the promotion of active mobile refrigeration and freezing instrument "Cool Cargo™" to the health and medical sectors in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Program for Training of Laparoscopic Surgery in Urology in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Application of Hydrological observations (Water Level and River Discharge) with Image Analysis Technique in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Digital Engineering and Automation in the strategy of Making Indonesia 4.0 SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Earthquake Resilient Houses with Japanese Prefabrication System for Low Income Communities SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for High Value-added Processing and Hygiene Management Technology for Squid Processed Food Products in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Improved Productivity of Arabica Coffee with Cultivation Management System in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Introducing Porous Concrete Products for Preventing Infrastructure Damage due to Expansive and Soft Soil SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Introducing Porous Concrete Products for Preventing Infrastructure Damage due to Expansive and Soft Soil in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2022
Indonesia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Low-priced Earthquake-resistant Solar House in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Soft Ground Stabilization by Eco Geo-Drain SPD Method in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for the Establishment of Production and Marketing System for Scientifically-assured High Quality Vegetables through Introducing the Soil Improvement Method by Ripened Compost in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Autonomous Mobility Service toward BSD Smart City Development SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Developing and Using Virus-free Seedling toward to Revitalization of Agricultural Sector in Indnesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for HRD in Manufacturing with Digital Engineering for Making Indonesia 4.0 SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Hybrid Drilling Method(geological survey Technology) SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Microtunneling Technology of Small Diameter Pipe of Sewer Branch and Sewer Network in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Reduction and Recycling of Non Separation Urban Garbage in Bali SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for the Pavement Recycling Technology with Asphalt Wastes in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2022
Indonesia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Vessel Anti-Rolling Tank in Indnesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Waste Water Treatment System with Energy Recovery for Palm Oil Industry in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Standardization of the asphalt emulsion stabilizer method and to, promote Japan's excellent road maintenance and repair technology in Indonesia increase the market share of road stabilizers machine. SDGs-SS 2022
Indonesia Verification Survey for Disseminating food processing technologies for promoting food processing SMEs in West Java Province SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Verification Survey for Disseminating Technologies to Extinguish Forest and Peatland Fire using Environment Friendly Soap-Based Fire Fighting Foam SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Verification Survey With The Private Sector For Disseminating Japanese Technologies For Efficient Management Of The Multi-Purpose Dam And Data Collection For The Climate Change With Real-Time Telemetry System (Sesame System) SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for efficient water environmental improvement system SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Electronic Medical Record and Hospitals-Clinics Linkage to Care Pregnant and Parturient Women SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Ground Improvement using Chemical Grouting Technology SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Human Resource Development of the CAD/CAM Technology for Supporting Industry in the Technical School SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Improvement of Aquatic Plant Management in Hydropower Dam in Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Introduction of Precast Stormwater Infiltration Curb and Storage Facilities SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Processing and Sanitation Control for Octopus Products SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Rubber Dam Rehabilitation SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Strengthening of Children’s Mathematical Ability by e-Learning Through University-Industry Collaboration in Republic of Indonesia SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for the MSW management by the sustainable recycling dispersion system SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies Producing Paper Pulp from Empty Fruit Bunch SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Technologies for Improvements and Upgrading of Inspection Technique on Industrial infrastructure equipment SDGs-SS 2010
Indonesia Development of Sustainable Seaweed Based Functional Foods for Achieving Blue Economic Goals TCP 2022
Indonesia Development of Integrated Bio-circular Economy from Food and Energy Estate Waste Fraction to Biofuel and Bio-chemicals TCP 2022
Laos The Project for Southern Regional Referral Hospital Development GA 2022
Laos The Project for Upgrading Power Supply Management System for Mainstreaming of Clean Energy in the Mekong Region GA 2022
Laos Capacity Development Project for Improved Governance in Road Asset Management in Lao PDR TCP 2022
Laos The Project for Human Resource Development to Strengthen Organizational Capacity of UXO Lao TCP 2022
Laos Project on Capacity Development for Trade Facilitation in the Mekong Region TCP 2022
Laos The Project for Training Program on Leadership Enhancement for Leaders to bring socio-economic development TCP 2022
Laos Project for Integrated Energy Master Plan towards Sustainable Carbon Neutral Society TCDP 2010
Laos ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) Project Phase 3 TCP 2010
Laos ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) Project Phase 4 TCP 2010
Laos ASEAN University Network/Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Laos Capacity Building Project for Improvement of Quality Management for Bridge Construction and Maintenance in Lao PDR TCP 2010
Laos Capacity Building Project for Public Expenditure Management Strengthening Programme (PEMSP) TCP 2010
Laos Capacity Building Project for Strengthening of Agricultural Statistics System TCP 2010
Laos Capacity Development of Labour and Social Welfare Officials TCP 2010
Laos Capacity Development Project for Establishing National Forest Information System for Sustainable Forest Management and REDD+ TCP 2010
Laos The Capacity Development Project for Improvement of Management Ability in Water Supply Sector in Lao PDR phase II TCP 2010
Laos Capacity Development Project for Improvement of Management Ability of Water Supply Authorities TCP 2010
Laos Capacity Development Project for Improvement of Management Ability of Water Supply Authorities phase II TCP 2010
Laos Clean Agriculture Development Project TCP 2010
Laos Forestry Resource Information Capacity Development Project TCP 2010
Laos Human Resource Development in IT Service Industry at NUOL TCP 2010
Laos Lao Organic Agriculture Promotion Project TCP 2010
Laos ODOP (One District One Product) Pilot Project TCP 2010
Laos Participatory Land and Forest Management Project for Reducing Deforestation TCP 2010
Laos The Project for Capacity Development of Hazardous Waste Management TCP 2010
Laos The Project for Capacity Development on Bridge Maintenance and Management TCP 2010
Laos Project for Capacity Development on Customs Clearance Operations with Risk Management TCP 2010
Laos Project for Capacity Development on Urban Development Control and Promotion TCP 2010
Laos Project for Capacity Enhancement for Sustainable World Heritage Management and Preservation in Luang Prabang TCP 2010
Laos The Project for Developing Continuing Professional Development System for Nurses and Midwives TCP 2022
Laos Project for Enhancement of Urban Development Control Operation TCP 2010
Laos Project for Enhancing Capacity of Public Investment Program Management TCP 2010
Laos The Project for Enhancing Sustainable Management in collaboration with REDD+programs and REDD+funds (F-REDD2) TCP 2010
Laos Project for Establishing Strategy of PIP Management under NSEDP TCP 2010
Laos The Project for Human Resource Development in the Legal Sector (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Laos The Project for Improvement of Management Capacity of Water Supply Sector (MaWaSU3) TCP 2022
Laos Project for Improvement of Power Sector Management TCP 2010
Laos Project for Improvement of Power Utility Management TCP 2010
Laos Project for Improvement of the Road Management Capability TCP 2010
Laos Project for Improving In-service Teacher Training for Science and Mathematics Education TCP 2010
Laos Project for Improving Public Investment Management TCP 2010
Laos The Project for Improving Quality of Health Care Services TCP 2010
Laos Project for Improving Quality of Healthcare Services and Financial Management of Hospitals TCP 2010
Laos The Project for Improving Teaching and Learning Mathematics for Primary Education TCP 2010
Laos Project for malaria and neglected parasitic diseases control and elimination using advanced research technique, communication tools and eco-health education TCP 2022
Laos Project for Medical Education and Research for the Setthathirath Hospital TCP 2010
Laos Project for Monitoring Public Investment and Establishing Information System for Public Investment Project Management TCP 2010
Laos The Project for Participatory Agriculture Development in Savannakhet Province TCP 2010
Laos Project for Power Quality Improvement TCP 2010
Laos Project for Power Quality Improvement through Upgrading Grid Code and Strengthening its Enforcement System TCP 2010
Laos The Project for promoting development and strengthening of the Rule of Law in the Legal Sector of Lao P.D.R TCP 2010
Laos The Project for Promoting Development and Strengthening of the Rule of the Law in the Legal sector of Lao P.D.R Phase 2 TCP 2010
Laos Project for Strengthening Community Health System in Four Southern Province TCP 2010
Laos The project for Strengthening Forest Governance through the Effective Use of REDD+ TCP 2010
Laos Project for Strengthening Human Resource Development of Engineering and Technology for Industry Development in Lao P.D.R TCP 2010
Laos Project for Strengthening Integrated Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Services TCP 2010
Laos The Project for Strengthening Management Capacity of UXO Lao TCP 2010
Laos The Project for Strengthening Operational Capacity of UXO Lao contributing to poverty alleviation TCP 2010
Laos The project for strengthening preparedness and response systems for COVID-19 in Lao PDR TCP 2010
Laos Project for Strengthening Teacher Capacity of Teaching Primary Mathematics TCP 2022
Laos Project for Supporting Community Initiative for Education Development (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Laos Project for Sustainable Development and Quality Assurance of Health Care Professionals TCP 2010
Laos Project for Sustainable Development of Human Resource for Health to Improve Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Services TCP 2010
Laos Project for the Capacity Development of Business Professionals and Networking through LJI TCP 2010
Laos Project for the Capacity Development of Business Professionals and Networking through LJI Phase 2 TCP 2010
Laos Project for the Capacity Development of Tax Administration TCP 2010
Laos The project for the development of innovative research technique in genetic epidemiology of malaria and other parasitic diseases in Lao PDR for containment of their expanding endemicity TCP 2010
Laos The Project for Training Program on Leadership Enhancement for leaders TCP 2010
Laos Project for Upgrading Diploma Nurses TCP 2010
Laos The Project for Urban Development Management TCP 2010
Laos Project for Urban Water Environment Improvement in Vientiane Capital TCP 2010
Laos The Project on Capacity Building for Supporting Private Sector Development and Japanese Investment in Lao P.D.R. through LJI of NUOL TCP 2010
Laos Project on Riverbank Protection Works Phase II TCP 2010
Laos Project on Support to Trade Promotion TCP 2010
Laos Project to Enhance the Capacity of Vientiane Capital State Bus Enterprise TCP 2010
Laos The Project to enhance the Capacity of Vientiane Capital Bus Enterprise (Phase II) TCP 2010
Laos Regional Cooperation Project for Animal Disease Control among Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam (ADC Project Phase 2) TCP 2010
Laos Regional Cooperation Project on Capacity Building of Drug Analysis for Improvement of Drug Law Enforcement Phase 2 TCP 2010
Laos Supporting Community Initiative for Primary Education Development in Attapeu & Sekong Province TCP 2010
Laos Sustainable Forest Management and REDD+ Support Project TCP 2010
Laos Third Country Training Course in Rural Electrification TCP 2010
Laos Project for Strengthening Food Value Chain TCDP 2010
Laos The Study on the Development of New Air Navigation System (New CNS/ATM) TCDP 2010
Laos A Real-time Gross Settlement System Project using Blockchain Technology L 2010
Laos Ninth Poverty Reduction Support Operation (PRSO9) L 2010
Laos The Project for Improving Provincial Teacher Development Centers GA 2022
Laos Preparatory Survey for Improving Lower Secondary School Environment in the Central and Southern Provinces GA 2010
Laos Preparatory Survey for The Project for Improvement of Irrigated Agriculture in Tha Ngon Irrigation Scheme GA 2010
Laos The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship GA 2022
Laos The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2013) GA 2010
Laos The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2014) GA 2010
Laos The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2015) GA 2010
Laos The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2019) GA 2010
Laos The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (three-year cycle) GA 2010
Laos Project for Improvement of Equipment and Facilities on Meteorological and Hydrological Services GA 2010
Laos The Project for Improvement of Facility and Laboratory Equipment in the Faculty of Engineering, National University of Laos GA 2010
Laos The Project for Improvement of Teaching Hospitals GA 2010
Laos The Project for Improving Secondary School Environment in the Southern Provinces GA 2010
Laos The Project for Improving Teacher Training Colleges GA 2010
Laos The Project for Modernization of Equipment for Transition to New CNS/ATM System GA 2010
Laos Project for Rehabilitation of Chao Anouvong Stadium GA 2010
Laos The Project for Strengthening Health Service Network in Southern Province GA 2010
Laos The Project for Strengthening Research and Development on Fisheries and Aquaculture GA 2010
Laos The Project for Supporting Unexploded Ordnance Clearance in Surrounding Areas of Main Roads GA 2010
Laos Feasibility Survey for Dissemination of Value-added Processing Technology for Local Medicinal Plants SDGs-SS 2010
Laos Feasibility Survey for Producing Regenerated Raw Materials from Waste PET Bottles in Laos SDGs-SS 2010
Laos Feasibility Survey for Promoting Sustainable Agriculture through Integrated IT System of Production Management and Adjustment of Supply and Demand SDGs-SS 2010
Laos Feasibility Survey for the Creation of Income Opportunities in Rural Villages by the Laborsaving Sericulture Technology SDGs-SS 2010
Laos Feasibility Survey for the Upgrading of Operation and Maintenance for Hydropower Plant by Utilizing Remote Monitoring Technology SDGs-SS 2010
Laos Feasibility Survey for Wastewater Treatment System Utilizing Recycled Media (KIDS) SDGs-SS 2010
Laos Feasibility Survey with the Private Sector for Utilizing Japanese Technologies in ODA projects: A Preliminary Study for the Design and Implementation of a Bus Business Improvement System in Vientiane, Lao PDR SDGs-SS 2010
Laos Introduction of the Bus Location System and the Probe ITS for Vientiane public bus service SDGs-SS 2010
Laos Pilot Survey for Disseminating SME's Technologies for Wooden House Building Materials and Construction with Pre-Cut Machine SDGs-SS 2010
Laos Preparatory Survey on BOP business on production of biocoke SDGs-SS 2010
Laos SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for construction equipment contractor service and its related business by developing Laotian operators in Laos SDGs-SS 2010
Laos SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for HVDC inter-connection between Laos and Cambodia SDGs-SS 2010
Laos SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Improving Dam Safety Using Highly Accurate Crack Measurement Method SDGs-SS 2010
Laos SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Lao P.D.R. Government Certification Infrastructure Business SDGs-SS 2010
Laos SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for the Improvement Method of the Tap Water Quality Could Be Installed Simply To the Existing Water Treatment Plant SDGs-SS 2010
Laos SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Operating the Information Sharing Platform of International Freight Trucks in Laos SDGs-SS 2010
