The Study on Drainage and Sewerage Improvement Project In Phnom Penh Metropolitan Area

Country, Site Cambodia
Project Outline The objectives of the Study are as follows;
(1) To formulate a master plan for sewage and urban drainage management
(2) To carry out Pre-Feasibility Study on priority project/s selected from the master plan
(3) To enhance planning capacity of institutions responsible for sewage and urban drainage management in PPCC

Sector: Sewarage and Drainage
Category B
Reason of
(1) The Study aims to elaborate on a drainage and sewerage improvement Master Plan in the Phnom Penh Metropolitan Area, and the study per se does not have any environmental and social impacts.
(2) According to the results of the preliminary scoping of this project, which is described in section 8 of this document, this Study is classified as Category B because its potential adverse impacts on the environment and society are relatively little. Impacts are site-specific, and in most cases, normal mitigation measures can be designed more readily.
(3) According to JICA's "Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations, JICA, April 2010" , this project considers that the negative impacts on the natural environment and society are less adverse than those of Category A projects.
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