OKABE Yasunobu
- Research field / main research area
- Comparative Politics, Political Economy, East Asia, Latin America
2008 Ph.D. in Arts and Science, Graduate School of Arts and Science, University of Tokyo
2000 Master’s degree in Arts and Science, Graduate School of Arts and Science, University of Tokyo
Professor, Faculty of Law, Tohoku University
Part-time lecturer, Faculty of Law, Seikei University
Senior Research Fellow, JICA Research Institute
Part-time lecturer at Faculty of Law, Sophia University, Tokyo
Research Associate at Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
Visiting researcher at Faculty of International Studies, Center for Economic Research and Education (CIDE), Mexico
Visiting researcher at Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Official, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan. (Embassy in Spain, Embassy in Panama, Latin America and Caribbean Affairs Bureau, and Economic Cooperation Bureau)
* "Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers: Its Genesis and Development," (Chapter 14) in Hiroshi Kato, John Page, Yasutami Shimomura, eds., Japan's Development Assistance: Foreign Aid and the Post-2015 Agenda, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016 (pp.222-236).
* “Reacting to Financial Crises: Institutional Path Dependence in Korea and Thailand,” (Chapter 4) in T.J. Pempel and Keiichi Tsunekawa, eds., Two Crises, Different Outcomes: East Asia and Global Finance, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2015 (pp.90-109).
* Historical Origins of Financial Crises: Path Dependence of Financial Systems in Korea, Thailand and Mexico, Tokyo: Bokutaku-sha, 2009 (in Japanese)
* With Naoki Takahashi, eds. Structure and Actors: From a Perspective of Comparative Politics, ISS Research Series, No.35, Institution of Social Science, University of Tokyo (in Japanese)
* "Relation between Structure and Actors in Shaping of Financial Institutions: Cases of Financial System and Central Bank Independence in Thailand," in Naoki Takahashi and Yasunobu Okabe, eds., Structure and Actors: From a Perspective of Comparative Politics, ISS Research Series, No.35, Institution of Social Science, University of Tokyo (in Japanese)
* "Relation between Structure and Actors in Comparative Politics: When Do Structures Constrain Actors?," in Naoki Takahashi and Yasunobu Okabe, eds., Op.cit.
* "International Volunteers and Global Civil Society: A Tentative Analysis," Hogaku (Journal of Law and Political Science, Tohoku University), Vol.LXXXI, No.2, June 2017, pp.1-30 (In Japanese)
* "Political Origins of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, 1960-1965: Why the State Sends Young Volunteers Abroad "JICA-RI Working Paper, No. 72 (March 2014), JICA Research Institute.
* "Financial Restructuring after the 1997 Crisis and Impact of the Lehman Shock: Path Dependence of Financial Systems in Korea and Thailand," JICA-RI Working Paper, No. 51 (January 2013), JICA Research Institute.
* "Chance of a Lifetime: Political Change of Thailand and Central Bank Independence," The Journal of Thai Studies, Vol.11, 2011: 1-19. (in Japanese)
*"Varieties of Financial System and its Political Origins: Comparative Historical Analysis of South Korea, Thailand and Mexico,"
Ajia Keizai (Asian Economy), Institute of Developing Economies, 51 (5), May 2010: 22-48 (in Japanese)
* "Comparative Historical Analysis of Institutionsthrough a Path Dependence Approach: Development of Financial Systems in South Korea and Thailand," Hikaku Seiji Gakkai Nenpo (Annual Review of Japan Association of Comparative Politics), 8, November 2006: 139-166 (in Japanese)
* "The Political Origins of 'the Financial Crises of the 21st Century': Path Dependence of Financial Systems in Korea, Thailand and Mexico," 20th International Political Science Association (IPSA) World Congress, Fukuoka, Japan, July 9-13, 2006
* "Politics of the Asian Currency Crisis," Rebaiasan (Leviathan), 34, April 2004, pp.138-148 (in Japanese)
* "Economic Sanctions and Costs on Target States: An Analysis of Democratization in Cuba and South Africa," Kokusai Seiji (International Relations), 128, October 2001, pp.130-145 (in Japanese)
* Book Review, "Richard F. Doner, The Politics of Uneven Development: Thailand’s Economic Growth in Comparative Perspective, N.Y.: Cambridge U.P., 2009." The Developing Economies, Vol.49, No. 3 (September 2011).
* Book review"Richard F. Doner, The Politics of Uneven Development: Thailand’s Economic Growth in Comparative Perspective, N.Y.: Cambridge U.P., 2009,"
Ajia Keizai (Asian Economy), Institute of Developing Economies, 52 (3), March 2011:78-81 (in Japanese)
* "Comparative Study of Financial Restructuring: South Korea, Thailand and Mexico," Gateway to Asian Studies in Japan, Website, Institute of Oriental Culture (IOC), University of Tokyo, May 2009.
Japan Association for International Relations, Japan Association for Comparative Politics, Japan Association for Latin American Studies, Japanese Society for Thai Studies