Laos SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Wastewater Treatment System Utilizing Recycled Media (KIDS) SDGs-SS 2010
Laos Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Export Promotion by Utilizing Furniture Making Skills SDGs-SS 2010
Laos Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Improvement of Medical and Other Hazardous Waste Management in Vientiane City, Laos SDGs-SS 2010
Laos Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Low-Emission Public Transportation System of E-Trike Usage SDGs-SS 2010
Laos Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Sustainable commercial utilization of useful plant resource in Laos P.D.R. SDGs-SS 2010
Laos Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for the Bass Operation Improvement System SDGs-SS 2010
Laos Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Value-added Processing Technology for Local Medicinal Plants SDGs-SS 2010
Laos Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies of Water Purification System for Highly Turbid Water for Use in Small Town Water Supply SDGs-SS 2010
Malaysia Project for the sustainable control of zoonotic malaria through an integrated approach TCP 2022
Malaysia Project for Enhancement of Innovation and Linkage of Malaya University TCP 2022
Malaysia ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) Project Phase 3 TCP 2010
Malaysia ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) Project Phase 4 TCP 2010
Malaysia ASEAN University Network/Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Malaysia Borneo Biodiversity and Ecosystems Conservation Project TCP 2010
Malaysia Capacity Building in Maritime Safety and Security TCP 2010
Malaysia Cooperation in Tsunami Early Warning Technology TCP 2010
Malaysia Development of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Treatment System for Sustainable Energy Production and Resource Recovery Based on Material Innovation TCP 2022
Malaysia Forensic Science and Investigations - Procedures and Techniques at Crime Scenes TCP 2010
Malaysia Human Resource Development and Improvement in Tax Administration (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Malaysia Improvement of Vocational Training System to Keep Meeting with the Needs of Industries TCP 2010
Malaysia Japan linkage Office @ UTM MJIIT TCP 2022
Malaysia MJIIT UTM 2nd Phase Technical Cooperation Project TCP 2010
Malaysia Monitoring adnd Evaluation of Training Programmes under South-South Cooperation TCP 2010
Malaysia Project for Capacity Building and Policy Dialogue on Catalysing Women Entrepreneurship TCP 2010
Malaysia The Project for Continuous Operation System for Microalgae Production Optimized for Sustainable Tropical Aquaculture (COSMOS) TCP 2010
Malaysia Project for Enhancement of Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology TCP 2010
Malaysia Project for "Enhancing Transparency and Predictability of Preferential Role of Origin on EPA/FTAs in Customs Clearance" TCP 2010
Malaysia The Project for development of mechanism for household E-waste management in Malaysia TCP 2010
Malaysia The Project for Implementation of Scheduled E-waste Management System in Malaysia TCP 2010
Malaysia Project for Institutionalization of the Household E-waste Recycling Fund Management Mechanism in Malaysia (RFMM) TCP 2010
Malaysia The Project for Model Development for E-Waste Collection, Segregation and Transportation from Households for Recycling (Phase II) TCP 2010
Malaysia Project for Promoting Holistic Education TCP 2010
Malaysia Project for Strengthening Capacity Pertaining to National Reporting Obligation to the UNFCCC under the Enhanced Transparency Framework TCP 2010
Malaysia The Project for Sustainable Replantation of Oil Palm by Adding Value to Oil Palm Trunk through Scientific and Technological Innovation TCP 2010
Malaysia Project on Creation of Green Innovative Industry from Oil Palm Plantation for the Bornean Bio-diversity Conservation TCP 2010
Malaysia The Project on development of management systems for multiple utilization of biodiversity in the tropical rainforests at the protected areas in Sarawak TCP 2010
Malaysia Project on Enhancing Educational and Training Capacity of Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) and Encouraging Cooperation among Neighboring Countries TCP 2010
Malaysia Project on Enhancing Practical Capacity for Maritime Safety and Security and Improving Education and Training Program TCP 2010
Malaysia Project on Enhancing Procedures in Search and Rescue and an Expert in Developing Curriculum for Maritime Academy Towards Becoming a Regional Coastguard Training Centre TCP 2010
Malaysia Project on Promotion of Green Economy with Palm Oil Industry for Biodiversity Conservation TCP 2010
Malaysia The Project on Successful Ageing: Community Based Programmes and Social Support System TCP 2010
Malaysia Project on Sustainable Development for Biodiversity and Ecosystems Conservation in Sabah TCP 2010
Malaysia The Project to Support Participation of Persons with Disabilities TCP 2010
Malaysia The Project to Support Participation of PWDs (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Malaysia Providing Storage Capacity for COVID-19 Vaccine in Malaysia TCP 2010
Malaysia Real-Time Lightning 3D Imaging and Forecasting Project for Sustainable Energy Supply and Storm Disaster Early Warning TCP 2010
Malaysia Regional Cooperation Project for Animal Disease Control among Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam (ADC Project Phase 2) TCP 2010
Malaysia Risk management approach at clearance and post clearance process TCP 2010
Malaysia Risk Management System TCP 2010
Malaysia SMIDEC-JICA Human Resource Development Phase 2 TCP 2010
Malaysia Techniques & Procedures in Maritime Safety and Security (2nd Phase) TCP 2010
Malaysia Development Project of the Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology L 2010
Malaysia Higher Education Loan Fund Project(IV) L 2010
Malaysia Preparatory Survey on the Project for Improving Training Equipment of Academy Maritime Sultan Ahmad Shah GA 2010
Malaysia Feasibility Survey for Creation of an Industry for Recovery, Reuse and Destruction of Fluorocarbons that Contributes to the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Mitigation of Global Warming SDGs-SS 2010
Malaysia Feasibility Survey for Introducing Japanese Style Nursing-Care System SDGs-SS 2010
Malaysia Feasibility Survey for Operation and Maintenance by Sewer Maintenance Robots in Malaysia SDGs-SS 2010
Malaysia Feasibility Survey for recycle system of used diaper SDGs-SS 2010
Malaysia Feasibility survey for the introduction of chemical substance and method that make asbestos harmless in order to prevent health damages caused by asbestos SDGs-SS 2010
Malaysia Feasibility Survey with the Private Sector for Utilizing Japanese Technologies in ODA projects: Middle-sized EV bus Project in Malaysia SDGs-SS 2010
Malaysia Pilot Survey for Disseminating SME's Technologies for Improvement of Wastewater Treatment System and Cyclic Use of Resource for Palm Oil Mill in Malaysia SDGs-SS 2010
Malaysia Pilot Survey for Disseminating SME's Technologies for "The vessel mounted 24 hours camera surveillance system for counter terrorism" SDGs-SS 2010
Malaysia Program for Mercury contained waste processing technology promotion SDGs-SS 2010
Malaysia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Establishing Nobel Colorectal Cancer Dignostic Service Based on Gut Microbiota SDGs-SS 2010
Malaysia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for introduction of security equipment for crime reduction in Malaysia SDGs-SS 2010
Malaysia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Marine Debris Collection Using Waste Collection Vessel in Malaysia SDGs-SS 2010
Malaysia SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Turbid Water Control Using BSC Method with Waterworks Sector in Malaysia SDGs-SS 2010
Malaysia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Food Waste Composting and Creating of Recycling Loop SDGs-SS 2010
Malaysia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Operation & Maintenance by Sewer Maintenance Robots in Malaysia SDGs-SS 2010
Malaysia SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Selection and Cultivation Technology for High-value-added Flowers and Strawberries that take the Soil Environment into Consideration in Malaysia SDGs-SS 2010
Malaysia Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Creation of an Industry for Recovery, Reuse and Destruction of Fluorocarbons that Contributes to Protection of the Ozone Layer and Mitigation of Global Warming SDGs-SS 2010
Malaysia Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Middle-sized EV bus Project in Malaysia SDGs-SS 2010
Malaysia Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Water Purification Business to be Taken Advantage of the Natural Mineral Limonite and of Kenaf from Malaysia SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Advisor for Power Development Plan Implementation Acceleration TCP 2010
Myanmar ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) Project Phase 3 TCP 2010
Myanmar ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) Project Phase 4 TCP 2010
Myanmar ASEAN University Network/Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Myanmar Development of Participatory Multiplication and Distribution System for Quality Rice Seeds TCP 2010
Myanmar Major Infectious Diseases Control Project Phase II TCP 2010
Myanmar Postal Service Capacity Improvement Project TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for ASEAN Network System for Rice Genomic Breeding TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Building Value Chain through Food Safety Approach TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Capacity building for sustainable natural resource management TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Capcity Development in Implementation of New Primary Education Curriculum TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Capacity Development of Government Organizations for Establishing Transparent Legal System TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Capacity Development of Legal, Judicial and Relevant Sectors in Myanmar TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Capacity Development of Legal, Judicial and Relevant Sectors in Myanmar (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Capacity Development of Mandalay Port TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Capacity Development of Myanmar Radio and Television Phase 2 TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Capacity Development of Power Transmission and Distribution Systems TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Capacity Development of Road and Bridge Operation and Maintenance TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Capacity Development of the Myanmar Radio and Television (MRTV) TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Capacity Development of the Myanmar Radio and Television Phase 2 TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Capacity Development of Transmission and Distribution Systems TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environmental Management and EIA System in Myanmar TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Capacity Development of Business Personnel in Myanmar-Japan Center for Human Resources Development TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Capacity Development of Financial Institutions and Related Organizations for Strengthening Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Agricultural Finance TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Capacity Development of Road and Bridge Technology TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Capacity Development of Yezin Agricultural University TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Capacity Development of Yezin Agricultural University focusing on improvement of Research and Management TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Capacity Development on Cyber Security TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Capacity Development on New CNS/ATM Systems TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Capacity Enhancement of Village and Township Water Supply TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Curriculum Reform at Primary Level of Basic Education TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Development of a Comprehensive Disaster Resilience System and Collaboration Platform in Myanmar TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Development of Malaria Control (Interrupting Transmission Toward Pre-elimination) Model in Myanmar TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Development of Malaria Elimination Model in Myanmar TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for development of water saving agriculture technology in Central Dry Zone TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Enhancement of Certification and Supply System of Rice Seed TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Enhancement of Engineering Higher Education in Myanmar TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Enhancement of Medical Education TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Enhancement of Sign Language Support Service TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Enhancing Capacity of Weather Observation and Forecasting in Myanmar TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Enhancing Capacity of Weather Observation, Forecasting and Warning in Myanmar TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Enhancing Legislative and Monitoring Capacity on Air and Water Environmental Management TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Eradication of Opium Poppy Cultivation and Rural Development in Northern Shan State TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Establishment of Innovative Antimicrobial Resistance(AMR) surveillance system using next generation sequencing and development of simple AMR detection tools optimized for Myanmar TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Hospital Management Capacity Development TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Human Resource Development of Medical Engineering TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Improvement of Basic Education Curriculum TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Improvement of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Contro TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for improvement of institutional capacity for Foot-and-Mouth Disease control TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Improvement of Road Technology in Disaster Affected Area TCP 2010
Myanmar Project on Improvement of Rolling Stock Maintenance and Railway Operation TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Improvement of Water Management and Agriculture Extension TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Improvement of Water Supply Management of Yangon City Development Committee Phase 2 TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Improvement of Water Supply Management of YCDC TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Improvement of Water Supply System in Yangon TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Improvement on Accessibility of Rice Certified Seed TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Improving Basic Seed Production System for Field Crops TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Improving Early Generation Seed Production System for Field Crops TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Modernizing the Funds Payment and Securities Settlement Systems in Myanmar TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for National Skills Standards (NSS) Development TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Power Development Plan Implementation Acceleration TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Productivity Enhancement through Irrigation Agriculture TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Profitable Irrigated Agriculture in Western Bago Region TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Promoting Investment for Enhancing Industrial Competitiveness TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Provision of Road Construction and Maintenance Equipment in Rakhine and Kayin State TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Quality Improvement in TVET Program TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Quantitative and Comprehensive Earthquake Risk Evaluation for better Disaster Preparedness in Urban Areas of Myanmar TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for rural health development through strengthening basic health services TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Small-scale Aquaculture Extension for Promotion of Livelihood of Rural Communities in Central Dry Zone TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Small-scale Aquaculture Extension for Promotion of Livelihood of Rural Communities Phase 2 TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for strengthening capacity of the Central Bank of Myanmar TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Strengthening Horticultural Crop Value Chain through Food Safety Approach TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Strengthening Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration for Engineering TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Strengthening Infection Prevention and Control against Antimicrobial Resistance TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Strengthening of Child Centered Approach Phase 2 TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Strengthening of Function of SME Center TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Strengthening of Health Professional Education TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Strengthening of Industrial Promotion Functions TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Strengthening of Medical Education TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for strengthening Primary Health Care with focus on maternal and neonatal health TCP 2010
