Past Research Projects

Research on Demand Estimate on Infrastructure in Asia

Several studies have been conducted on the demand estimate on infrastructure. The Asian Development Bank’s new report released in February 2017 estimates that developing Asia and the Pacific will need around $1.7 trillion of investment per year from 2016 to 2030 in economic infrastructure—covering power, transport, telecommunications, and water and sanitation—to maintain growth momentum.

This research estimates the infrastructure demands that were not covered in the above mentioned ADB report. This includes social infrastructure such as education and health, infrastructure for disaster risk reduction and urban/high-speed railway infrastructure of the same period. It also aims at making policy recommendations to fulfill the financial gap between the demands and current levels of infrastructure investment.

Research area
Development Cooperation Strategies
Research period
2016.09.01 ~ 2024.03.31
Researchers belonging to JICA Ogata Research Institute
Related areas
  • #Asia

Research results (publications)