出典:UNESCO (2011) The hidden crisis: Armed conflict and education, Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2011, Paris: UNESCO
- 研究領域
- 平和構築と人道支援
- 研究期間
- 2015年11月01日 から 2021年03月31日
- 主査
- 萱島 信子
- JICA緒方研究所所属の研究者
- 後藤 幸子、 荒川 奈緒子
- 関連地域
No.215 A Quest for Learning and Beyond: Aiming at Second Chance Education in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
No.192 Obtaining a Second Chance Education in Post-conflict Rwanda: Motivations and Paths
No.188 Second Chance Education in Northern Uganda: Pathways and Motivation
No.187 A Second Chance for Education: Examining the Roles of Education in Conflict and Peace based on Life Stories from Bosnia and Herzegovina
No.182 Second-chance Education in Post-conflict Timor-Leste:Youth and Adult Learners’ Motives, Experiences and Circumstances
Transformational Power of Education in Post-conflict Societies: Cases of Rwanda and Northern Uganda(NORRAG ウェブサイト )
The Role of Education in Peacebuilding: Learner Narratives From Rwanda(Taylor & Francis Onlineウェブサイト)
Conflict kills education: Rwandan experiences show how lost years can be recovered (The Conversation Website, in English)
Le conflit tue l’éducation : l’expérience rwandaise montre comment le temps perdu peut être rattrapé (The Conversation Website, in French)
When education in emergencies fails: learners’ motivations for a second chance education in post-conflict Rwanda(Taylor & Francis Onlineウェブサイト)