Collaboration with Other Partners for Development Cooperation

JICA has established strong partnerships with, for example, European countries, the United States, and international organizations, in such ways as co-financing, collaboration in technical cooperation, and the like. For achievement of the SDGs in particular, securing a greater level of financing and its efficient use are required.

To materialize more effective and efficient cooperation, collaboration among development partners enables to bring different set of expertise and technologies. And to support large-scale development projects, collaboration could be a solution when a single organization cannot meet the required needs.

Dissemination of JICA's experience and knowledge through participation in international discussions on development cooperation will not only improve the quality of international initiatives, but also increase the understanding and raise the profile of Japan's experiences, approaches and ODA principles.

JICA actively conducts dialogues and various meetings with the World Bank Group (WBG), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), African Development Bank (AfDB), and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), as well as participates in their annual meetings. Moreover, JICA also regularly holds strategic discussions with some of its strategic development partners, including bilateral agencies such as the French Development Agency (AFD), and international/regional organizations, namely the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), for instance.

In order to tackle development challenges, in addition to bilateral partnership with other donors, JICA actively participate in International Development Finance Club (IDFC), a group of like-minded development banks of national and sub-regional origin in developed as well as developing countries, which share the same objective to achieve SDGs.

Partnerships with Emerging Countries

In recent years, emerging countries such as China, the Republic of Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil, and Turkey have become development cooperation providers. JICA has attached much value in sharing a variety of development approaches and issues with such emerging countries based on the experience of Japan that was Asia's sole DAC member for many years.

JICA continues to hold periodic bilateral discussions with development partners in China and the Republic of Korea, namely the Export-Import Bank of China, Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and Economic Development Cooperation Fund of the Export-Import Bank of Korea (EDCF). In addition, JICA, together with the Export-Import Bank of China, the EDCF, and the Neighboring Countries Economic Development Cooperation Agency (NEDA) of Thailand, holds quadripartite discussions among Asian development finance institutions.

Furthermore, not only does JICA have been strengthening partnership with other emerging international/regional organizations such as Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), JICA also continuously work with "non-traditional" partners such as Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Asia Foundation, and the Arab Coordination Group which is consisted of 10 bilateral and multilateral Arab development institutions.

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