Getting to Scale: How to Bring Development Solutions to Millions of Poor People
Brookings Institution Press released a book, Getting to Scale: How to Bring Development Solutions to Millions of Poor People in April. It explores what it takes to expand development approaches for the poorest and to get more effective outcomes.
“Scaling up” refers to initiatives to expand and sustain pilot programs or successful small-scale projects in development assistance and to disseminate the effect to a greater number of people. This volume, with introduction of successful cases designed for reducing poverty through strategic and systematic approaches for scaling up, studies multifaceted strategies to obtain more extensive and sustained aid effects.
As a collaborative work between the Brookings Institution and JICA, Akio Hosono, former JICA-RI Director (currently Senior Research Advisor), one of the contributors to the book, edited together with Laurence Chandy, Fellow, Homi Kharas, Senior Fellow, and Johannes F. Linn, Senior Fellow of the Brookings Institution. From JICA-RI, Director Hiroshi Kato and Research Associate Shunichiro Honda contributed to the volume as authors as well.
Please refer to the site below for more details.