Educational Background
Ph. D. Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge MA, 1976-1980
B.A. Economics, King’s College, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, 1972-1975
Career Background
Dr. Kharas is a Senior Fellow in the Global Economy and Development program at the Brookings Institution. Dr. Kharas has served as the lead author and executive secretary of the secretariat supporting the High Level Panel, co-chaired by President Sirleaf, President Yudhoyono and Prime Minister Cameron, advising the U.N. Secretary General on the post-2015 development agenda (2012-2013). The report, “A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development,” was presented on May 30, 2013.
Major Publications
Refereed Publications
“What Motivates Private Foreign Aid? Evidence from Internet-Based Microlending” with R. Desai, International Studies Quarterly 62 (3), 505-519, 2018
“An evidence-based approach to ending rural hunger” with J. McArthur and J. von Braun, Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 11, 1-12, 2017
“The Hunger Game: How to End Global Malnutrition” with J. McArthur, Foreign Affairs, 2015
“New agenda, new narrative: What happens after 2015?” with Christine Zhang, SAIS Review of International Affairs 34 (2), 25-35, 2014
“The G20 and Development” with N. Birdsall, Journal of Globalization and Development 2 (2), 2012
“The Challenge of High and Rising Food Prices”, The Brown Journal of World Affairs, Fall/Winter 2011
“The Money Trail: Ranking Donor Transparency in Foreign Aid” with Anirban Ghosh, World Development 39 (11), November 2011.
“Why Can’t We All Just Get Along: Practical Limits to International Development Cooperation” with Laurence Chandy, Journal of International Development, 2011
“What is the Middle Income Trap?”, with Harinder Kohli, Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies, 2011
“Democratizing Private Aid: Online Philanthropy and International Development Assistance”, with Raj Desai, Journal of International Law and Politics, Vol. 42:4, Summer 2010
“Development Assistance in the 21st Century”, Fundacion Sistema, No. 213, November 2009
“Gravity and Friction in Growing East Asia”, with Indermit Gill, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol. 25, No. 2, Summer 2009
“Can India’s Tiger Economy Survive the Global Crisis?”, with L. Chandy and G. Gertz, The India Economy Review, March 2009
“The California Consensus: Can Private Aid End Global Poverty?” with Raj Desai, Survival, (August 2008)
“An Analysis of Russia's 1998 Meltdown: Fundamentals and Market Signals” with Brian Pinto, and Sergei Ulatov, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1: 1-50 2001.
“Fiscal Policy, Hidden Deficits, and Currency Crises.” with Deepak Mishra, World Bank Economists' Forum, 31-48, Washington, DC: World Bank, 2001
“Mercosur: Integration and Industrial Policy”, with Leipziger, Danny, C. Frischtak, and J. Normand The World Economy, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 585-603, 1997
“International Competitiveness, the Demand for Exports and Real Effective Exchange Rates in Developing Countries” with D. Ghose, Journal of Development Economics 41(2), 1993.
“Exchange Rate Rules, Black Market Premia and Fiscal Deficits: The Bolivian Hyperinflation” with Brian Pinto, Review of Economic Studies 56(3): 435-447. 1989.
“LDC Savings Rates and Debt Crises” with Jim Levinsohn, World Development 16(7): 779-786. 1988.
“Foreign Borrowing and Macroeconomic Adjustment to External Shocks” with Hisan Shishido, Journal of Development Economics 25(1): 125-148. 1987.
“A Valuation Model of Developing-Country Debt with Endogenous Rescheduling” with Gerard Gennotte and Sayeed Sadeq, World Bank Economic Review 1(2): 237-271. 1987.
“A Dynamic-Optimization Model of Foreign Borrowing: A Case Study of Thailand” with H. Shishido, Journal of Policy Modeling 8(1): 1-26. 1986.
“The Costs and Benefits of Foreign Borrowing: A Survey of Multi-Period Models” with Reuven Glick, Journal of Development Studies 22(2): 279-299. 1986.
“The Long-Run Creditworthiness of Developing Countries: Theory and Practice.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 99(3): 415-439. 1984.
“Constrained Optimal Foreign Borrowing by Less Developed Countries.” Studies in Domestic Finance 75, 1981.
“On Structural Change and Debt-Servicing Capacity.” Studies in Domestic Finance 74. 1981.
“The Analysis of Long-Run Creditworthiness: Theory and Practice.” Studies in Domestic Finance 73. 1981.
Leave No One Behind. H. Kharas, I. Ohno, J. McArthur (eds) Brookings Press 2019
From Summits to Solutions. R. Desai, H. Kato, H. Kharas, J. McArthur (eds.) Brookings Press, 2018
The Imperative of Development: The Wolfensohn Center at Brookings. Geoffrey Gertz, Homi Kharas, and Johannes F. Linn (eds.) Brookings Press, 2017
The Last Mile in Ending Extreme Poverty. Laurence Chandy, Hiroshi Kato, and Homi Kharas (eds.) Brookings Press, 2015
Getting to Scale: How to Bring Development Solutions to Millions of Poor People. Laurence Chandy, Akio Hosono, Homi Kharas, and Johannes F. Linn (eds.) Brookings Press, 2013.