Myanmar Project of Capacity Development for National Single Window and Customs Modernization by Introducing Automated Cargo Clearance System in Myanmar TCP 2010
Myanmar Project of Capacity Development for National Single Window and Customs Modernization by Introducing Automated Cargo Clearance System Phase 2 TCP 2010
Myanmar Project of Myanmar - Japan Center for Human Resources Development TCP 2010
Myanmar Project of Myanmar - Japan Center for Human Resources Development Phase II TCP 2010
Myanmar Project on Capacity Development and Promotion of Networking on Assisting Victims of Trafficking TCP 2010
Myanmar Project on Capacity Improvement of Recovery and Reintegration Assistance for Trafficked Persons TCP 2010
Myanmar Project on Establishment of End-to-End Early Warning System for Natural Disaster TCP 2010
Myanmar Project on Health Systems Strengthening TCP 2010
Myanmar Project on Improvement of Service and Safety of Railway TCP 2010
Myanmar Project on the Capacity Development of Tax Administration in Myanmar TCP 2010
Myanmar The Project on the Development of the Insurance Sector (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Myanmar Regional Cooperation Project for Animal Disease Control among Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam (ADC Project Phase 2) TCP 2010
Myanmar Small-scale Aquaculture Extension for Promotion of Livelihood of Rural Communities in Myanmar TCP 2010
Myanmar Technical assistance in the reform of the insurance sector in Myanmar TCP 2010
Myanmar Project for Development of Basic Strategic Plan for Tourism Promotion TCDP 2010
Myanmar Project for Establishment of the Pilot Model for Regional Tourism Development TCDP 2010
Myanmar The Project for Strengthening Rice Breeding System based on Genomic Technology and Information in Myanmar TCDP 2010
Myanmar Project for Supporting Investment Promotion TCDP 2010
Myanmar Agriculture and Rural Development Two Step Loan Project L 2010
Myanmar Agriculture and Rural Development Two Step Loan Project (Phase 2) L 2010
Myanmar Investment Promotion and Financial Sector Development Program Loan(COVID-19 Response Emergency Support) L 2010
Myanmar Project for the Development of Mortgage System L 2010
Myanmar Social and Economic Reform Support Loan L 2010
Myanmar The food security project for underprivileged farmers (2012) GA 2010
Myanmar The food security project for underprivileged farmers (2013) GA 2010
Myanmar Preparatory Survey for Project for Development of ICT Sytem for Central Banking GA 2010
Myanmar Preparatory Survey for Project for Expansion of Broadcasting Equipment of Myanmar Radio and Television(MRTV) GA 2010
Myanmar Preparatory Survey for Project for Improving State Hospitals GA 2010
Myanmar Preparatory Survey for the Project for Construction of New Yangon Specialist Hospital GA 2010
Myanmar Preparatory Survey for the Project for Customs Modernization by Introducing Automated Cargo Clearance System GA 2010
Myanmar Preparatory Survey for the Project for Establishment of Japan-Myanmar Aung San Technical Institute GA 2010
Myanmar Preparatory Survey for the Project for Improvement of Equipment for Foot-and-Mouth Disease Control GA 2010
Myanmar Preparatory Survey for the Project for Improvement of Malaria Control Equipment GA 2010
Myanmar Preparatory Survey for the Project for Improvement of Regional General Hospitals GA 2010
Myanmar Preparatory Survey on the Project for Improvement of Urban Traffic Management in Yangon City GA 2010
Myanmar the Program for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Schools in Flood and Landslide Affected Areas GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for Construction of Training Center for Civil Servants GA 2010
Myanmar Project for Development of ICT System for Central Banking (Phase 2) GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for Enhancing Technological Universities in Myanmar GA 2010
Myanmar the Project for Establishment of Disastrous Weather Monitoring System GA 2010
Myanmar Project for Expansion of Broadcasting Equipment of Myanmar Radio and Television GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2013) GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2014) GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2015) GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for improvement of Aircraft Surveillance System GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for Improvement of Machinery for Rehabilitation of Polder Embankment in Ayeyawady Delta GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment in Hospitals in Yangon and Mandalay GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for Improvement of Nationwide Airport Safety and Security GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for Improvement of Road Construction and Maintenance Equipment in Ayeyarwady Region and Mon State GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for Improvement of Road Construction and Maintenance Equipment in Kachin State and Chin State GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for Improvement of Road Construction and Maintenance Equipment in Rakhine State GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for Improving Loikaw General Hospital in Kayah State GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for Improving Lashio General Hospital in Shan State GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment in General Hospitals in Yangon GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for Installation of Operation Control Center System and Safety Equipment GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for Port EDI for Port Modernization GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for Provision of Coastal and River Express Passenger Vessel in Rakhine State GA 2010
Myanmar the Project for Provision of Road Construction and Maintenance Equipment in Kayin State GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for Rehabilitation of Vessel Traffic Navigation Aid in Yangon river GA 2010
Myanmar the Project for Strengthening Human Development Institutions in Agriculture GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for Upgrading Ferryboat in Yangon City GA 2010
Myanmar the Project for Upgrading the Health Facilities in Central Myanmar GA 2010
Myanmar The Project for Urgent Improvement of Communication Networks GA 2010
Myanmar The Provision of Equipment for Rural Water Supply Project In the Central Dry Zone GA 2010
Myanmar the Provision of Equipment for Rural Water Supply Project in the Central Dry Zone (Phase2) GA 2010
Myanmar Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technology for Dental Technique and Dental Care service SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technology for Promotion of Preventive Medical Care System in Myanmar SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technology for Sustainable and Comprehensive Cataract Treatment SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technology for the Improvement of Postal Service and the Introduction of Advanced Mail Transportation Network SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technology for Traffic flow simulation technology and other ITS technologies for road planning in Yangon SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technology for training system of power distribution for Yangon City Electricity Supply Board SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Feasibility Survey for Advanced Johkasou Introduction to Hospitals, Markets etc. in Poor South Delta Area for Water Sanitation Improvement SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Feasibility Survey for Application of Incinerators for Medical Wastes at Public Hospitals and Health Care Centers in Rural Area SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Feasibility Survey for Developing Rice Flour Value Chain SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Feasibility Survey for: Formulation of Management System for Rice Moisture by Traceability System of Moisture Measurement SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Feasibility Survey for Igusa (Rush) Production in Myanmar SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Feasibility Survey for improvement of Antenatal care in rural area of middle area of Myanmar by using ours Remote Medical Care System "XMIX" SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Feasibility Survey for improvement of dental service by introduction of comprehensive system SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Feasibility Survey for Introducing Mikado Reflector as a Prevention of Road Traffic Accidents SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Feasibility Survey for Introducing Solar Well Pump System to Non-Water Supply and Non-Electrified Areas in Myanmar SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Feasibility Survey for Making High-Value Added Sesame Products by High-Quality Sesame-Oil Production Technology SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Feasibility Survey for SDGs Business on Development and Dissemination of Loan-Incidental Insurance Products to Improve the Access to Finance in Rural Areas SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Feasibility Survey for SDGs Business on Organic Herbs and Millet Production and Sales to Improve Income and Health of Low-income Farmers SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Feasibility Survey for SDGs Business on Senna Production and Processing to Improve the Income of Small-Scale Farmers SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Feasibility Survey for Shrimp Hatchery Technologies in Myanmar SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Feasibility Survey for the extension of the Yoi-Tane Vegetable Seed Production System(VSPS) SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Feasibility survey on establishing supply chain-management system for safe, high quality and hygienic medical oxygen in Myanmar SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Feasibility Survey on Providing Clean Water to Medical Facilities Using TECHRYS the Chlorine Sterilization Device in Myanmar SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Feasibility Survey with the Private Sector for Utilizing Japanese Technologies in ODA Projects Improvement of Post-harvest Rice Quality in Myanmar SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Pilot Survey for Disseminating SME's Technologies for Improvement of Traffic Environment in Yangon City by Implementing Traffic Signals SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Program for Promoting Usage of Sanitary Napkins through Menstruation Education for Young Girls in Myanmar SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for building a system to monitor antimicrobial resistance and preventing the spread by using simple test kit SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Creating the Problem-solving Library for Children SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Floating Solar Power Generation System SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Improvement of Electrical Utilization Applying Visualization Technology in Myanmar SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Improvement of Maternal Medical Service and Reduction of Neonatal Mortality Rate by Introduction of Fetal Heart Rate Monitor SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Improvement of Water & Sanitation in Mountainous Area by Introducing the Compact Wide-Area Distributed Water Infrastructure SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Producing Mechanical Design Engineers by Practical 3D CAD Training to Meet the Industrial Needs SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for protect ob bridge deterioration by waterproofing for bridge and creation of industry(waterproofing) SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Responsible Value Chain Development Using Sustainable & Highly Efficient Freshwater Fish Farming Technology SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for the Improvement of Railway Operations through Meteorological Inrormation SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Waste sorting unit for appropriate muncipal solid waste treatment in Myanmar SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Production Promotion and Composition of Production Area for High Quality Sesame in Myanmar SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Operating Training School for Enhancing Skills of Heavy Construction Equipment Maintenance Engineer & Operator in Myanmar SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector to Provide Fair and Accessible Medical Liquified Oxygen Infrastructure and Distribution System in Myanmar. SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating a Light Weight Barges for shallow water on River Irrawaddy SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Dyeing and Finishing Technology and Management Methodology into National Textile Factories SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Blood Storage and Transportation System for Promoting Safe and Efficient Blood Transportation SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Development of Vehicle Inspection System in Myanmar SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Electric Assist Bicycle in Myanmar SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for establish a training school for construction technology and skills certification system SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for establishing supply chain-management system for safe, high quality and hygienic medical oxygen in Myanmar SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Formulation and Management of Rice Moisture Content Traceability System SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Improvement of Water Environment by utilizing Johkasou as an Appropriate Technology SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Micro Hydropower Generation System SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Processing and Packing for Value Chain Development in Shan State SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for producing high quality silk with the introduction of Japanese-Style Sericulture and Manual Silk Reeling Method SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Quality Seed Production, Processing and Sales Project attaining Intensive Agriculture SDGs-SS 2010
Myanmar Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for railway infrastructure with box shaped soil bag with internal binding system SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines The Project for Strengthening Urban Drainage Management Capacity in the Philippines TCP 2022
Philippines The Project for Enhancement of Maritime Safety and Security Capability of Philippine Coast Guard TCP 2022
Philippines Capacity Development of Road Structure and Large-Scale bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation (LBRR) TCP 2022
Philippines The Project for Implementation of rapid rabies diagnosis and rapid responses to the entire Philippines TCP 2022
Philippines Project for Strengthening Services in Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition Improvement in Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao TCP 2022
Philippines Project on Resource Inventory of Hydropower Potential Sites TCP 2022
Philippines Advanced IT Human Resource Development Project TCP 2010
Philippines ARMM Human Capacity Development Project TCP 2010
Philippines ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) Project TCP 2010
Philippines ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) Project Phase 3 TCP 2010
Philippines ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) Project Phase 4 TCP 2010
Philippines ASEAN University Network/Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Philippines Capacity Development on Tourism Statistics in Local Government Units (LGUs) TCP 2010
Philippines Capacity Development Project for Bangsamoro TCP 2010
Philippines Capacity Development Project for Improvement of Safety and Efficiency for Air Navigation System TCP 2010
Philippines Capacity Enhancement for the Power Development Plan TCP 2010
Philippines Capacity Enhancement Program of Metropolitan Iloilo-Guimaras Development Council(MIDC) and Banate Bay Resource Management Council Inc. (BBRMCI) TCP 2010
Philippines Community-Based Treatment of Offenders through the Holistic Approach to Volunteer Resource Development TCP 2010
Philippines Comprehensive Capacity Development Project for Autonomous Governance in Mindanao TCP 2010
Philippines Comprehensive Capacity Development Project for the Bangsamoro TCP 2010
Philippines Creation of Non-handicapping Environment for Filipinos with Disabilities in the Rural Areas. TCP 2010
Philippines Development and Adoption of Ecofriendly High Performance Disease Control Technology for Banana and Cacao through Agrobiodiversity Management System TCP 2010
