Catalyzing Development: A New Vision for Aid

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Catalyzing Development: A New Vision for Aid

A book Catalyzing Development: A New Vision for Aid is published from a joint project of JICA, Korea International Cooperation Agency and the Brookings Institution Wolfensohn Center for Development in the U.S.

Catalyzing Development, edited by JICA’s Koji Makino, KOICA’s Woojin Jung and Brookings’ Homi Kharas, is divided into three major sections; New Players, New Challenges, and New Approaches. The New Players section introduces nontraditional actors such as private corporations and middle-income countries, their roles and strategies, and the ways to coordinate partnerships with them. The second section, New Challenges, shows ongoing topics like fragility, capacity development and climate change respectively, while in-depth analyses on aid transparency, south-south cooperation and scaling-up are shared in the New Approaches section.

Among nearly 20 researchers and experts who contributed to the book globally, JICA-RI’s team of Keiichi Tsunekawa (senior research advisor), Shinichi Takeuchi (senior research fellow) and Ryutaro Murotani was in charge of the chapter six on fragility. The team takes a thorough and comparative look at cases in four countries -- Afghanistan, Cambodia, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Another JICA-RI research team of director Akio Hosono, Shunichiro Honda, and Mine Sato discusses the ever-growing significance of capacity development concept (CD) in the chapter eight. They re-visit the concept by examining specific case studies in Indonesia, Niger and Bangladesh, and propose five factors that facilitate the process of CD.

Joint Research Project
Homi KHARAS, MAKINO Koji, Woojin Jung
Date of issuance
June 2011
Brookings Institution Press
Number of pages
305 page
Research project