What We Do
Thematic Issues
- Urban and Regional Development
- Transportation
- Energy and Mining
- Private Sector Development
- Agricultural and Rural Development
- Health
- Nutrition
- Archive: 2015 - 2017
- Social Security
- Sport and Development
- Peace-Building
- Governance
- Public Finance and Financial Systems
- Gender and Development
- Digital for Development
- Climate Change
- Nature Conservation
- Environmental Management
- Sustainable Water Resources Management and Water Supply
- Disaster Risk Reduction
Types of Assistance
- Technical Cooperation
- Official Development Assistance Loans
- Official Development Assistance Grants
- Volunteers
- Emergency Disaster Relief
- Public-Private Partnerships
- Migration and Development - Support for the Acceptance of Foreign HRs / Multicultural and Inclusive Community
- Science and Technology Cooperation on Global Issues
- Partnership with Other Development Partners
- South-South and Triangular Cooperation
- Civil Participation
- JICA Development Studies Program / JICA Chair
Revision of evaluation guideline
To improve the quality of evaluations and promote their use, it is necessary to present and explain the evaluation system, method, and outcome priorities to a broad audience, both within and outside of JICA. To this end, JICA has revised the Guidelines for Project Evaluation (Second Edition) to clearly summarizes the purposes and basic principles of ex-ante and ex-post evaluations.