Philippines Development of Human Resources in the BIR TCP 2010
Philippines Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Capacity Enhancement Project Phase II TCP 2010
Philippines Disaster Risk Reduction and Mitigation (DRRM) Capacity Enhancement Project TCP 2010
Philippines Enhancement of Earthquake and Volcano Monitoring and Effective Utilization of Disaster Mitigation Information in the Philippines TCP 2010
Philippines Enhancement of Practical Capability for Maritime Law Enforcement Project TCP 2010
Philippines Enhancing the Competitiveness of Fresh and Semi Processed Agricultural Product Through the Application on Appropriate & Sustainable Packaging Technology TCP 2010
Philippines Extensive Irrigation Technical Management Transfer Project TCP 2010
Philippines Improvement of the Value Chain of Selected Vegetables in Selected Areas in the Country TCP 2010
Philippines In-Country Training Program Phase 2: Empowering Farmers Through Capacity Development in Operation and Maintenance System and Technology in Agrarian Reform Communities TCP 2010
Philippines Irrigators Association Strengthening Support Technical Cooperation Project TCP 2010
Philippines Local Governance and Rural Empowerment Project for Davao Region TCP 2010
Philippines Philippine Capacity Development and Training Project on Volcano, Earthquake and Tsunami Monitoring ,Warning and Information Dissemination TCP 2010
Philippines Philippine Coast Guard Education and Human Resource Management System Development Project TCP 2010
Philippines Prevention and Control of Leptospirosis in the Philippines TCP 2010
Philippines Program for PNP's Anti - Crime Capability Enhancement Including (1) project for Capability Enhancement for Crime Scene investigations and (II) Enhancement for Firearms law enforcement in the Philippin TCP 2010
Philippines The Project for Capacity Development of Public Utility Vehicles in Metro Manila and its Adjoining Areas TCP 2010
Philippines The Project for Capability Enhancement for High Quality Weather Observation, Forecast, Warning and Information in the Philippines TCP 2010
Philippines Project for Capacity Development for Transit Oriented Development for Railways Projects TCP 2010
Philippines Project for Capacity Development of Public Utility Buses in Metro Manila TCP 2010
Philippines The Project for Capacity Development on Improving Solid Waste Management through Advanced/Innovative Technologies TCP 2010
Philippines The Project for Capacity Development on Monitoring for Solid Waste Management TCP 2010
Philippines The Project for Capacity Development on Transportation Planning and Database Management in the Republic of the Philippines TCP 2010
Philippines Project for Capacity Enhancement on Traffic Management with Improvement of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Metro Manila TCP 2022
Philippines The Project for Comprehensive Assessment and Conservation of Blue Carbon Ecosystems and Their Services in the Coral Triangle (Blue CARES) TCP 2010
Philippines The Project for Comprehensive Practical Capability Improvement for Maritime Law Enforcement TCP 2010
Philippines The Project for Development of an Improved Laboratory Surveillance System for Rabies Elimination TCP 2010
Philippines The Project for Development of Extreme Weather Monitoring and Alert System TCP 2010
Philippines The Project for Development of Extreme Weather Monitoring and Information Sharing System in the Philippines TCP 2010
Philippines The Project for Enhancement of Capability of Philippines Coast Guard on Vessel Operation, Maintenance Planning and Maritime Law Enforcement TCP 2010
Philippines The Project for Enhancement of Local Governance and Community Empowerment in Micro-Watersheds in Misamis Oriental TCP 2010
Philippines Project for Enhancing Capacity on Weather Observation, Forecasting and Warning TCP 2010
Philippines Project for Enhancing the Forecasting and Warning Capabilities of PAGASA through Effective Utilisation of Weather Data TCP 2010
Philippines Project for Improving Competitiveness of Local SMEs through Better Packaging TCP 2010
Philippines The Project for Improving Operations and Maintenance of National Irrigation Systems TCP 2010
Philippines Project for Introducing Evidence-based Relapse Prevention Programs to Drug Dependence Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers in the Philippines TCP 2010
Philippines Project for Market-Driven Enhancement of Vegetable Value Chain in the Philippines TCP 2010
Philippines Project for Strengthening Capacity of Comprehensive Data Management of Flood Forecasting and Warning System (FFWS) through Strategic Formulation of Hydrometeorological Information System TCP 2010
Philippines Project for Strengthening Capacity of Integrated Data Management of Flood Forecasting and Warning TCP 2010
Philippines Project for Strengthening Financial Resilience of Public Asset to Natural Disasters by Improvement of Public Insurance TCP 2010
Philippines Project for Strengthening the Philippine National Health Laboratory Network for Infectious Diseases TCP 2010
Philippines The Project for Supporting to the Philippines COVID-19 Vaccination Cold Chain and Logistics TCP 2010
Philippines Project for Systems Enhancement for the Introduction and Adoption of New DRTB Regimens TCP 2010
Philippines The Project for the Development of Novel Disease Management Systems for Banana and Cacao TCP 2010
Philippines Project for the Establishment of Credit Risk Database Phase 2 TCP 2022
Philippines The Project for the Establishment of the One Health Prevention and Treatment Network Model for the Elimination of Rabies in the Philippines TCP 2010
Philippines Project on Integrated Coastal Ecosystem Conservation and Adaptive Management under Local and Global Environmental Impacts in the Philippines TCP 2010
Philippines Project on Philippine Customs Intelligence System (PCIS) for Enhancement of its System Environments and Training of Customs Officers TCP 2010
Philippines Project on Sustainability Program on Road and Bridge Maintenance PhaseIII TCP 2010
Philippines The Project on System Loss Reduction for Philippine Electric Cooperatives (EC's) TCP 2010
Philippines The Rice-based Farming Technology Extension Project for Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao TCP 2010
Philippines Rice-Based Farming Technology Extension Project for the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) TCP 2010
Philippines Road Disaster Preventions and Other Countermeasures on Mountainous Roads and Flooded Areas TCP 2010
Philippines Strengthening Maternal and Child Health Services in Eastern Visayas TCP 2010
Philippines Strengthening of Flood Forecasting and Warning System for Dam Operation TCP 2010
Philippines Technical Assistance Project on Railway Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Development (TRAINTECHS) TCP 2022
Philippines Technical Cooperation Project for Tunnel "Japanese Experience' for Technology Transfer in the Philippines TCP 2010
Philippines Technical Cooperation Project on Capability Building for a Comprehensive National Competition Policy and Law Phase 2 TCP 2010
Philippines Technical Cooperation Project on Extension capacity development for rice food security in Africa TCP 2010
Philippines Technical Cooperation Project on formulation of Credit Risk Data base TCP 2010
Philippines Third country training program on Human Resources Development for the new CNS/ATM System. TCP 2010
Philippines Capability Enhancement on Energy Policy and Planning for a More Effective and Comprehensive Philippine Energy Plan (PEP) Formulation TCDP 2010
Philippines Development Study on Promotion of Local Industry in ARMM TCDP 2010
Philippines Mega Manila Region Highway network ITS Integration Project TCDP 2010
Philippines Project for Analytical Study of the Non-Investment Incentive Laws TCDP 2010
Philippines Project for Capacity Building for Community Development in Conflict-Affected Areas in Mindanao TCDP 2010
Philippines Project for Comprehensive Traffic Management Plan for Metro Manila TCDP 2010
Philippines Project for Elaboration of Industrial Promotion Plans using Value Chain Analysis TCDP 2010
Philippines Project for Enhancement of Industrial Competitiveness through Industrial Human Resource Development and Supply & Value Chains Development TCDP 2010
Philippines Project for Industrial Competitive Enhancement through Industrial Human Resource Development and Supply & Value Chains Development partnering Special Economic Zones TCDP 2010
Philippines Project for Study on Energy Efficiency and Conservation TCDP 2010
Philippines Project for Study on the Supply Chain of the Philippine Electronics Industry TCDP 2010
Philippines The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Typhoon Yolanda TCDP 2010
Philippines Study on the Assets and Liabilities Management of PSALM and the Administration of Universal Charge Funds TCDP 2010
Philippines Study on the Improvement of Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) System TCDP 2010
Philippines Technical Assistance for the Development Study on Motor Vehicles Standards and Conformance TCDP 2010
Philippines Technical Cooperation Project on Global Supply/Value Chain Integration of Priority Industries TCDP 2010
Philippines COVID-19 Crisis Response Emergency Support Loan L 2010
Philippines COVID-19 Crisis Response Emergency Support Loan Phase 2 L 2010
Philippines Development Policy Support Program – Investment Climate L 2010
Philippines Encouraging Investment through Capital Market Reforms (EICMR) L 2010
Philippines Expanding Private Participation in Infrastructure Program(EPPIP) L 2010
Philippines Maritime Safety Capability Improvement Project for PCG L 2010
Philippines Post Disaster Stand-by Loan L 2010
Philippines Post Disaster Stand-by Loan (II) L 2010
Philippines Post Disaster Stand-by Loan (Phase III) L 2022
Philippines Poverty Reduction Microfinance Project L 2010
Philippines The Preparatory Survey on the Project for Multi-role Response Vessels for Philippines Coast Guard L 2010
Philippines The Project for Improving Operations and Maintenance of Light Rail Transit Line 1 L 2010
Philippines CCP Content Management Project: Producing, Developing and Preserving of CCP Artistic and Intangible Cultural Heritage GA 2010
Philippines National public broadcasting Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting Network development Project GA 2010
Philippines The Preparatory Survey on the Project for Enhancement of Communications System of Philippines Coast Guard GA 2010
Philippines The Project for COVID-19 Crisis Response Emergency Support GA 2010
Philippines The Project for Developing Flood Forecasting and Warning System for Cagayan de Oro River Basin GA 2010
Philippines Project for Disaster Awareness through preservation of Disaster Remains and Memories GA 2010
Philippines The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2013) GA 2010
Philippines The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2014) GA 2010
Philippines The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2015) GA 2010
Philippines The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2017) GA 2010
Philippines The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2021) GA 2010
Philippines The Project for Improvement of Equipment for Disaster Risk Management GA 2010
Philippines Project for Improvement of Equipment for Power Distribution in Bangsamoro GA 2010
Philippines The Project for Improvement of Urban Untreated Water Supply Schemes GA 2010
Philippines The Project for Reconstruction of Municipal Halls in Lawaan and Marabut Municipalities GA 2010
Philippines The Project for Rehabilitations of the Meteorological Radars GA 2010
Philippines The Project for the Improvement of TV Programs of People's Television Network GA 2010
Philippines The Project for the Improvement of Water Supply System in Metropolitan Cebu Water District GA 2010
Philippines Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technology for Electricity Distribution System and Management SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Feasibility Survey for and environmental protection of high-value-added fertilizer by garbage composting in the chaff SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Feasibility Survey for Disaster Prevention with On-the-Spot Warning Unit SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Feasibility Survey for Efficient Production of High Quality Manila Hemp SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Feasibility Survey for Improvement of Fuel Efficiency by Converting Public Bus Engines to Diesel Dual Fuel (DDF) Engines and Improvement of Urban Environment SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Feasibility Survey for Improving Waste Processing Ability and Air Quality in Davao Cities through Establishment of Waste Cocking Oil Collection System as well as Production and Propagation of Biodiesel from Waste Cooking Oil SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Feasibility Survey for increasing garlic production and producing processed black garlic for improvement of livelihood in the Philippines SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Feasibility Survey for Introduced of Irrigation Telemetry Systems Using Sensor Networks and Cloud Technology SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Feasibility Survey for Introducing Japanese Style Nursing-Care System SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Feasibility survey for: Philippine Mulberry Project SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Feasibility Survey for Promoting High Valued Cacao Production in Bangsamoro SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Feasibility Survey for: Recycling and substitution of waste cooking oil for diesel fuel with Renergy System in Boracay Island SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Feasibility Survey for Strengthening Supporting Structure of Disaster Medical Assistant Teams and Management SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Feasibility Survey for the improvement of students'Math performance using the hybrid learning material"Smart Lecture" SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Feasibility Survey with the Private Sector for Utilizing Japanese Technologies in ODA projects: Feasibility Survey on Promotion of Education and Job Opportunities for Blind Children and Adults Empowered by Mobile Braille Devices SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Feasibility Survey with the Private Sector for Utilizing Japanese Technologies in ODA projects: Feasibility Survey on Regeneration of the Prawm Farming Industry Through Use of Food Chain Promotion and Conventional Soil Microbe Diversification Promotion Materials (Lu-all) SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Pilot Survey for Disseminating SME's Technologies for Developing Non-Electrified Community by Using Micro Hydro Power SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Pilot Survey for Disseminating SME's Technologies for Photovoltaic System (Solar Panel) as Power Source for Milk Fish Production SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Pilot Survey for Disseminating SME's Technologies on Introduction of IT for Agricultural Product Distribution SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Pilot Survey for Disseminating SME's Technologies on Sand Filtration Tank for Drinking Water and Rehabilitation System for Sand Filters SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Preparatory Survey on BOP business on recycled watt-hour meter operation and maintenance SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Program for dissemination of a new TB diagnostic algorithm based on Japanese technologies in Philippines SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Program for iSPEED Disaster Medical Mission Operating System SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Program for Promotion of Electronic waste recycle system in the republic of the Philippines Cebu City SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Program for Promotion of Japanese Encephalitis Immunization SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Program for Promotion of Waste-to-Energy Technology in Davao City SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for AI real-time crisis management information system using SNS information in the Philippines SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Japanese School Lunch Program SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Strengthening of Structures with Japanese Earthquake Resistant Paints in the Philippines SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for the Formation of High Profit Organic Agricultural Land Encompassing Baby Leaf Production and Seed Cultivation in the Philippines SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for the Production of Biochar and Feed Production Using Food Waste in Philippines SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for the Suppression of Fusarium Wilt in Banana Plantations through the Application of Microbial Inoculants in the Philippines SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Advanced Dispersible Microbe System in the Philippines SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Erosion Control and Vegetation Mat for Slope Protection SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Japanese Style Long-Term-Care System in the Philippines SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Strengthening of Structures with Japanese Earthquake Resistant Paints in the Philippines SDGs-SS 2022
