Educational Background
Ph.D (International Development), Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University
Diploma, International Institute for Educational Planning, UNESCO
DEA (Education),3ème cycle, University of Paris V
Bachelor of Literature, University of Kyoto
Career Background
Advisor to the Executive Director, JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development
Senior Vice President, JICA
Vice President for Education, TICAD, JICA-DSP(JICA Development Studies Program), JICA
Director, JICA Research Institute
Deputy Director, JICA Research Institute
Director General, Human Development Department, JICA
Chief Representative, JICA Bangladesh Office
Deputy Director General, and Group Director for Basic Education, Human Development Department, JICA
Major Publications
<Authored/Co-edited Books>
Kayashima, Nobuko, M. Sugimura, K. Kuroda, and Y. Kitamura. (ed.) 2024.
Impacts of Study Abroad on Higher Education Development ―Examining the Experiences of Faculty at Leading Universities in Southeast Asia. Tokyo: Springer.
Kayashima, Nobuko, K. Kuroda, and Y. Kitamura. (ed.) 2022.
Japan's International Cooperation in Education: History and Prospects.
Singapore: Springer.
Kayashima Nobuko, and K. Kuroda. (ed.) 2019.
International Education Cooperation of Japan: History and Perspectives. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press. (in Japanese).
Kayashima Nobuko. 2019.
Internationalization of Higher Education and ODA Participation of Japanese Universities
. Tokyo: Tamagawa University Press. (in Japanese).
Kayashima Nobuko. 1989. Développment de l'Education au Cours de l' Ere Meiji(1867-1912) : Modernisation et Monteé du Nationalisme au Japon (Cahiers de l'IIEP No.78). Paris: UNESCO Institut International de Planification de l'Education. (in French).
<Journal Articles/Chapter Contributions>
Kayashima, Nobuko. 2024.
Impact of Faculty Study Abroad Experiences on Subsequent Academic Activities and the Internationalization of the University —Findings of the Empirical Research Project on Leading Universities in Southeast Asia—.
JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development.
Kayashima, Nobuko, JICA Human Development Department, K. Kuroda, and Y. Kitamura. 2023. JICA and GPE: A deepening partnership to address the learning crisis. GPE Blog.
Nakasato, Lauren, and N. Kayashima. 2021. Student Mobility to Japan in the Age of COVID-19: A Matter of Degree
. JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development.
Kayashima, Nobuko. 2020.
Japan’s International Education Cooperation in the Era of SDGs
. Policy Opinion No. 167. Institute for Peace Policy. (in Japanese).
Sugimura, Miki, and N. Kayashima. 2019. International Education Cooperation of Japan: History and Perspectives - Education Cooperation and Scholarship programs.
Ryugaku Koryu, Vol. 105. (in Japanese).
Kayashima, Nobuko. 2019. ODA and Universities. IDE Gendai no Koto Kyoiku, No. 613, pp. 47-51. (in Japanese).
Takagi, Kohei, M. Sugimura, and N. Kayashima. 2019.
Empirical Research of the History of International Students in Japan – Analysis of Historical Documents from JASSO Archive.
Japan Student Services Organization
. (in Japanese).
Morgan, Peter and N. Kayashima. 2019. Realizing Education for All in the Digital Age:Think 20(T20)Japan 2019.
Kayashima, Nobuko. 2018. History and Perspectives of Japan’s Educational Cooperation,” SRID Journal, Vol. 14. (in Japanese).
Okitsu, Taeko, N. Umemiya, and N. Kayashima. 2017. Changing Priorities and Strategies in the World Bank's Support to Higher Education: Convergences and Divergences Between Policy and Operations. Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies, Vol. 29, pp. 53-70. (in Japanese).
Arakawa N. and Kayashima N. 2016. Japan's SDG-Linked Education Policy and Strategy- Both for Japan and Development Cooperation
. NORRAG News, 54, 80-81.
Kayashima, Nobuko. 2016. How have Japanese Universities Participated in Development Cooperation Programs? - Case Study of Japanese International Cooperation in Engineering Education since the 1990s. Forum of International Development Studies, Vol. 47(4), pp. 1-19. (in Japanese).
Kayashima, Nobuko. 2016. Educational Cooperation of Government Agencies. in Taro Komatsu (ed.). Education and Development in the Developing World : Seeking an Equitable World, Tokyo: Sophia University Press, pp. 115-132. (in Japanese).
Kayashima, Nobuko. 2010. Rethinking Japan’s International Cooperation – Educational Cooperation of JICA. in Seiji Utsumi (ed.). Hajimeteno Kokusai Kyoryoku, Kyoto: Showado, pp. 26-43. (in Japanese).
Kayashima, Nobuko. 2003. Education for All by 2015. Ajiken World Trend, Vol. 4, pp. 14-17. (in Japanese).
Kayashima, Nobuko. 1999. Prospect – JICA’s Educational Cooperation.
Journal of International Cooperation in Education, Vol. 2(1), pp. 22-33. (in Japanese).
Japan Society for International Development, Japan Comparative Education Society
2020 Special Award of Japan Society for International Development
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