Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and JICA

What Are the SDGs?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are global aims consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets that were adopted at a United Nations summit in September 2015.

Toward the Achievement of the SDGs

JICA’s Contributing Initiatives

For about half a century, we at JICA have been seeing results from our initiatives aimed at solving various issues in developing countries. Going forward, we will continue to leverage the knowledge and experience that we have cultivated, along with our networks both in Japan and overseas, to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, based on the philosophy of “human security.”

To All JICA Partners

Achieving the ambitious SDGs will require action from all actors, such as private companies, local governments, and civic organizations, as well as every single individual. JICA is thus contributing to the achievement of the SDGs through partnerships and innovation with various actors.