Participation in Sustainability-related Initiatives

Asia Transition Finance Study Group (ATF SG)

ATF SG is a private-led initiative consisting of financial institutions operating in Asia. ATF SG was established to help achieve a just and orderly energy transition in Asia toward a more sustainable future. JICA is joining ATF SG as a partner from November 2023.


TCFD Consortium

The purpose of TCFD Consortium is to discuss effective climate-related disclosure recommended by the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) and ways to utilize the disclosed information for making appropriate investment decisions by financial institutions. JICA is joining the consortium from January 2024.


TNFD Forum

JICA has been participating in the TNFD (Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures) Forum, which supports the TNFD discussions, since December 2023.


30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity

30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity is a multi-stakeholder platform which aims to expand the protected areas in Japan and to promote activities of certifying the conserved areas as OECMs (Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures), towards achieving 30by30. JICA supports the Alliance’s concept and has joined as core member since its establishment in April 2022.


2X Challenge

The 2X Challenge is an initiative launched by development finance institutions at the 2018 G7 Summit to mobilize public and private investment for the economic empowerment of women and JICA has been a member since its founding. 2) As of 2023, it had mobilized US$33.6 billion in financing through gender lens finance, and from 2024 to 2027, it aims to raise over US$20 billion.
