Past Research Projects
Obtaining a Second Chance: Education during and after ConflictThere is a growing concern about the interaction between violent conflict and education. Among a wide variety of issues existing in the emerging field, this research focuses on the generations of people who missed out education due to violent conflict. It is critical to ensure a second chance of education for them as education is a part of basic human rights and also functions as an “enabling right" of other fundamental rights of individuals. It is also significant from the perspective of peacebuilding, since those generations of people, mostly youth, can play a key role in war-torn societies either as bearers of peaceful transition and reconstruction or as a major source of violence by being recruited as combatants. Despite the importance, however, how to provide them with second chance education has received little attention both in research and practice. This research attempts to fill the gap by exploring the way to overcome the issue of lost education caused by violent conflict through collecting and analyzing life stories of those who once experienced educational interruptions but obtained second chance education afterward. The knowledge to be acquired through the research is expected to contribute to improving policies and programs on educational development in conflict-affected societies.
- Research area
- Peacebuilding and Humanitarian Support
- Research period
- 2015.11.01 ~ 2021.03.31
- Chief
- Researchers belonging to JICA Ogata Research Institute
- Sachiko G. Kamidohzono、 Naoko Arakawa
- Related areas
Research results (publications)
No.215 A Quest for Learning and Beyond: Aiming at Second Chance Education in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
No.192 Obtaining a Second Chance Education in Post-conflict Rwanda: Motivations and Paths
No.188 Second Chance Education in Northern Uganda: Pathways and Motivation
No.187 A Second Chance for Education: Examining the Roles of Education in Conflict and Peace based on Life Stories from Bosnia and Herzegovina
No.182 Second-chance Education in Post-conflict Timor-Leste:Youth and Adult Learners’ Motives, Experiences and Circumstances
Transformational Power of Education in Post-conflict Societies: Cases of Rwanda and Northern Uganda (NORRAG website)
The Role of Education in Peacebuilding: Learner Narratives From Rwanda (Taylor & Francis Online Website)
Conflict kills education: Rwandan experiences show how lost years can be recovered (The Conversation Website, in English)
Le conflit tue l’éducation : l’expérience rwandaise montre comment le temps perdu peut être rattrapé (The Conversation Website, in French)
When education in emergencies fails: learners’ motivations for a second (Taylor & Francis Online Website)
Japan’s SDG-Linked Education Policy and Strategy – Both for Japan and Development Cooperation (posted in the NORRAG NEWS#54 of ”Education, Training and Agenda 2030: What Progress One Year On?” on NORRAG website)