JICA’s Three Endeavors
The world is seeing the foundation of the international order being undermined. It is also facing compounded crises that involve inflation, debt crises, and such global issues as climate change and infectious diseases. Under the new Development Cooperation Charter, JICA will push ahead with efforts to cooperate with developing countries in their creative reconstruction and their achievement of the SDGs with the mission of advancing both human security and quality growth. In doing so, JICA will promote co-creation with diverse partners and leverage digital technology and innovation to maximize its development effectiveness.
1. Contribution to Maintaining International Order Based on Universal Values
Today, the world is beset with political disturbances and conflicts that may undermine the foundation of the international order. It is therefore more important than ever to protect universal values such as freedom, democracy, the rule of law, and the freedom of the seas.
Based on universal values that are flexibly defined to reflect the history, culture, and development status of partner countries, JICA will work to realize the Japanese government’s vision of a Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) and thus contribute to peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region, and eventually, in the world. In the process, JICA will advance development cooperation that capitalizes on Japan’s strengths while respecting partner countries’ ownership and building trust among stakeholders.
For Ukraine, JICA will deliver assistance in recovery and reconstruction with an eye toward the postwar period. A specific focus will be placed on clearing landmines and unexploded ordnance and rebuilding people’s lives, including the development of energy and other core infrastructure. In the process, JICA will take advantage of Japan’s experiences in postwar and post-disaster reconstruction in Japan as well as in reconstruction assistance in developing countries. JICA will also work both on supporting refugees and internally displaced persons and on assisting neighboring host countries.
2. Contribution to Addressing Compounded Crises Facing the World
For compounded crises facing the world, JICA will deliver cooperation based on the concept of human security.
JICA will assist developing countries in achieving the dual goal of development and climate action. While standing by developing countries, JICA will deliver cooperation in both mitigation and adaptation. The scope of mitigation will cover, for example, energy transition and public transportation development that accommodate the situations in each country. The scope of adaptation will encompass such sectors as disaster risk reduction, water resources, and agriculture. JICA will also proactively promote the mobilization of private funds and the utilization of new technology.
For the threat of infectious diseases, JICA will advance JICA’s Initiative for Global Health and Medicine to achieve universal health coverage (UHC), which ensures that all people receive health services without suffering financial hardship.
As for food crises, JICA will roll out the JICA Africa Food Security Initiative on this seriously affected continent in an effort to help ensure food security in the developing world.
3. Co-creation and Innovation with Diverse Partners
In the post-COVID era, the needs for development cooperation in developing countries are ever-changing. By effectively utilizing digital data and technology, JICA will promote digital transformation (DX) in all its operations with the aim of “giving JICA a cutting edge with digital technology.” JICA will also encourage collaboration between researchers in developing countries and those in Japan to make good use of science and technology that helps solve development issues in its operations.
In addition, JICA will advance the JICA Global Agenda, expand cooperation with diverse partners for fund mobilization and other purposes, and promote Private-Sector Investment Finance and private investment. The aim is to make its operations more efficient and maximize their development impacts.
In order to enhance efforts toward multicultural coexistence and regional economic revitalization in Japan, JICA will make the most of its experience with human resources development programs, its human capital such as former JICA volunteers, and national and international networks that it has developed over the years.
Through all these activities, JICA will promote co-creation with diverse partners to contribute both to the sound development of developing countries and to a prosperous and sustainable Japanese society.