This NEWLETTER is published about every two months for all JICA Long-term Training Course Participants.
Various reports on events, universities and living experiences in Japan are gathered from Participants themselves.
The first issue; How to make your internship successful (May 2021) (PDF/2.08MB)
Vol. 1 Welcome to JICA Newsletter (August 2021) (PDF/917KB)
Vol. 2 Ex-Participants’ Achievement under the Pandemic (September 2021) (PDF/1.27MB)
Vol. 3 How to Expand your Network (December 2021) (PDF/2.16MB)
Vol. 4 Report from “Sempai”, Senior students (February 2022) (PDF/1.18MB)
Vol. 5 Benefits to collaborate with JICA Projects after KCCP (October 2022) (PDF/332KB)
Vol. 6 Introducing JICA Regional Offices (December 2022) (PDF/451KB)
Vol. 7 Opportunities after Completion of Programs (May 2023) (PDF/761KB)
Vol.8 Report on the networking seminar in March! (July 2023) (PDF/256KB)
- Vol.10 Report from Harvesting Event at JICA Tsukuba Center (January 2024) (PDF/2.03MB)
Vol. 11 Learning Japan through history, culture, and language (April 2024)(PDF/1.06MB)
Vol. 12 Interview with a JICA Scholar!(July 2024) (PDF/1.12MB)
Special Issue; JICA Networking Fair in Autumn successfully held in Kobe (December 2024) (PDF/696KB)