School Club Based Resilient Community Model Project
Plus Arts
(Aug. 2022 - Aug. 2025)
Promoting DRR club activities in school
Nepal experienced an earthquake on Saturday 25th April 2015 and on Tuesday 12th May 2015. This heavily affected the capital city of Kathmandu where nearly 9,000 people lost their lives, and more than 22,000 people were injured. Plus Arts, Kobe-based NPO, had started to improve school DRR education in Kathmandu Valley by promoting school club activities under JICA Partnership Program (JPP) since 2017. Plus Arts has been training school teachers how to teach DRR education with the method of playing games and school teachers has been enhancing students’ knowledge and skill for disasters in club activities. Students are enjoying learning DRR education and now senior students are teaching to their juniors and local communities. From August 2022, Plus arts has been working on establishing a DRR community model in which local communities collaborate with DRR education clubs to engage in disaster prevention activities locally.
Teachers had a DRR event at Mitra DRR Learning Center with the DRR educational materials on earthquake resistant building structures which they had developed.
The members of DRR education club had a DRR event at their community, and taught what they have learned about DRR to the local people.