Educational Background
- Ph. D. in Economics from the University of Tokyo, 1984
Career Background
- Director, Japan International Cooperation Agency Research Institute, 2011
- Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, 2008-
- Senior Adviser, Japan international Cooperation Agency, 2007-
- Ambassador of Japan in El Salvador, 2002-
- Professor at the Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University, 2000-
- Professor at the Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences, the University of Tsukuba, 1989-
Major Publications
“Industrial Policies for Learning, Innovation, and Transformation: Insights from Japan and Selected Countries” (in Ohno, Jin, Amatsu, and Mori (eds.) Introducing Foreign Models for Development: Japanese Experiences and Cooperation in the Age of New Technology [Springer 2024])
Kitanaka, Fujishiro, Hosono, and Ito Japanese Immigrants Who Supported the Development of Paraguay: The Achievements That Made Paraguay the World’s Fourth Largest Exporter and an Implementer of New Initiatives for Industrial Diversification [JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development 2023]
Ohno, Amatsu, and Hosono Policy Learning for Industrial Development and the Role of Development Cooperation [JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development 2022]
Kitanaka, Fujishiro, Hosono, and Ito Los Inmigrantes Japoneses y su Contribución al Desarrollo del Paraguay
– Contribución al Posicionamiento del País como el Cuarto Mayor Exportador de Soja en el Mundo y Nuevas Iniciativas para la Diversificación Industrial [JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development 2022]
Hosono, Kudo, and Kuwayama Chile desde la Mirada Japonesa [Comité Empresarial Chile Japón 2022]
Hosono SDGs, Transformation, and Quality Growth: Insights from International Cooperation [Springer 2022]
Hosono, Page, and Shimada Workers, Managers, Productivity: Kaizen in Developing Countries [Palgrave Macmillan 2020]
Hosono, Hamaguchi, and Bojanic Innovation with Spatial Impact: Sustainable Development of Brazilian Cerrado [Springer 2019]
Hosono “Economic transformation for high-quality growth: Insights from international cooperation” in Kanbur, Noman, and Stiglitz (eds.), The Quality of Growth in Africa. [Columbia University Press 2019]
De Souza, Ochi, and Hosono (eds.) Land Readjustment: Solving Urban Problems through Innovative Approach [JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development 2018]
Hosono “Potential and Challenges for Emerging Development Partners: The Case of Indonesia” IDS Bulletin Volume 49 No.3 [Institute of Development Studies 2018]
“Industrial Strategies: Toward a Learning Society for Quality Growth” (in Noman and Stiglitz (eds.), Efficiency, Finance, and Varieties of Industrial Policy: Guiding Resources, Learning, and Technology for Sustained Growth [Columbia University Press 2017])
“Asia-Pacific and Latin America: Dynamics of regional integration and international cooperation” (International Trade, 132 [United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean 2017])
“Desarrollo, Integración y Cooperación en América Latina y Asia-Pacífico Perspectivas y Rol de Japón” [Institute de Estudios Peruanos 2017]
Hosono, Iizuka and Katz (eds.), Chile’s Salmon Industry: Policy Challenges in Managing Public Goods [Springer 2016]
“Catalyzing Transformation for Inclusive Growth” (in Kato, Page and Shimomura (eds.), Japan’s Development Assistance: Foreign Aid and the Post-2015 Agenda [Palgrave and MacMillan 2016])
Hosono, Magno and Hongo (eds.), Development for Sustainable Agriculture: The Brazilian Cerrado [Palgrave and MacMillan 2016]
“Industrial Strategies and Economic Transformation: Lessons from Five Outstanding Cases” (in Noman and Stiglitz (eds.), Industrial Policy and Economic Transformation in Africa, [Columbia University Press 2015])
“Transforming Economies for Jobs and Inclusive Growth: Strategies for Sub-Saharan Countries” (in Chandy, Kato and Kharas (eds.), The Last Mile: In Ending Extreme Poverty [Brookings Press 2015])
”The Study on the Economic Development of the Republic of Paraguay (EDEP): Basic Concepts Focused on Competitiveness and Economic Development” (in ECLAC and JICA, Study on Inclusive Development in Paraguay: International Cooperation Experiences [United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean 2014])
Chandy, Hosono, Kharas, and Linn (eds.), Getting to Scale: How to Bring Development Solutions to Millions of Poor People [Brookings Press 2013])
“Meeting the Demand of the Poor: Two Cases of Business-Led Scaling Up at the Base of the Pyramid”; “Scaling Up South-South Cooperation through Triangular Cooperation: Japanese Experience” (both in Chandy et al. [2013])
“Inside the Black Box of Capacity Development” (in Kharas, Makino and Jung (eds.), Catalyzing Development: A New Vision for Aid, [Brookings Press 2011])
Saavedra, Hosono and Stallings (eds.), Regional Integration and Economic Development, [Palgrave 2013]
Hosono, and Saavedra (eds.), Development Strategies in East Asia and Latin America, [Macmillan Press 1998]