Feasibility survey for improvement of medical and other hazardous waste management in Vientiane city

Country, Site Vientiane city, Laos
Project Outline The objective of the survey is to improve the management of medical and other hazardous waste in Vientiane city by installing a new incinerator in 32 KM landfill, introducing the Japanese guideline for medical waste management and promoting the method of separating hazardous and non-industrial waste. The survey also aims to develop a business plan by collecting and analysing information about medical and other hazardous waste.
Category B
Reason of
The project is not considered to be a large-scale waste sector project, is not located in a sensitive area, and has none of the sensitive characteristics under the JICA guidelines for environmental and social considerations(April2010), it is not likely to havea significant adverseimpacton the environment.
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