Feasibility Survey for utilizing water hyacinth as an ethanol in Cambodia.

Country, Site Cambodia, Kampong Chhnang Province
Project Outline The proposed ODA project is “Verification Survey for Producing Bio ethanol from Water Hyachinth in Lake Tonle Sap” under JICA’s scheme “SDGs BUSINESS VERIFICATION SURVEY WITH THE PRIVATE SECTOR FOR DISSEMINATING JAPANESE TECHNOLOGIES”. The project aims to mitigate obstruction to local water transportation caused by the Water Hyacinth as well to help conserve the natural environment. In order to achieve these positive impacts, it is necessary to establish a system of periodically removing the Water Hyacinth in a continuous and sustainable manner, which in turn requires operational and financial burden. Therefore, verifica tio n of a sustainable business model whereby the Water Hyacinth is used as a resource to produce bio ethanol and generate sales revenue to finance the operations will be pursued.
Category B
Reason of
The project is not likely to have significant adverse impact on the environment under the JICA guidelines for environmental and social considerations April 2010 in terms of its sectors, characteristics and areas.
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