Philippines SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Value Chain of Black Garlic in the Philippines SDGs-SS 2022
Philippines Verification Survey to Disseminate Japanese Technologies for Disaster Prevention and Disaster Countermeasures in Philippine Local Governments SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Establishing Sustainable Organic Waste Composting Systems in Legazpi City SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Improving Environment through Establishment of Waste Cooking Oil Collection System as well as Production and Propagation of Biodiesel SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Mulberrry Tea Project in Pampanga, Philippines SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Portable All-in-one Type Water Purification System SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Recycling Waste Cooking Oil as a Substitution of Diesel Fuel with Renergy System in Boracay Island SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for the Installation of Operation and Maintenance of E-Tricycle SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for the use of Smart Lecture, which is the hybrid learning material of paper-material and movie lecture to improve SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Typhoon-resistant Fish Farming Cage with the Submergible Function in the Philippines Typhoon Stricken Area SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Low Protein Rice for Nutrition Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease in Philippines SDGs-SS 2010
Philippines SDGs Business Validation Survey for Strategic Multi-Stakeholder Process Originating from the RECYINT Pilot Model in the Philippines SDGs-SS 2022
Philippines Maritime Safety Capability Improvement Project for the Philippine Coast Guard (Phase 3) L 2022
Southeast Asia Countries Early-stage investment promotion project L 2022
Thailand The project for data driven dynamic transport management in emerging metropolis for climate change mitigation TCP 2022
Thailand The Project for Valorization of Disposal Biomass for Chemical Production Based on Biorefinery Concept TCP 2022
Thailand The Project for Strengthening Customs Efficiency for Enhancing Mekong Connectivity TCP 2022
Thailand The Project for Smart Factory for Local SMEs Towards Thailand 4.0 TCP 2022
Thailand The partnership Project for Global Health and Universal Health Coverage Phase3 TCP 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Validation Survey for Odor Pollution Control with Olfactory Measurements and Industrial Deodorant Products in Thailand SDGs-SS 2022
Thailand SDGs Business Validation Survey for Road Geo-Spatial Data Platform for Traffic Safety Management in Thailand SDGs-SS 2022
Thailand The Project for Development of Domestic Cell-based Vaccine/Biologics Production Capacity in Thailand TCP 2022
Thailand ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) Project Phase 3 TCP 2010
Thailand ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) Project Phase 4 TCP 2010
Thailand ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network Phase 2 TCP 2010
Thailand Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Thailand Bangkok Master Plan on Climate Change 2013 - 2023 TCP 2010
Thailand Capacity Building of government authorities on Decentralized wastewater treatment in Mekong region TCP 2010
Thailand Capacity Building of Neighbouring Countries Economic Development Cooperation Agency (NEDA) TCP 2010
Thailand Capacity Building on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation for Implementation in Bangkok TCP 2010
Thailand Capacity Development and Institutional Strengthening for GHG Mitigation TCP 2010
Thailand Capacity Development for Building National Data Center of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) and CORS Integration Project TCP 2010
Thailand Capacity Development in Disaster Management TCP 2010
Thailand Civil Aviation Safety Oversight Improvement Project TCP 2010
Thailand Compiling indices for monitoring and evaluating the Tenth National Development Plan (October 2006 - September 2011) TCP 2010
Thailand Development of Aquaculture Technology for Food Security and Food Safety in the Next Generation TCP 2010
Thailand The Development of Basic Schemes for PRTR System TCP 2010
Thailand Development of duckweed and associated microbial resource values towards Bio-Circular-Green(BCG) economy TCP 2010
Thailand Development of Integrated Infrastructure Maintenance Technology Cosidering Natural Disaster Risk in Thailand TCP 2010
Thailand Formulation of the Second Mass Rapid Transit Master Plan in Bangkok Metropolitan Region (M-MAP2) Project TCP 2010
Thailand Innovation on Production and Automotive Utilization of Biofuels from Non-Food Biomass TCP 2010
Thailand Integrated Study Project on Hydro-Meteorological Prediction and Adaptation to Climate Change in Thailand (IMPAC-T) TCP 2010
Thailand Japan-Thailand Collaboration for Global Health and UHC (GLO-UHC Phase II) TCP 2010
Thailand Model Development of Long-term Care Services for Elderly with Dementia Project TCP 2010
Thailand The Partnership Project for Global Health and Universal Health Coverage TCP 2010
Thailand The Partnership Project for Global Health and Universal Health Coverage Phase 2 TCP 2010
Thailand The Phase 2 Project for Strengthening the ASEAN Regional Capacity on Disaster Health Management (ARCH 2) TCP 2010
Thailand The Project for Advancing co-design of integrated strategies with adaptation to climate change TCP 2010
Thailand The Project for Capacity Building for Health Workforce on Dermatology TCP 2010
Thailand The Project for Capacity Building for the Production of Antibody against SARS-CoV-2 TCP 2010
Thailand The Project for Capacity Building of Infectious Disease Institute in Responding to COVID-19 TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Capacity Development and Technical Advisor for Newly Establishing Tunnel Construction Division TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Capacity Development on Mitigation/Adaptation for Climate Change in the Southeast Asia TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Capacity Development on Mitigation/Adaptation for Climate Change in the Southeast Asia Region TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Capacity Development on Rules of Origin for Efficient Customs Procedures TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Capacity Development on Sustainable Local Revitalization TCP 2022
Thailand Project for Capacity Development on Tunnel Project Management in Thailand TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Capacity Development to accelerate Low Carbon and Resilient Society realization in the Southeast Asia region TCP 2010
Thailand The Project for Civil Aviation Safety Oversight Improvement TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Community-based Entrepreneurship Promotion TCP 2010
Thailand The Project for Comprehensive Conversion of Biomass and Waste to Super Clean Fuels by New Solid Catalysts TCP 2010
Thailand The Project for Development and Dissemination of Sustainable Production System based on Invasive Pest Management of Cassava in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Development of clean and efficient utilization of low rank coals and biomass by solvent treatment TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Development of New Pollution Management Model using PRTR and Public Participation Principles for Eco Industrial Town (PRTR Phase II) TCP 2010
Thailand The Project for Development of the Duckweed Holobiont Resource Values towards Thailand BCG Economy TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Developing International Network to Enhance Competency of Medical Doctors in the Field of Dermatology TCP 2010
Thailand The Project for e-Integrated Smart Transport to Dually Achieve CO2 Reduction and People's Well-Being to Support THAILAND 4.0 TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Enhancement of Property Valuation Capacity in Thailand TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Enhancing Institute of Dermatology and Dermatology Network in Asian region TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Enhancing Regional Integrated SME Promotion (RISMEP) Mechanism TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Enhancing RISMEP Mechanism TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Enhancing the Human Resource Development Capacity of Customs Administration TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Enhancing the Transparency and Predictability of Tariff Classification and Customs Valuation TCP 2010
Thailand The Project for formation of a center of excellence for marine plastic pollution studies in the Southeast Asian seas TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Human Resource Development on Social Work in ASEAN Region TCP 2022
Thailand Project for Improving and Enhancing the Transparency and Predictability Customs Valuation TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Improving Traffic Congestions in Bangkok through the Establishment of Model Area Traffic Control (ATC) System TCP 2010
Thailand The Project for Integrated Research on Resilience Enhancement of Industry Complexes Through Establishment of Area-BCM Operations and Development Toolkits for Disaster Risk Analysis and Information Sharing for the Wellbeing of Population at Risk TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Integrative Application of Host and Pathogen Genomic Information for Tuberculosis Elimination TCP 2010
Thailand The Project for Integrative Application of Human and Pathogen Genomic Information for Tuberculosis Control TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Promotion of Economic Development and Connectivity in the Western Region TCP 2010
Thailand The project for promotion of Energy Efficiency by introducing ZEB and Heat Pumps in Thailand TCP 2022
Thailand Project for Regional Brand Creation for Community Development TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Research and Development of Therapeutic Products against Infectious Diseases, especially Dengue Virus Infection TCP 2010
Thailand The Project for Self-Sustainability and Dissemination of Land Readjustment System TCP 2010
Thailand Project for SME Consultant Retraining TCP 2010
Thailand The Project for Social Implementation of Infectious Disease Control Utilizing Genomic Information and Innovative Technology TCP 2022
Thailand Project for Strengthening Institutional Capacity for the Implementation of Bangkok Master Plan on Climate Change 2013-2023 TCP 2010
Thailand The Project for Strengthening National Laboratory System in Responding to COVID-19 TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Strengthening Regional Network for Combating Trafficking in Persons (TIP) in Mekong Region TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Strengthening the ASEAN Regional Capacity on Disaster Health Management TCP 2010
Thailand Project for Sustainable Management of PM2.5 Prevention and Reduction Measures TCP 2010
Thailand The Project for the Acceleration of Livestock Revolution in Thailand aiming to be the Kitchen of the World through the Development of Novel Technologies for Stable Livestock Production and Food Safety TCP 2010
Thailand The Project of Smart Transport Strategy for Thailand 4.0 TCP 2010
Thailand The Project on Capacity Development in Disaster Management in Thailand (Phase2) TCP 2010
Thailand Project on Capacity Development on Assisting Victims of Trafficking in the Greater Mekong Sub-regional Countries TCP 2010
Thailand Project on Capacity Improvement for Road Traffic Safety Institutions and Implementation in Thailand TCP 2010
Thailand Project on Enhancing the Capacity on Local Public Service Provision through Local Coordination and Cooperation TCP 2010
Thailand Project on long-term care service development for the frail elderly and other vulnerable people TCP 2010
Thailand Project on Partnership for Global Health and Universal Health Coverage, UHC TCP 2010
Thailand The project on regional resilience enhancement through establishment of Area-BCM at industry complexes in Thailand TCP 2010
Thailand Project on seamless health and social services provision for elderly persons TCP 2010
Thailand Project on Strengthening Disaster/Emergency Medicine System in the ASEAN Region TCP 2010
Thailand Project on Strengthening of Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDTs) for Protection of Trafficked Persons in Thailand TCP 2010
Thailand Project on the Capacity Development of Case Managers on Trafficking in Persons in the Greater Mekong Sub-regional (GMS) countries TCP 2010
Thailand Project on Verification to Protect the Circumvention on Rules of Origin TCP 2010
Thailand Protection, Repatriation and Reintegration of Trafficking in Person for Mekong Region TCP 2010
Thailand Regional Cooperation Project for Animal Disease Control among Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam (ADC Project Phase 2) TCP 2010
Thailand Regional Cooperation Project on Capacity Building of Drug Analysis for Improvement of Drug Law Enforcement Phase 2 TCP 2010
Thailand Regional cooperation project on risk management for customs in Mekong region TCP 2010
Thailand Research and Development for water reuse technology in tropical regions TCP 2010
Thailand Strengthening Environmental Management and Linkages among Central, Regional, Provincial and Local Levels TCP 2010
Thailand Tax Compliance Enhancement Project TCP 2010
Thailand Technical Cooperation Project for Capacity Development of EEI for the Conformity Assessment TCP 2010
Thailand Utilization of Thailand Local Genetic Resources to Develop Novel Farmed Fish for Global Market TCP 2010
Thailand Strengthening mechanisms for the regional SME promotion and consultancy service quality development TCDP 2010
Thailand The COVID-19 Crisis Response Emergency Support Loan L 2010
Thailand Industrial Human Resource Development Project L 2010
Thailand The Project for Development of Research Capacity and Human Resources for Advanced Science and Technology L 2022
Thailand Project for promoting financial inclusion of low-income popultation in Thailand L 2022
Thailand The Smart Bus project in Bangkok L 2022
Thailand Smart Ferries Project in the Chao Phraya River basin L 2010
Thailand Project for Development of CORS Data Center GA 2010
Thailand Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technology for Colorectal Cancer Screening SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technology for Dialysis system with CDDS SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for DisseminatingJapanese Technology for Environment-Friendly SimultaneousHeating and Cooling Heat Pump in Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technology for Hybrid City Bus SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technology for Operation and maintenance of traffic control system for improving traffic problems in Bangkok SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Feasibility Study of "the elderly care system" utilizing ICT towards the improvement of welfare, health care in Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Feasibility Survey for an Application of Multi-functional Fire Fighting Pump to Mitigate Forest Fire and Haze in Chiang Mai, Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Feasibility Survey for Appropriate Industrial Waste Management System SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Feasibility Survey for Decolorization of Dyeing Waste Water by Microorganism in Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Feasibility Survey for: Disaster reduction business for road network resilience in Bangkok with Japanese road cave-in risk diagnostic technologies SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Feasibility Survey for enhancing productivity of sugarcane and cassava through the soil improvement in the North-eastern region of Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Feasibility Survey for fault restoration acceleration of transmission system by introducing Fault Locators and transferring technology of analysis of failure cause SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Feasibility Survey for Installation of "Skeleton Disaster Prevention Coating" for Reduction of Infrastructure Maintenance Cost SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Feasibility Survey for Installation of Speaker for the People with Difficulty in Listening to Encourage Socially Vulnerable People to Make an Advance into Society SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Feasibility Survey for Installing Rehabilitation Program with Pedal Wheelchair SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Feasibility Survey for Japanese Technology ''CHEMILES'' Groundwater Treatment System without Chemicals and Extremely High Speed All for ''Safe Water'' and ''Ecological Environment'' for provincial area in Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Feasibility Survey for: ODA Project Formulation Survey on extending healthy life expectancy of elderly by applying Japan’s preventive care system (Self-help Physical Strength Test) SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Feasibility Survey for Personal Mobility to Realize Zero Transportation Poor in Coming Future City SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Feasibility Survey for Raising the Agro-technological Standard of Thailand via Establishment of Production Sales Business of Value-added Fruits and Vegetables through Japan-Thailand Collaboration SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Feasibility