After the Spring: Economic Transitions in the Arab World. Multiple authors.Oxford University Press, 2012
Catalyzing Development: A New Vision for Aid. Homi Kharas, Koji Makino and Woojin Jung (eds.)Brookings Press, 2011
Rising in Rhythm: Penang’s Cities, People, Economy with Hamdan Majeed and Albert Zeufack, Khazanah Nasional Berhad, 2011
A Quality of Official Development Assistance Assessment with Nancy Birdsall, Center for Global Development, 2010
Delivering Aid Differently. Homi Kharas and Wolfgang Fengler (eds.), Brookings Press, 2010
An East Asian Renaissance: Ideas for Economic Growth. with Indermit Gill,World Bank, Washington DC. 2007.
East Asian Visions: Perspectives on Economic Development. Indermit Gill, Yukon Huang, Homi Kharas (eds.), The World Bank, Washington DC and Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore. 2007.
East Asia Integrates: A Trade Policy Agenda for Shared Growth.Kharas, Homi, and Kathie Krumm, eds Washington, DC: World Bank; Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. 2004.
Selected Other Publications
“Building the SDG economy: Needs, spending, and financing for universal achievement of the SDGs” with J. McArthur, Brookings, 2019
“Spatial Targeting of Poverty” with J. Cohen and R. Desai, in Leave No One Behind, Brookings Press, 2019
“Beyond neoliberalism” with G. Gertz, Brookings, 2019
“Poverty, hunger, and malnutrition: Challenges and breakthroughs for rural revitalization” with L. Noe, IFPRI, 2019
“How many people will the world leave behind” with J. McArthur and K. Rasmussen, Brookings 2018
“The New Global Agenda and the Future of the Multilateral Development Bank System” with A. Bhattacharya, M. Plant, A. Prizzon, Brookings, 2018
“The unprecedented expansion of the global middle class: An update” The Brookings Institution 2017
“Global development trends and challenges: Horizon 2025 revisited” with Andrew Rogerson, ODI, 2017
“Combining good business and good development” with R. Desai and M. Amin, Brookings, 2017
“Is a growing middle class good for the poor? Social policy in a time of globalization” with R. Desai, Brookings, 2017
“Toward a new multilateralism” with B. Jenks, Uppdrag Framtid Background Report, 2016
“The middle-income trap turns ten” with Indermit Gill, The World Bank, 2015
“Ending rural hunger: Mapping needs and actions for food and nutrition security” with J. McArthur, G. Gertz, S. Mowlds, L. Noe, Brookings, 2015
“Financing the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals”, with Annalisa Prizon and Andrew Rogerson, ODI, 2014
“A new global partnership: eradicate poverty and transform economies through sustainable development” Report of the High Level Panel on the post-2015 agenda, UN, 2013
“Latin America: Is average good enough” with Harinder Kohli, Emerging Markets Forum, 77-101, 2013
“Private Aid to Africa” The Oxford Companion to the Economics of Africa 1, 94-98, 2012
“The group of twenty: Origins, prospects and challenges for global governance” with Domenico Lombardi, Brookings, 2012
“Horizon 2025: Creative Destruction in the Aid Industry” with Andrew Rogerson, Overseas Development Institution, July 2012-07-15
“The Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation”, The Brookings Institution, June 2012
“The Sustainable Development Goals: Curse of the Sequel or Adopt, Adapt, Improve?” with David Steven, June 2012-07-15
“The Evolving International Architecture for Development Cooperation”, The Brookings Institution, November 2011
“Latin America’s Global Middle Class” with Mauricio Cardenas and Camila Henao, The Brookings Institution, March 2011
“China's shift to a high-income country–Method to avoid middle-income trap” Long-Term Development and Transition of the Chinese Economy, Beijing: CITIC Publishing House, 2011
“The Emerging Middle Class in Developing Countries”, OECD Development Centre, Working Paper No. 285, January 2010
“India’s Promise: An Affluent Society in One Generation”, in India 2039 eds. Harinder Kohli and Anil Sood, Sage, 2010
“India: Realizing the Potential, Avoiding the Middle Income Trap” in India 2039 eds. Harinder Kohli and Anil Sood, Sage, 2010
“The Whiplash Effect” Foreign Policy, July/August 2009
“Debt Relief and Sustainable Financing to Meet the MDGs” with Dorte Domeland, in Debt Relief and Beyond, (eds. Carlos A. Primo Braga and Dorte Domeland), World Bank, 2009
“India and the BRICs: Growth Potential in the Long-term”, in A Crise Global e o Novo Papel Mundial dos BRICS,” ed.
Joao Paulo dos Reis Velloso, XXI Forum Nacional, Jose Olympio, 2009
“Chilean Growth through East Asian Eyes” with D. Leipziger, W. Maloney, R. Thillainathan, H. Hesse, Commission on Growth and Development, Working Paper No. 31, 2008.
“Measuring the Cost of Aid Volatility”, Wolfensohn Center for Development Working Paper #3, The Brookings Institution, August 2008.
“East Asia: Regional Integration among Open Economies,” with E. Aldaz-Carroll and S. Rahardja, in Economic Integration in Asia and India, M. Fujita (ed.), Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
“The New Reality of Aid” in Global Development 2.0, L. Brainard and D. Chollet, eds., June 2008.
“Thrive on Competition” with Josh Hermias, Development and Cooperation, Vol. 50. 2008.
“Trends and Issues in Development Aid”, Wolfensohn Center for Development Working Paper #1, The Brookings Institution, November 2007.
“Back in the Fast Lane” with Indermit Gill, Finance and Development, Vol. 44, No. 1, March 2007.