Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Improvement of Sanitation and Living Condition using Amphibious Excavator

Country, Site Cambodia, Phnom Penh
Project Outline The purpose of the survey is (i) to transfer technologies and methodologies of cleaning works of drainage open channels utilizing Amphibious Excavator, (ii) to formulate operating manuals and phased drainage open channels cleaning plan, (iii) to assist activities for the sustainable implementation of the cleaning works utilizing Amphibious Excavator and (iv) to establish business promotion plan for disseminating Amphibious Excavator in Cambodia.
Category B
Reason of
The project is not located in a sensitive area, nor has sensitive characteristics, nor falls into sensitive sectors under the JICA guidelines for environmental and social considerations (April 2010), and its potential adverse impacts on the environment are not likely to be significant.
Latest Result of
·Final Report (In Japanese)
Past Results of
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