Survey for Stabilized Quality Parts Supply for Railway Vehicle Maintenance and Quality Management capacity Improvement SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Feasibility Survey for the drive assistance device for automobile related to accessibility improvement and employment opportunities expansion of persons with disabilities SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Feasibility Survey for the Japanese technology of glass surfaces with conductive metal oxide coating as an energy saving and preventive method of global warming SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Feasibility Survey with the Private Sector for Utilizing Japanese Technologies in ODA projects: Study for Strengthening Dengue Infection Surveillance System SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Pilot Survey for Disseminating SME's Technologies for Wind Power Generation utilizing the Wind-lens in Kingdom of Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Program for Electrically Recorded Monetary Claims Service in Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Program for training and promotion of advanced endoscopic surgery SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for contributing to improve the quality of life for elderly people requiring nursing care by disseminating multifunctional wheelchairs in Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for countermeasures on air pollution, energy efficiency and global warming by utilizing SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Creating Safe Recycle Loop for the Recycled Aggregate for Concrete in Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Effective and Environmentally Sound Asphalt Pavement for Rural/ Community Roads in the Kingdom of Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Effective Road Maintenance and Management System by ICT SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Energy-Saving Cooling System Using Groundwater Heat Source in Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Environmentally-friendly Revetment Blocks in Water Disaster Prone Area in Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Geo-Spatial Data Platform for Road Traffic Safety Improvement in Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Japanese rental service for welfare equipment SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Medical Welfare Collaboration System SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Organic Growing Media Production for Horticultural Crops to Improve the Quality and Productivity in Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Prevention of Food Poisoning, etc. by Strengthening Hygiene Management of Food Industry in Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Productivity Improvement Consulting Service of Manufacturing I ndustry Using IoT and EMS SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Productivity Improvement of Shrimp Farming Using Eco-Bubble in Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Soil and Underground Water Quality Management SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Special Laminated Sheet for Repair and Reinforcement of Infrastructure SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Effective Maintenance and Management of Infrastructure by utilizing ICT in Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for extending the healthy life expectancy of elderly through disseminating Japanese-style oral care in Thailand SDGs-SS 2022
Thailand SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Long Lifespan Infrastructure Reinforcement Technology Utilizing Carbon Fiber Sheet in Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Plastic Rainwater Storage Structure to Prevent Inundation Damage SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Promotion of Regional Comprehensive Care for the Elderly Through Telehealth Support Services SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Verification Survey for Utilizing Japanese Technologies in ODA projects: Establishment of Dissemination Model of High Quality Mitsumata (Argeli) Production for Forest User Groups in Nepal SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Area-based Recycle-Oriented Pelletized Livestock Feed/ Fertilizer Production and Utilization in Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Disaster Mitigating Measures introducing the Non-power Phosphorescent Signage into the Public Transportation Infrastructures SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Establishment of Value-adding Technologies and Ability Improvement of R&D through Japan-Thailand Collaboration SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Health Promotion for the Elderly by Applying Japan's Preventive Care System SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Improvement of Milk Quality Control by introducing Auto Milker and Milk Cooler SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Introduction of "MIMAMORI System" for Improvement of Welfare and Healthcare SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for preventing Dengue pandemic and Decreasing of the budgets for insect repellents using Rapid testing kit, RapiDeng Ag for the dengue virus infection in Thailand SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Promotion of Engineering Human Resource Development by Thai Universities in Cooperation with Japanese-Affiliated Companies SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for the Low-Protein Processing Rice by Technology Transfer of the Low-Protein Processing Method SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies of Bridge Maintenance Method Using Advanced Measurement Technologies SDGs-SS 2010
Thailand The Project for Resilient Citrus Cultivation by Integrated Disease Management with Bioactive Compounds for Small Family Farmers in Tropical Mountainous Regions TCP 2022
Thailand The Project for Utilization Technology of Rubber Seeds for Green Products to Mitigate Global Warming and Plastic Pollution TCP 2022
Timor-Leste Project on Capacity Development for Topographic Mapping for Proper Land Management TCP 2022
Timor-Leste Project for Promotion of Sustainable Coastal Fisheries for Blue Economy TCP 2022
Timor-Leste Project for Enhancement of Coordination and Monitoring for ASEAN Accession TCP 2022
Timor-Leste Capacity Development for Establishing Medical Supply Chain and Service Delivery under the Influence of COVID-19 TCP 2010
Timor-Leste Capacity Development for Safe Water Supply and Hand Washing under the Influence of COVID-19 TCP 2010
Timor-Leste Capacity Development Project for Water Supply System in Dili and four Towns (Ainaro, Same, Liquica and Lospalos) TCP 2010
Timor-Leste Development of Community Policing Project TCP 2010
Timor-Leste Project for Agricultural Productivity Improvement in accordance with Local Conditions TCP 2010
Timor-Leste The Project for Community-Based Landscape Management for Reduction of Deforestation and Strengthening of Climate Resilience of Local Livelihoods in the Priority Watersheds TCP 2010
Timor-Leste Project for Community-based Sustainable Natural Resource Management TCP 2010
Timor-Leste The Project for Community-Based Sutainable Natural Resource Management(CBNRM) PhaseII TCP 2010
Timor-Leste The Project for Enhancement of Capability in Maritime Safety and Security TCP 2022
Timor-Leste The Project for Improvement of Water Supply Management of Bee Timor-Leste TCP 2010
Timor-Leste The Project for Improvement of Water Supply Management of DNSA TCP 2010
Timor-Leste Project for Increasing Farmers Households' Income through Strengthening Domestic Rice Production in Timor-Leste TCP 2010
Timor-Leste The Project for Strengthening Diagnostic Capacity of SARS-CoV-2 in the National Laboratory TCP 2010
Timor-Leste The Project for the Capacity Development of Road Services in Timor-Leste (CDRS) TCP 2010
Timor-Leste The Project for the Capacity Development of Road Works in Timor Leste TCP 2010
Timor-Leste Project of Enhancement of Research Function of the FoEST-UNTL for Social Contribution in Timor Leste TCP 2010
Timor-Leste Promotion of Food Processing Skills Development (JARCOM) TCP 2010
Timor-Leste Project for Promotion of Agribusiness in Timor-Leste TCDP 2010
Timor-Leste Cultural Grant Assistance (2019) GA 2010
Timor-Leste Preparatory Survey for the Project for Rehabilitation of Buluto Irrigation Scheme GA 2010
Timor-Leste Project for Capacity Development of the Faculty of Engineering, Science and Technology, the National University of Timor-Lorosa'e Phase 2 (CADEFEST Phase2) GA 2010
Timor-Leste The Project for Enhancement of Equipment for Disaster Recovery and Risk Reduction GA 2010
Timor-Leste The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2017) GA 2010
Timor-Leste The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2021) GA 2010
Timor-Leste The Project for Improvement of Guido Valadares National Hospital of Timor-Leste GA 2022
Timor-Leste The Project for the Construction of New Buildings for the Faculty of Engineering, Science and Technology of the National University of Timor-Leste GA 2010
Timor-Leste Community-Based Landscape Management for Enhanced Climate Resilience and Reduction of Deforestation in Critical Watersheds O 2010
Viet Nam Support for Implementation and Monitoring of the Nationally Determined Contributions in Vietnam (SIM-NDC) TCP 2022
Viet Nam The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2024) GA 2022
Viet Nam Project for transforming the cassava production system in Vietnam by establishing regenerative farming and smart starch supply chain management TCP 2022
Viet Nam SDGs Business Validation Survey for Highly Durable Bridge Joint and Road Surface Repair Methods Using High Quality Elastic Heating Mixture in Viet Nam SDGs-SS 2022
Viet Nam SDGs Business Validation Survey for Livelihood Improvement of Farmers and Decarbonization through Generation of Carbon Credits by Reducing Methane Gas Emissions from Rice Fields in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2022
Viet Nam Project for Improving Prevention and Control of Vial Hepatitis in Vietnam TCP 2022
Viet Nam Capacity Development Project for Infrastructure Project Management in BARMM TCP 2010
Viet Nam Afforestation Planning and Implementation Capacity Strengthening Project TCP 2010
Viet Nam ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) Project Phase 3 TCP 2010
Viet Nam ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) Project Phase 4 TCP 2010
Viet Nam ASEAN University Network/Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network Phase 2 TCP 2010
Viet Nam Building Capacity for Can Tho University to be an excellent institution of education, scientific research and technology transfer TCP 2010
Viet Nam Capacity Building of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology to Strengthen University-Community Linkage (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Viet Nam Determine the Outbreak Mechanisms and Development of a surveillance Model for Multi-Drug Resistant Bacteria TCP 2010
Viet Nam Development of Easy-operation High-tech Analytical Devices and Human Resource for Food Safety and Environmental Quality Control TCP 2022
Viet Nam Development of Landslide Risk Assessment Technology along Transport Arteries in Viet Nam TCP 2010
Viet Nam Electric Power Technical Standards Promotion in Vietnam TCP 2010
Viet Nam Enhancing capacity of Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology in Water Environment Protection (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Viet Nam Enhancing corporate finance management capacity to implement SOE restructuring TCP 2010
Viet Nam Enhancing the quality and efficiency of developing and implementing laws in Vietnam TCP 2010
Viet Nam Establishment of the collaboration mechanism for a hotline to prevent TIP and support trafficked persons TCP 2010
Viet Nam Establishment of Energy Management Training center TCP 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Study on integrated mass transit (UMRT) development and transport environment improvement in the city center and main urban corridors of Danang city TCP 2010
Viet Nam Improvement of Extension System for Applying Better Farming System andCultivation Techniques for Poor Farmers in the Mekong Delta TCP 2010
Viet Nam Institutional Capacity Development of VJCC for a Landmark of Development and Networking for Managerial Human Resources (2021) TCP 2010
Viet Nam Multi-beneficial measure for the mitigation of climate change in Vietnam and Indochina countries by development of biomass energy TCP 2010
Viet Nam Northwest Region Rural Development Project TCP 2010
Viet Nam Phytosanitary Regional Training Program TCP 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Building Capacity for Can Tho University to be an excellent institution of education, scientific research and technology transfer TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Building Disaster Resilient Societies TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Building Disaster Resilient Societies in Central Region TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Capacity Building for Enforcement of Competition Law and Implementation of Competition Policy TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Capacity Building for National Greenhouse Gas Inventory TCP 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Capacity Building on Improving Fairness and Transparency of Vietnamese Equity Market TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Capacity Building on Promoting Efficiency of Vietnamese Equity Market TCP 2022
Viet Nam Project for Capacity Development of National Assembly TCP 2010
Viet Nam The Project For Capacity Development of Sewerage Management in Ho Chi Minh City Phase 2 TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Capacity Development of the Office of the National Assembly TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for capacity development of the Office of the National Assembly of Vietnam -Phase II TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Capacity Development on Integrated Management of Municipal Solid Waste TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Capacity Development on Sewerage Management in Ho Chi Minh City TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Capacity Enhancement in Construction Quality Assurance Phase-II TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Capacity Enhancement in Construction Quality Management TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for capacity enhancement in developing state management tools for construction project TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for capacity enhancement in quality assurance and efficiency in construction investment projects TCP 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Capacity Enhancement in Road Maintenance Phase II TCP 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Capacity Strengthening for Medical Laboratory Network on Biosafety and Testing of Highly Hazardous Infectious Pathogens in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia TCP 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Development and Dissemination of Sustainable Production System Based on Invasive Pest Management of Cassava in the Greater Mekong Subregion TCP 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Development and Dissemination of Sustainable Production System based on Invasive Pest Management of Cassava in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Enhancing Capacity of College of Transport TCP 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Enhancing Hue Central Hospital Capabilities in responding to SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for enhancing management capacity of transport system focused on public transport in Binh Duong Province TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Enhancing Science-based Integrated Collaborations towards Sustainable Development of the Mekong Delta Region under Climate Change TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Enhancing the Capacity of Food Safety Testing, Reference Testing and Consultancy to Contribute to Sustainable Agricultural Development TCP 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Environmental Protection in Halong Bay TCP 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Establishing Sustainable Water Supply System Resilient to the Contamination of Drinking Water Sources TCP 2022
