JICA "Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations" (Guidelines), which was adopted in April 2010 and came into force on July 2010, specifies that "JICA will create a comprehensive review of the guidelines within ten years of their enforcement on the bases of its findings." JICA has studied environmental and social safeguard practices as per the Guidelines since February 2018. Considering the Guidelines implementation practices reviewed through JICA projects and critical changes in the environment surrounding us, draft discussion points were identified for further consideration of the revision of the Guidelines. Given the importance of this issue, we hope that you will take this opportunity to express your views on the Draft Final Report of the review.
1. Subject for public comment
2. Public comment period:
Japan Standard Time(JST)
October 16 (Wed.), 2019 to November 14 (Thr.), 2019
(must be received by the deadline)
3. Submissions:
Please fill out the attached comment format (Word file/15KB
) (PDF/110KB
and submit by E-mail, facsimile, or post. Please note that opinions or comments by telephone cannot be accepted.
(1) E-mail (Please submit your written comments as an attached file.)
E-mail address:erte1_pc@jica.go.jp
Subject:Public comments on Guidelines review
(2) Post
Address:Environmental and social Considerations Review Division
Credit Risk Analysis and Environmental Review Department
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
4th floor, Nibancho Center Building 5-25, Niban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8012, Japan
Attn:Public comments on Guidelines review
(3) Facsimile
Facsimile number: +81-3-5226-6371
To: Environmental and social Considerations Review Division
Credit Risk Analysis and Environmental Review Department
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Re: Public comments on Guidelines review
4. Contact info for inquiries
Environmental and Social Considerations Review Division
Credit Risk Analysis and Environmental Review Department
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
E-mail: erte1_pc@jica.go.jp
5. Others
(1) Please note that the comments except for the name, address, telephone / facsimile number and e-mail address may be publicized. However the concerned descriptions which are possible to identify a specific individual will be also concealed prior to the release of the comment to the public.
(2) The individual information such as the name, the contact address etc. contained in the written comment will be appropriately managed and will be utilized only in the work related to the present invitation of the written comment, for example, in the contact with one who submitted the comments in case that there are uncertainties.