Fiji |
Feasibility Survey for Introduction of dirty water treatment system in overseas island region |
2010 |
B |
·Final Report (in Japanese)(PDF/3.82MB)
Fiji |
Project for Formulation of Wastewater Treatment Master Plan in Western Division |
2010 |
B |
·"Minutes of Meeting" (PDF/314KB)
·"ESC in Detailed Planning Survey " (PDF/651KB)
Fiji |
The Project for Formulation of Sewerage Master Plan in Western Area |
2010 |
B |
Fiji |
The Project for the Effective and Efficient Use of Renewable Energy Resources in Power Supply |
2010 |
B |
Fiji |
The Project for the Planning of the Nadi River Flood Control Structures |
2010 |
B |
·Environmental and Social Considerations in Detailed Planning Survey (PDF/118KB)
·Record of Discussion (PDF/5.75MB)
·Final Report
·Environmental Review (In Japanese)
Fiji |
The Project for Nadi River Flood Control |
GA |
2010 |
B |
Fiji |
The Project for Reconstruction of Tamavua-i-wai Bridge |
GA |
2010 |
B |
Kiribati |
Feasibility Survey for an application of Hydraulic Solidifying cement “Hidegas” to climate change countermeasures |
2010 |
B |
·final report in japanese
Kiribati |
The Project for Reconstruction of the Nippon Causeway |
GA |
2010 |
B |
Marshall Islands |
The Project for Construction for the Passenger Terminal Building of Amata Kabua International Airport |
GA |
2010 |
B |
Marshall Islands |
The Project for Improvement of Water Reservoir at Majuro Atoll |
GA |
2010 |
B |
Micronesia |
The Project for Pohnpei Port Expansion |
GA |
2010 |
B |
Micronesia |
The Project for Power Sector Improvement for the State of Kosrae |
GA |
2010 |
B |
Nauru |
The Project for Construction of Reef-edge Quaywall and Causeway at Aiwo Harbour |
GA |
2010 |
B |
Oceania Countries |
Japanese Technical Cooperation Project for Promotion of Regional Initiative on Solid Waste Management in Pacific Island Countries Phase 3 (J-PRISM 3) |
2010 |
B |
Palau |
The Project for Reconstruction of Minato Bridge |
GA |
2022 |
B |
Palau |
Feasibility Survey for Comprehensive Organic Resource Circulation System Using compact Methane Fermentation Technology in the Island Area |
2010 |
B |
·final report in japanese
Palau |
Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Promoting Collection, Segregation and Reduction of Solid Waste by Recycling Plastic Waste to Oil |
2010 |
B |
·Final Report (In Japanese) (PDF/4.78MB)
·Environmental Review (In Japanese) (PDF/157KB)
·Final Report (In Japanese)
Palau |
The Project for Study of Upgrading and Maintenance of the National Electrical Power Grid |
2010 |
B |
Palau |
The Project for Study on Upgrading and Maintenance Improvement of National Power Grid |
2010 |
B |
·Minutes of Meeting (PDF/445KB)
·Minutes of Meeting (Environemental and Social Considerations) (PDF/118KB)
·Environmental and Social Considerations in Detailed Planning Survey (PDF/801KB)
Palau |
Preparatory Survey for Renovation and Operation of the Palau International Airport Project |
L |
2010 |
B |
Palau |
The Project for Improvement of Water Supply System |
GA |
2010 |
B |
·Preparatory Survey & Appendix 1(PDF/6.75MB)
·Appendix 2(PDF/9.49MB)
·Appendix 3(PDF/3.71MB)
·Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) (May 14,2015) (PDF/7.67MB)
·Environmental Review (In Japanese)(PDF/249.4KB)
·Environmental monitoring report-Feb 2018 (PDF/998KB)
Palau |
The Project for Renovation of Palau Mariculture Demonstration Center Facility |
GA |
2010 |
B |
·Environmental monitoring report Apr-Jun 2018 (PDF/1.46MB)
Palau |
The Project for Upgrading Power Grid |
GA |
2010 |
B |
Palau |
The Project for the Construction of Palau New National Landfill |
GA |
2010 |
B |
·Monthly Environment Monitoring Report 202004-06 (PDF/998KB)
Palau |
The Project for Formulating a Master Plan for Fisheries Industry Development in the Republic of Palau |
2022 |
B |
Palau |
The Project for the Improvement of Water Supply System in Koror and Airai |
GA |
2022 |
B |
Papua New Guinea |
Tokua Airport Redevelopment Project |
L |
2010 |
A |
·EPC(June.29.2020) (PDF/451KB)
·EIA(June.29.2020) (PDF/5.54MB)
Papua New Guinea |
Feasibility Survey for Providing Drinkable Water to Citizens by Leasing a Desalination Plant |
2010 |
B |
·final report in japanese
Papua New Guinea |
SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Improving Health Care Waste Management (HCWM) including Infectious Waste by Introduction of Medical Incinerator in Papua New Guinea |
2010 |
B |
Papua New Guinea |