Viet Nam Project for Establishment of Cryo-bank System for Vietnamese Native Pig Resources and Sustainable Production System to Conserve Bio-diversity TCP 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Establishment of Environmentally Sound Management of Construction and Demolition Waste and Its Wise Utilization for Environmental Pollution Control and for New Recycled Construction Materials TCP 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Establishment of New Industrial Statistics in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Establishment of the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Hotline TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Green Growth Promotion in Halong Bay Area, Quang Ninh Province TCP 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Harmonized, Practical Legislation and Uniform Application of Law Targeting Year 2020 TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Human Resources Development for Heavy-Chemical Industry at Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Human Resource Development of Technicians at Hanoi University of Industry TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Implementing Maternal and Child Health Handbook for Scaling Up Nationwide TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Improvement of firefighting and rescue force TCP 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Improvement of Hospital Management Competency TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for improvement of reliability of safe crop production in the northern region TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for the Improvement of Legal Framework for Competition Law and Policy TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Improvement of New Industrial Statistics in Vietnam TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Improvement of the Quality of Human Resources in the Medical Service System TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Improving Competition Policy and Enhancing the Effective Enforcement of Competition Law TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness in Tax Administration through International Experiences TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Institutional Capacity Development for Infrastructure Finance in Vietnam TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Institutional Capacity Development of VJCC for a Landmark of Development and Networking for Managerial Human Resources TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Institutional Capacity Development of VJCC for a Landmark of Development and Networking for Managerial Human Resources (Phase II) TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Planning Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs)in Vietnam for UNFCCC registry and Carbon Offset Mechanism TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for promoting E-customs in Vietnam TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Promoting Smart Card Usage for Public Transportation in Hanoi TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Promotion of Application of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for SME Promotion and Industrial Development TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Strengthening Capacities of State Bank of Vietnam TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Strengthening Capacity Development System for Health Professional through Tele-Health TCP 2022
Viet Nam The Project for Strengthening Capacity for Measles-Rubella Combined Vaccine Production TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Strengthening Capacity for Measles Vaccine Production in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Strengthening Capacity in Enforcement of Consumer Law and Policy TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Strengthening capacity in industrial property examination in IP Viet Nam TCP 2010
Viet Nam The project for strengthening capacity in weather forecasting and flood early warning system TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Strengthening Capacity of Consumer Protection Administration TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Strengthening Capacity of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Academy of Public Administration in Training of Public Leaders and Civil Servants TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Strengthening Capacity of Inspection System for Ensuring Safety of Agro-Fishery Foods TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for strengthening capacity of monetary policy, economic analysis and forecasting TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Strengthening Capacity of Water Environmental Management in Vietnam TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Strengthening Chemicals Management in Vietnam TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Strengthening Clinical Training System for New-Graduate Nurses TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Strengthening Community-based Management Capacity of Bidoup-Nui Ba National Park TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Strengthening Medical Rehabilitation Service in the Southern Area of Vietnam TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Strengthening of Local Governance for Efficient Use of Public Resources TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Strengthening of Tay Bac University for Sustainable Rural Development of the Northwest Region TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Strengthening Public Functions for Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Strengthening the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Viet Nam TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Strengthening the Traffic Police Training in Various Police Colleges of Vietnam TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Strengthening the Urban Railway Training Capacity for Railway College TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for strengthening TOT functions at Hanoi University of Industry (HaUI) TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Support for the Assessment of Nursing Care Quality and Skills TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Supporting Development of Interoperable Smart Card System for Public Transportation in Hanoi TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Supporting Human Resource Development of the State Bank of Viet Nam TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Sustainable Development of Rural Area by Effective Utilization of Bio-wastes with Highly Efficient Fuel Cell Technology TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Sustainable Forest Management in the Northwest Watershed Area TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for the Establishment of the Master Programs of Vietnam-Japan University TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Training and Refresher Training of Leaders and Managers at Different Levels, especially the Strategic One TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Training young leaders of cities under provinces and centrally run cities across the country TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Transferring Advanced Technologies, Improving Added-value and Management of Sustainable and Safe Fruit and Vegetable Value Chains in Northern Viet Nam TCP 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Use of Book Building Method for Speeding Up Equitisation and Divestment of State Capital in Enterprises TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project in Improvement of Investment Supervision and Evaluation System TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project of human resource development for water sector in the Middle region of Vietnam TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project on capacity building for cyber security in Vietnam TCP 2010
Viet Nam The Project on Capacity Development of Participatory Agricultural and Rural Development for Poverty Reduction in the Central Highlands TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project on Capacity Development on Artisan Craft Promotion for Socio-economic Development in Rural Area TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project on Enhancing Sustainable Natural Resource Management Phase2 TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project on Human Resource Development for Urban Water Supply Utilities in Central Resion TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project on Improvement of Urban Transportation of Danang City TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project on Strengthening Ho Chi Minh City Securities Trading Center TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project on Strengthening Management Ability of Operation and Maintenance Company for the opening of Urban Railway Line 1 in Ho Chi Minh City TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project on Strengthening the System and Operation on Standards and Conformance TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project on Strengthening the System and Operation on Standards and Conformance for Energy Efficiency and Labeling TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project on Strengthening the System and Operation on Standards and Conformance - Phase 2 TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project on Strengthening the Training System for Improving Capacity of Frontline Officers of Vietnam Customs TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project on Tax Administration Reform in Vietnam (Phase 2) TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project on Tax Administration Reform in Vietnam (Phase 3) TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project on Tax Administration Reform Phase 4 TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project on Technical Reform for Civil Servant Entrance Examination in Vietnam TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project to build professional and efficient state operation for improvement of business environment TCP 2010
Viet Nam Project to Support the Planning and Implementation of NAMAs in a MRV manner TCP 2010
Viet Nam Regional Cooperation Project for Animal Disease Control among Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam (ADC Project Phase 2) TCP 2010
Viet Nam Regional Cooperation Project on Capacity Building of Drug Analysis for Improvement of Drug Law Enforcement Phase 2 TCP 2010
Viet Nam SATREP Project for Establishment of the "bench-to-bedside" feedback system for sustainable ART and prevention of new HIV transmission TCP 2010
Viet Nam Socio-Economic Development Planning Reform in Hoa Binh Province TCP 2010
Viet Nam Strengthening Capacity of the State Bank of Vietnam in Printing Ink Production TCP 2010
Viet Nam Strengthening of FDI promotion TCP 2010
Viet Nam Strengthening the Capacities for the Field of Management of Vietnam's Crop Production Sector for Improving the Productivity and Quality of Crop's Products TCP 2010
Viet Nam Strengthening the capacity of ITSS education at Hanoi University of Technology Phase 2 TCP 2010
Viet Nam Strengthening the Capacity to Cope with and Minimize Damages Caused by Flash Floods and Landslides for the Northern Mountainous Region TCP 2010
Viet Nam Study on Water Supply Improvement in Ho Chi Minh City TCP 2010
Viet Nam Support for planning and implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions in Vietnam (SPI-NDC) TCP 2010
Viet Nam Support to Build Professional and Efficient Office of the Government TCP 2010
Viet Nam Sustainable Integration of Local Agriculture and Biomass Industries TCP 2010
Viet Nam Sustainable Natural Resource Management Project TCP 2010
Viet Nam Technical Assistance for the Legal and Judicial System Reform TCP 2010
Viet Nam Technical Assistance Project for Enhancing Management Capacity of Sewage Works TCP 2010
Viet Nam Technical assistance to establish an agency managing the operation, maintenance and exploitation of metropolitan railway lines in Hanoi area TCP 2010
Viet Nam Technical Cooperation Project for Capacity Strengthening on Corporate Finance Management, Contributing to Implement State-owned Enterprises (SoEs) Restructuring TCP 2010
Viet Nam Technical Cooperation Project for Diffusion of National Technical Standards for Port Facilities in Vietnam TCP 2010
Viet Nam Technical Cooperation Project for strengthening the effectiveness of Viet Nam Automated Cargo Clearance System (VNACCS) TCP 2010
Viet Nam Technical Cooperation Project for the Development of Guidelines for Model IPs Smart IPs towards Eco Orientation and Application of Information Technology in Management and Administration in Ba Ria V TCP 2010
Viet Nam Urban Planninig Formulation and Management Capacity Development Project TCP 2010
Viet Nam Vietnam Bank Restructuring Support Project TCP 2010
Viet Nam Vocational Training Technical Cooperation Project TCP 2010
Viet Nam Building the National Technical Regulation and Standard Set for Railway TCDP 2010
Viet Nam Institutional Capacity Development of VJCC for a Landmark of Development and Networking for Managerial Human Resources (2020) TCDP 2010
Viet Nam Master plan for energy conservation and effective use TCDP 2010
Viet Nam The Master Plan Study on the Development of the New CNS/ATM Systems TCDP 2010
Viet Nam Project for capacity development of Women's Union in supporting women to access to gender-sensitive inclusive finance in Vietnam TCDP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Institutional Development of Air Quality Management in Vietnam TCDP 2010
Viet Nam Project for Strengthening Industrial chemicals management in Vietnam TCDP 2010
Viet Nam Project of Development and Strengthening the Management of Provider Payment Methods and Basic Health Service Package Reimbursed by Health Insurance Fund in Vietnam TCDP 2010
Viet Nam The Study on Potential Forests and Land related to "Climate Change and Forests" in Vietnam TCDP 2010
Viet Nam Study on Traffic safety Master Plan of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam TCDP 2010
Viet Nam Technical Cooperation Project on Development Planning of Agriculture Sector in Nghe An TCDP 2010
Viet Nam Can Tho University Improvement Project L 2010
Viet Nam Economic Management and Competitiveness Credit (I) L 2010
Viet Nam Economic Management and Competitiveness Credit (II) L 2010
Viet Nam Economic Management and Competitiveness Credit (III) L 2010
Viet Nam Hanoi Public Transportation Management and Operation Improvement Project L 2010
Viet Nam Industrial Human Resource Development Project L 2010
Viet Nam Industrial Human Resource Development Project Ⅱ L 2010
Viet Nam Intelligent Transport System Development Project in Greater Hanoi L 2010
Viet Nam Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Project L 2010
Viet Nam The Novel Coronavirus Diseases Crisis Response Emergency Support Loan L 2022
Viet Nam Preparatory Survey for Can Tho University Upgrading Project L 2010
Viet Nam Preparatory Survey for the Maritime Safety Capacity Improvement Project in Viet Nam L 2010
Viet Nam Preparatory Survey on Intelligent Transport System Integration Project in Northern Part of Vietnam L 2010
Viet Nam Project for promoting financial inclusion through digital banking in Vietnam L 2010
Viet Nam Regional and Provincial Hospital Development project (II) L 2010
Viet Nam Rooftop solar Project for National Textile Company L 2010
Viet Nam Strengthening Vocational Training Project L 2010
Viet Nam Support Program to Respond to Climate Change (III) L 2010
Viet Nam Support Program to Respond to Climate Change (SP-RCC)(V) L 2010
Viet Nam Support Program to Respond to Climate Change (VI) L 2010
Viet Nam Support Program to Respond to Climate Change (SP-RCC)(VI) L 2010
Viet Nam Support Program to Respond to Climate Change(SP-RCC)(VII) L 2010
Viet Nam Women-owned Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Supporting Project L 2010
Viet Nam Cultural Grant Assistance (2021) GA 2010
Viet Nam Preparatory Survey for Emergency Reservoir Operation and Effective Flood Management using Comprehensive Disaster Management Information System GA 2010
Viet Nam Preparatory Survey for Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship GA 2010
Viet Nam Preparatory Survey for the Project for Providing Examination Equipments for the SPS Center for Ensuring Safety of Agro-Fishery Foods GA 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Development of Traffic Control System for Expressway in Hanoi GA 2010
Viet Nam The Project for E-Customs and National Single Window for Customs Modernization GA 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship GA 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2013) GA 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2014) GA 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (2015) GA 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Improvement of Equipment in National Cancer Hospital GA 2022
Viet Nam The Project for Improvement of Monitoring System for Marine meteorology GA 2010
Viet Nam The Project for Trenchless Sewerage Pipe Rehabilitation in Ho Chi Minh City GA 2010
Viet Nam Project on Strengthening Watery Security and Safety Ability for Traffic Police Force GA 2022
Viet Nam Business verification of carbon neutralizing agriculture and aquaculture sector through application of solar sharing. SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Airport Environment Preservation and Aircraft Noise Monitoring SDGs-SS 2022
Viet Nam Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technology for Bus Management and Operation Know-how SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technology for Electricity Distribution Planning System SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technology for Hospital Information System SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technology for National nutritionist qualification system SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technology for Sustainable disaster-prevention with ICT SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Collaboration Program with the Private Sector for DisseminatingJapanese Technology for Water Management System for IndustrialUse in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Confirm and verify the interest for abnormal weather risk and needs of countermeasure for weather risk at Vietnam SDGs-SS 2022
Viet Nam Demonstration Project for Bridge Life-cycle Business in Developing Countries Using Digital Technology SDGs-SS 2022
