For Inclusive and Dynamic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

  • #Books and Reports

For Inclusive and Dynamic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

The JICA Research Institute has prepared a report that summarizes the experiences amassed by JICA and its thinking regarding African development. The report, titled "For Inclusive and Dynamic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa," was put together in the hopes that it would contribute to the Fifth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD V), which will be held in June this year, as well as to subsequent international debates regarding African development.

TICAD has played a major role as a venue for international debates related to African development since the first conference held in 1993. Africa has been achieving rapid economic growth in recent years, yet at the same time it must also address challenges like correcting disparities and maintaining social and political stability. The TICAD V meeting will hold discussions on how both African countries and the international community can work towards achieving long-term and sustainable development on the continent.

The report has been compiled keeping the agenda for TICAD V in mind. It consists of four sections that cover the major points at issue for Sub-Saharan Africa's development: promoting agriculture and industry, improving infrastructure, developing human resource, and dealing with risks such as climate change and political instability. The volume also contains a chapter on South-South and Triangular cooperation as well as an appendix on the history of the twenty years of the TICAD process. These essays have been contributed by the researchers and practitioners involved in JICA-RI's research projects and JICA's operations on the ground.

It is our hope that this report will be read by those who have an interest in African development, and be able to contribute to discussions concerning African development.


KATO Hiroshi, Kei Yoshizawa, MAKINO Koji, Keijiro Otsuka, Jiro Aikawa, Go Shimada, Toru Homma, Hiromichi Murakami, Yasuo Fujita, Ippei Tsuruga, Asami Takeda, Kaori Matsushita, TAKIZAWA Ikuo, Kazuro Shibuya, Tomonori Sudo, Ryutaro Murotani, Shunichiro Honda, Yukimi Shimoda, MAKINO Koji
Date of issuance
April 2013
Number of pages
440 page
Related areas
  • #Africa
  • #Economic Policy
Research area
Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction