August 26, 2020
Provision of Water Treatment Chemicals and Fuel for Generator to the Water Service Provider
On 26 August, 2020, as a countermeasure against the coronavirus (COVID 19) in South Sudan, JICA handed over water treatment chemicals (coagulant and disinfectant) and generator fuel to South Sudan Urban Water Corporation (SSUWC) for continuous operation of Juba Water Treatment Plant under the "Project for Management Capacity Enhancement of South Sudan Urban Water Corporation Phase 2."
Juba Water Treatment Plant is the only water treatment plant in Juba and has the capacity of supplying safe and clean water to 276, 000 peoples in Juba which is the capital of South Sudan. However, due to COVID 19, the South Sudan Government declared the state of emergency and ordered all public workers to stay at home except service providers such as water. Although continuous supply of safe and clean water is the highest priority, SSUWC encountered difficulties with producing safe water due to cash short for purchasing water treatment chemicals and generator fuel because of COVID 19 situation. Therefore, as a result of JICA's emergency support of coagulant, disinfectant and fuel for months, SSUWC is able to supply safe water to citizens in Juba.
In the handover ceremony at SSUWC in Juba, Managing Director of SSUWC, Hon. Awar Yar Paul Kuol, expressed her gratitude to JICA, saying "JICA is a committed and steady fast partner that rescues SSUWC when need arises. There are already ongoing major projects at SSUWC implemented by JICA such as the construction of the water facility and management capacity enhancement of SSUWC. The delivery of the items at this critical time is significant and SSUWC dearly appreciates. "
South Sudan is the youngest country which became impendent in 2011 after prolonged civil wars. Safe and clean water is the one of the most precious daily essentials and cornerstone of peace and stability for South Sudan people who have been suffering from the long years for civil war and there is high demand for safe water especially under COVID 19 pandemic.
Through the on-going technical cooperation, the Project for Management Capacity Enhancement of South Sudan Urban Water Corporation Phase 2, JICA will continue to support South Sudan to ensure continuous access to clean water supply services.
Exchange of Handover Note
In front of fuel tank provided by JICA
Provided coagulant
Provided disinfectant