Project for Development Plan on Kokopo-Rabaul Infrastructure |
2010 |
B |
Papua New Guinea |
Project for Lae Area Power Development Master Plan |
2010 |
B |
·The project for formulation of ramu system power development master plan and Lae area distribution network improvement plan: detailed desugn survey report
·The project for formulation of ramu system power development master plan and Lae area distribution network improvement plan : final report
Papua New Guinea |
Project for the Study on Lae-Nadzab Urban Development Plan |
2010 |
B |
·Environmental and Social Considerations in Detailed Planning Survey(Japanese) (PDF/291KB)
Papua New Guinea |
Nadzab Airport Redevelopment Project |
L |
2010 |
B |
Papua New Guinea |
Preparatory Survey on Electric Power Sector |
L |
2010 |
B |
Papua New Guinea |
Ramu Transmission System Reinforcement Project |
L |
2010 |
B |
Papua New Guinea |
Project for Rehabilitation of Alotau Town Market and Fisheries Facilities |
GA |
2010 |
B |
·Result of Review (in Japanese)
Papua New Guinea |
The Project for Construction of Madang Fish Market and Jetty Facilities |
GA |
2010 |
B |
Papua New Guinea |
The Project for Reconstruction of Bridges on New Britain Highway |
GA |
2010 |
B |
·Report in Japanese (Jan. 1, 2015)(PDF/7.03MB)
·Monitoring Report (Dec. 2018) (PDF/1.91MB)
Papua New Guinea |
the Project for Rehabilitation of Alotau Town Market and Fisheries Facilities |
GA |
2010 |
B |
·1911Monitoring Report (PDF/357KB)
Samoa |
Feasibility Survey for Turbid Water Treatment using Palm Fiber |
2010 |
B |
·Final Report (in Japanese)(PDF/6.89MB)
·Final Report (in Japanese)(PDF/6.26MB)
Samoa |
The Project for Enhancement of Safety of Apia Port |
GA |
2010 |
B |
·Preparatory survey report on the project for the enhancement of safety of Apia port in the Independent state of Samoa
·Environmental monitoring report (PDF/1.39MB)
Samoa |
The Project for Enhancement of Safety of Apia Port |
GA |
2010 |
B |
·Preparatory Survey (PDF/37.1MB)
·Environmental monitoring report (October 2018) (PDF/1.39MB)
Samoa |
The Project for Improvement of Urban Untreated Water Supply Schemes |
GA |
2010 |
B |
·Preparatory Survey Volume 1(PDF/7.75MB)
·Volume 2&Appendix 1(PDF/9.05MB)
·Appendix 2(PDF/8.13MB)
·Appendix 3(PDF/5.18MB)
·Environmental Review (In Japanese)(PDF/281.6KB)
·Environmental monitoring report (PDF/185KB)
Samoa |
The Project for Reconstruction of Vaisigano Bridge |
GA |
2010 |
B |
·Monitoring Report (July 2020) (PDF/988KB)
Solomon Islands |
Master Plan for Mining Development of Solomon Islands |
2010 |
A |
Solomon Islands |
Feasibility Survey for Application of Compact Hydropower System |
2010 |
B |
·Final Report (In Japanese)
Solomon Islands |
Honiara Transport Master Plan Project |
2010 |
B |
·Environmental and Social Considerations in Detailed Planning Survey (PDF/760KB)
Solomon Islands |
Project for the Honiara Transport Master Plan Study |
2010 |
B |
·Environmental and Social Considerations in Detailed Planning Survey (PDF/669KB)
Solomon Islands |
Kukum Highway Upgrade Project |
GA |
2010 |
B |
·Report (Nov. 1, 2014)(PDF/4.87MB)
·Monitoring Result (Jan 2019) (PDF/69.9KB)
Solomon Islands |
The Project for Improvement of Honiara Airport |
GA |
2010 |
B |
Solomon Islands |
The Project for Improvement of Honiara Port Facilities |
GA |
2010 |
B |
·Preparatory Survey(PDF/12.4MB)
Solomon Islands |
The Project for Upgrading of the Kukum Highway Phase 2 |
GA |
2010 |
B |
Tonga |
Solar power plant development project in Tonga |
L |
2010 |
B |
Tonga |
Preparatory Study for Project for Installation of Wind Power Generation System |
GA |
2010 |
B |
Tonga |
The Project for Upgrading of Wharf for Domestic Transport |
GA |
2010 |
B |
·Preparatory Survey(PDF/17.7MB)
·EIA(June 8, 2015) (PDF/2.96MB)
Tuvalu |
The Project for Pilot Gravel Beach Nourishment against Coastal Disaster on Fongafale Island |
2010 |
B |
Vanuatu |
Port Vila Lapetasi International Multi-Purpose Wharf Development Project |
L |
2010 |
A |
·Final Report of Preparatory Servey (Environmental Survey) (Japanese) (PDF/5.93MB)
·EIA/EPC (27 Aug. 2010) (PDF/143KB)
·Supplementary EIA (April 2010) Volume 1: Main Report Volume 2: Appendix (PDF/22.2MB)
·Final Monitoring Form (Jan. 30, 2020) (PDF/413KB)
Vanuatu |
The Project for the Construction of Hydropower Station in Espiritu Santo Island |
GA |
2010 |
B |
Vanuatu |
The Project for the Disaster Restoration of Teouma Bridge |
GA |
2010 |
B |