Scaling Up South-South and Triangular Cooperation
“South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSC/TrC)” in the arena of international cooperation toward a sustainable enhancement of development efforts has drawn an increasing global attention as an effective approach. Over the last 40 years, JICA, as a leading aid agency, has undertaken pioneering initiatives for SSC/TrC.
This volume has been compiled as part of “Revisiting the Capacity Development Approach through Comparative Case Analysis” research at JICA-RI, with focus on the analysis of JICA’s triangular cooperation cases. JICA President Akihiko Tanaka, as well as JICA-RI Director Akio Hosono, JICA Senior Special Advisor Hiroshi Kato, JICA staff and JICA-RI researchers contributed to this booklet.
The document is divided into two parts: In Part I, Tanaka introduced his insights with a title of “International Development Cooperation in the 21st Century and South-South Triangular Cooperation,” followed by Hosono and Kato’s presentations of their respective views on “Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management,” “Capacity Development,” and “Scaling up of South-South and Triangular Cooperation;” In Part II, each contributor showcased diverse case studies from the regions of Asia, Africa and Latin America.
This publication was widely shared at the Global South-South Development Expo, held in Vienna, Austria from November 19 to 23.
* Cover Design and Size are changed from the previous version. Index is added. (January 8, 2014)
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