Viet Nam Demonstration survey to introduce Japanese advanced sorting/grading system and marketing know-how to achieve "Post-Harvesting Center" in Lam Dong Province SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Study for a Big-data based, automated, and cost-effective green-house Irrigation & Fertigation system within Dalat Highlands, Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey for Constructing of Value-chain for Garlic (Crops) in Nghe An Province SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey for Da Nang Industrial Wastewater Management Project SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey for development of high-quality flower production areas through modernization of nursery and production SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey for Engineering and Manufacturing of Electric Three Wheelers for Industrial Development and Low Carbon Transport SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey for: Enhancing Value of Agricultural Products and Upbringing of the Food Industry in Rural Area by Utilizing Liquid Cooling Type, Rapid Freezer Device "TŌMIN" SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey for Functional Recovery Care in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey for Installation of freshness-keeping agent to improve quality of farm goods in province of Lam Dong SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey for Integrated Management Model of Japanese Style-Elderly Care School and Elderly Care Center SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey for introduction of the medical antibacterial system for the prevention of nosocomial infection in Socialist Republic of Viet Nam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey for introducing simple monitoring kits and data management service to strengthen capacity of water environmental management in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey for Manufacturing and Development Engineer Personnel Training Program in the Industrial Education Sector SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey for Prevention for Corrosion and Water Leaks from Water Pipes in the Hospital by Anti-corrosion Device in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey for Production of Rice-Oil and Defatted Rice Bran, and Utilization for feeding stuff and fertilizer in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey for Productivity Improvement of Shrimp Farm using Environmentally Friendly Farming Technology in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey for Reducing the Amount of Construction Waste by Safety and Efficient Sorting and Separation System in Viet Nam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey for Safe, Low Cost in Life-cycle and Durable Sewer Equipment SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility survey for the extension of "Safe and Secure Farming System (IC-MOCS)" SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey for the Improvement of Productivity and Quality of Horticultural Crops by Tokushima Soil Improvement Method SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey for Total Practice Coordination of Freshness-keeping Distribution of Cut Flower SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey for Utilization of Protection Kits in Controlling Infection at Childbirth SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey for Utilizing Bottom Watering Plant Factories for the Production of Natural Organic Vegetables and Establishment of a Food Value Chain SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey on Active Learning System for Establishing of Practical "5S/KAIZEN" Skills SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey with the Private Sector for Utilizing Japanese Technologies in ODA projects: Eco City Plan by Sorting techniques of recyclable waste and recycling business creation SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Feasibility Survey with the Private Sector for Utilizing Japanese Technologies in ODA projects: The Spread of Ground Anchor Construction Method for Disaster Prevention of Road Slope SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Pilot survey for Disseminating SME's Technologies for Introduction of Improving Water Quality in the Dam Reservoir SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Pilot Survey for Disseminating SME`s Technologies for Micro Hydroelectric generator in non-electrified area in VIETNAM SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Pilot Survey for Disseminating SME's Technologies for Small-scale Safe Water Supply Project Using New Natural Inorganic Flocculant in Rural Areas SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Pilot Survey for Disseminating SME's Technologies the Telemedicine Cooperation Using Information Communication Technologies (ICT) SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Pilot Survey for the Japanese Advanced Treatment "Upward Biological Contact Filter (U-BCF) SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Preparatory Survey on BOP Business for Building Food Value Chain of Lotus Roots SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Preparatory Survey on BOP Business on Development of Marine Fishery Resources and Electrification of Remote Islands Designated as a World Natural Heritage Site Using Renewable Energy System SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Preparatory Survey on BOP business on the production of bio ethanol SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Program for Business to expedite transfer of business operation knowledge, and spread technology in order to pursue developed nation standard of ICT environment in the ministry of Binh Duong SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Program for establishment of a flower auction market and improvement of distribution of flowers SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Program for Ho Chi Minh City Public Transport Bus ICT System SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Program for installation technology of water supply equipment in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Program for promoting non-woven fabric for agricultural productivity improvement in Viet Nam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Program for promoting safe and efficient mechanical electric power distribution work including Hot Line Method in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Program for promoting the dissemination of energy-saving glass in the civilian sector of Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Program for SPD SYSTEM in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Program for the Audiology Center promote business in the hard of hearing relief technology network development in Viet Nam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Program for the dissemination of preventive method of asphalt pavement maintenance in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Program for Trenchless Pipe Rehabilitation Technology SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Project to improve maternal and child health during the first 1,000 days in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2022
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private and Public Sector on Data Business in Tourism Transportation/Public Transportation Urban Development Planning Utilizing People Flowing Map in Danang,Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Advanced Flower Cultivation Technology in Da Lat SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Automation Solution Service for Inspection Process in Manufacturing Industry Using Image Inspection Technology in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Building a Supply Chain of Certified Dune Malons Produced in Quang Tri Province SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for building energy management service using AI in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Chair-type Stairlift and Wheelchair Lift for the Elderly and Disabled in Viet Nam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Crop Rotation with Soybean on Mekong Delta Rice-field Using Japanese Farm-Machinery in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Development of Sustainable Integrated Production and Distribution System for Organic Products in Dak Lak Province SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Disaster Prevention Technology of Earth Dams and Embankments by Applying Press-in Method with Silent Piler SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Dissemination of New Breeding Lettuce and Freshness Keeping Transportation SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Eco-friendly Pre-fabricated Stainless Steel Clean Water Reservoir in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Establishing Human Resource Platform for Circulation of Skilled Auto Mechanic in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Highly Airtight and Negative Pressure Structured Clean Room Contributing to Use of Medical and Precision Machinery etc,. in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for improvement of aquaculture business with sediment/water quality improvement using DAIEI Pure Oxygen Gas Displacing Equipment SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Improvement of Prevention of Traffic Accidents Caused by Drunk Driving Using Alcohol Breathalyzer System and Education Support SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Introducing the Care Service for Outpatient Preventive Long-Term Frailty in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Introduction of Rehabilitation Human Resources Development Program in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Preventing Pressure Ulcers Utilizing High-Performance 3D Structure Medical Mattress and Japanese Pressure Ulcers Prevention Know-how in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Promoting Oyster Farming industry throuht Technical Transfer of Oyster Farming in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Promotion of Environmental Monitoring of Dioxins by Screening Assay SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for promotion of offensive odor control through installation of Photocatalytic Air Purification system SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Sustainable Beef Cattle Farming SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for the Establishment of Sustainability Pig Farming Using Supplemental Nutritious Feedstuff in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for the establishment of the system integrating the operation and management for the training of elderly care workers and their employment support in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for the Improvement in cancer treatment standards amongst Doctors and introduction of new anti-cancer drug clinical trials in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for the Prevention of Shallow Landslides by Utilizing Slope Protection for Roads SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for the Solutions to Prevent Landslide Disaster SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for training electrical equipment engineers through industry-academia collaborative education business utilizing BIM design model in Viet Nam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for value chain improvement of agriculture and livestock industry through reduction of antibiotic use by lactic acid bacteria utilization. SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Water Purification System by Artificial Wetlands for Environmental Conservation in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Widespread of Highly Durable Repair Methods for Road Surface Using High Quality Elastic Heating Mixture in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Building of Supply Chain with High Value Vegetables by Tokushima Soil Improvement Method in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Community Infrastructure Service in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Da Nang Industrial Wastewater Management Project in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Development of value-chain for Sanuki-Garlic in Nghe An Province in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Engineer and technician Training Program in the Automotive Industry SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Enhancement of Industrial Competitiveness through introducing Vietnam Products Produced by Tsubame-Sanjo and Tsubame-Sanjo Brand SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Hygiene Monitoring Kit for the Prevention of Infectious Disease such as Food Poisoning in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Ver ification Survey with the Private Sector for Integrated Management Model of Japanese Style Elderly Care School and Elderly Care Center in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Introducing Freshness-Keeping Method with Remice Technology and FRP Fish Hold SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Methane Fermentation Power Generation and Organic Fertilizer Producing by Utilizing MSW in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for monitoring equipment and alarm systems utilized in safety management during infrastructure construction in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Nutrition Education and Nutrition Fortified Food for Female Factory Workers in Viet Nam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Production and Sales of Johkasou's Function-promoting Agents Made of Biomass Wastes in Viet Nam SDGs-SS 2022
Viet Nam SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for PSP using Prepaid IC-card among Payments at Retail Shops and Public Transports SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for route bus service in Binh Duong Province SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Solar Power Generation, Storage Equipment and Cloud-Based IoT Monitoring System in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for the Efficient Sorting and Recycling System for Reduction and Recycling of Construction Waste SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Efficient Sorting and Recycling System for Reduction and Recycling of Construction Waste SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector for water leakage rate reduction method using Japanese quality water supply equipment in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam SDGs Business Verification Survey with the Private Sector on Vertical Type Wind Turbine in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2022
Viet Nam Verification Survey for the extension of cultivation technologies of safe agricultural products with "Safe and Secure Farming System (IC-MOCS)" SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Advanced Horticulture in Dalat, Lam Dong Province SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Bio-Toilet and New Johka system with environment improvement technology SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for "CHEMILES" Groundwater treatment system without chemicals SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for development of high-quality flower production areas through modernization on nursery and production. SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Disseminating Production Automation Facilities from the Saigon High-tech Park as the Main Base of Activities SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Ground Anchor Construction Method for Disaster Prevention of Road Slope SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Hygiene and Quality Management for Meat Industry SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for ICT education center aim to improve empowerment for persons with disabilities SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for improvement of parturient women's service satisfaction in governmental hospital through introduction of disposable delivery kits SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Improving Agricultural Processing and Product Development Capacity through Inter-City Collaboration between Asahikawa City and Quang Ninh Province in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Linen Supply for Improving Hygienic Environment in Public Hospitals in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Medical Information Exchanging Network for Quality Medical Services SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Modernization of Tuna Catching Technology and Tools SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for proper prevention and management of hyperbilirubinemia in newborn infants in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Revolutionary Diffusers which Overturn the Concept of Industrial Waste Water Treatment from the Ground SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for simple water monitoring equipment to strengthen the capacity of water environmental management SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Sustainable Development of the Primary Industry by Resolving Environmental Issues Caused by Fishery Wastes Utilizing Uchishiro Soil-bacteria SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Value Added Cut Flower in Lam Dong Province, Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies on Saving Analysis and Improvement by Simplified Environment Measurement in Vietnam SDGs-SS 2010
Viet Nam Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies-Vehicle detecting by Weigh in Motion system SDGs-SS 2010
Program for dissemination the water purification and dialysis technique for the region of ASEAN in the dialysis training center development plan SDGs-SS 2010