What We Do
- Urban and Regional Development
- Transportation
- Energy and Mining
- Private Sector Development
- Agricultural and Rural Development
- Health
- Nutrition
- Archive: 2015 - 2017
- Social Security
- Sport and Development
- Peace-Building
- Governance
- Public Finance and Financial Systems
- Gender and Development
- Digital for Development
- Climate Change
- Nature Conservation
- Environmental Management
- Sustainable Water Resources Management and Water Supply
- Disaster Risk Reduction
Types of Assistance
- Technical Cooperation
- Official Development Assistance Loans
- Official Development Assistance Grants
- Volunteers
- Emergency Disaster Relief
- Public-Private Partnerships
- Migration and Development - Support for the Acceptance of Foreign HRs / Multicultural and Inclusive Community
- Science and Technology Cooperation on Global Issues
- Partnership with Other Development Partners
- South-South and Triangular Cooperation
- Civil Participation
- JICA Development Studies Program / JICA Chair